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Ever heard of Cannabis Salve? If you haven’t, then you’re in for a beautiful surprise. Since the cannabis industry has continued to expand as a result of legalized recreational use, more and more products have become readily available. From health and beauty products to infused edibles, Canadian consumers can now benefit from more than just the psychoactive effects of the cannabis plant.

Let’s take a look at the wonderful health benefits behind cannabis salve.

What is cannabis salve?

Cannabis salve is known as a strong topical product,commonly used for its anti-inflammatory properties. The term “salve” can be interchangeable with the word’s “balm”, “cream”, and “ointment”. In other words, the cannabis salve is a formulated lotion that individuals use on their skin for its all-natural healing properties.

What do people use cannabis salve for?

Many people use cannabis salve as an all-natural solution for their aches and pains. It is also commonly used to soothe skin irritations, even acne. In fact, cannabis salve is used for a huge range of problems. These include things like arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, burns, rashes, anti-wrinkle, scar prevention, skin cell regeneration, sunspots, tattoo healing and to ease menstrual cramps, insomnia, migraines & headaches.

What is cannabis salve made from?

Cannabis salves can either be THC or CBD based. Depending on the types of effects you wish it to have on your body, you’ll want to make sure you choose the right kind of salve for you. Cannabis salves that are THC based could potentially include the psychoactive properties of the cannabis plant within them, as well as the medicinal properties. If you are looking for the healing properties without the psychoactive effects, then look for a CBD based product.

So, if you are in need of a natural remedy for your body aches, headaches, or wrinkles, then consider investing in some cannabis salve products. You can find a whole range of salves, rubs, and balms at All Your Green Needs.

Views: 28

Comment by FredWilson on January 4, 2021 at 1:25pm

What if you use real CBD oil instead of ointments and pills? Is there such a thing as a minimum THC content?

Comment by FredWilson on January 6, 2021 at 11:57am

I don't know much about medicinal plant strains. A friend of mine explained to me that you shouldn't try strong varieties of marijuana. I believe him)) I started looking for information about this and found all the options for the best CBD oil UK. It turns out that this was invented a long time ago and has gone through many clinical trials. I believe that this completely solves the problem.

Comment by AleksShamles on November 8, 2022 at 12:07pm

I have, and I can tell you that at one point, I even thought of making it myself. Well, not so long ago, I decided to check this page, and I figured out that it was illegal in my place to grow cannabis. At least, it's still legal to smoke marijuana for medical use, and it helps me just as well as cannabis salve.


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