Atlanta's Elite Fashion and Entertainment Consultants
Title: Putrefaction 2: Void Walker
Genre: Action, Indie
Kazakov Oleg
Kazakov Oleg
Release Date: 29 May, 2017
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Just beautiful.
This is as old school as it gets.
Talking about Hexen, Heretic, Wolfenstein3D and of course, the beginning of Serious Sam.
If you got kids and you're still a gamer you need to have this.
Kudos Oleg, and thank you for this.. more rooty tooty point and shooty
level and combat design is massively improved from the first game. You know what. Its pretty good. Great little old school fps. Damn the performance isn't great at all.. It's what would happen if someone tried to make DOOM (2016) by themselves and for the most part succeeded. It's worth every penny and then some of the $0.49 I spent.. Putrefaction 2 : Void Walker is a fps designed to thrill you in the old 90's way. This game has a lot of potential and originallity . The story begins with the protagonist starting in a strange and alien World, where his only mission is to save the World possesed by demons.
The game has a not so smooth graphics or music, but the action in itself is worthed. The game has five levels at the moment, all of whom are very good yet developing. The game is however far from being incomplete (even though it is in early access). However if this game needs fixing it is only because of the bugs that come with it.
The gameplay is vivid taking place in an imaginery universe which is simmilar to many other games. There are many pros and cons to this game, but to name a few:-
+Its still in the developing phase, (this is both a positive and negetive) So the game has the chance to improve on its core gameplay.
+Has the same feel of 90's action games.
+Easy on the pockets
+ Has very good mechanics
_ The game has rough graphics and sound is not too good too
_The game has a few bugs which is sad given the beauty of this game
All in all the game has more positives than negetives making it a worthy successor to the sequel, definitely a must have for any action game fan. 6/10 is what i can give this game at this current stage.. Nice indie FPS....challenging playing on extreme difficult but is not impossible. Played the first game at my friends straight through and enjoyed it, but I love games like doom and quake. This ones a bit more polished, but it keeps crashing at the first level in the 2nd act, or whatever you wanna call it. When the undead looking Nazi type things appear. In the error log it seems to be saying somthing about my memory and the paging file. I know its early access though and it'll get better. Love the double jump and the fluid movement. The dynamite is fun to use. The explosion looks pretty cool and the extra gore is nice.. Ok, I think it's time to change the review to a positive one now as it's in a state of early access where it feels like early access - which it didn't on Win 10 previously.
I did notice the framerate being a bit low (just standing still I hovered around 50 with i5 6400, RX480 8GB) but it is still alpha so I'm sure that'll get fixed too. (turning off AA did help a lot)
Other than that it is a hord based FPS - apparently like Sewrious Sam, I never did play that a lot so... - and if you do like pure chaotic hoard-mode action, try the survival mode with all weapons and unlimited ammo, that's great. :)
Oh, yeah, one other thing that I didn't notice before, you can upgrade your weapons and character, sort of like Watch_dogs, GTA V and those, (increase health, reload times and minor can't turn your boomstick into a BFG though....not yet at least... :) )
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