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Push Pull Crack Serial Key

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About This Game

Push Pull is a challenging 2D puzzle game. You play as Push and Pull, and must work together through a series of simple looking, yet challenging puzzles in an unknown test 5d3b920ae0

Title: Push Pull
Genre: Indie
Release Date: 8 Mar, 2019


  • OS: Windows 7 and above
  • Processor: 1.2 GHz+
  • Memory: 1024 MB RAM
  • Graphics


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Fun puzzle game that makes you think. Would recommend, well worth the price.. Fun puzzle game that makes you think. Would recommend, well worth the price.

Push Pull - Achievements and Quality of Life Update : In response to player feedback the following updates have been implemented. Steam Achievements - 9 Steam Achievements have been added including some secrets to be found. Windowed Mode - You can now press "F4" to toggle between Fullscreen and Windowed mode. You can resize the window by dragging the border and aspect ratio is maintained. Non-QWERTY Support - There is now a controls file for non-QWERY keyboard users. The file is located at "C:UsersYOURPROFILEAppDataRoamingPushPullSteamcontrols.txt". You will need to update and load the game once before it is visible. Follow the instructions inside to customise your controls. I may look to add this in-game based on player feedback. If you have any issues you can always contact me at abso1ution.devgmail.com Thanks for playing, abso1ution

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