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War Of The Zombie

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About This Game

Welcome to War of the Zombie, the zombie outbreak strategy simulation that has the whole world pleading for help!

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Title: War Of The Zombie
Genre: Simulation, Strategy
Van der Veer Games
Van der Veer Games
Release Date: 4 Apr, 2018


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cool concept just not executed well enough.. I like it thank you.. FOR SOME REASON THE GAME IS NOT LETTING ME SELECT THE VECHICLES i BRING MY MARINES WONT GET IN NO MATTER WHAT i DO WHAT AM i IMSSING?. As a rule, I absolutely detest zombie games. You can't throw a dead cat into a Steam new releases list and not hit five different ones every day. On the other hand, holy crap do I love XCOM (I played the Microprose original that came on four 3.5" disks), so against my better judgement I took a chance on this WotZ. I have been very, very pleasantly surprised by what I got, too. The tactical game, while seemingly simplistic (real-time only), is still fun and it really does create that cinema feel of trying to hold off an endless horde against all hope. But it was the strategy aspect that really won me over. A lot of work into planning & executing a solid stragey layer to this - one of the best I've seen in a long time, in fact. You begin with an aircraft carrier - a mobile base, if you will - from which to launch your missions. Over time, however, that won't cut it as it can't be everywhere at once, and you will need to be every where at once. So you can build up to four land bases and kit those out as well. In other words, they combined the base building of the original XCOM with the mobile base concept of XCOM2 at the same time. Woot! In the tradition of The Walking Dead you'll soon find that after a while the zombies are no longer your worst enemy - other people are. As cities and nations slowly collapse into anarchy you'll see rebel groups appearing everywhere. They have access to tons of stolen military hardware, up to and including nukes, and they don't like you. Local governments will petition you to help them deal with the rebels. or not. Sometimes the government itself is hostile to you and will send it's planes out to attack your carrier. Luckily you can respond in kind, with TLAM and airstrikes of your own - all of which is done by a realistic supply system that makes you earn & worry about every expensive plane and missile that you buy. Oh, and land vehicles as well - from Humvees to APCs to baby tanks. A bit overkill for zombies, but again, the zombies aren't the only threat out there. But wait, there's more - especially for an old XCOM fan like myself. Of course you get to build laboratories, a factory, and recruit Scientists to design & build new and better stuff for you to use. Or sell, if that suits your fancy. You can just mass produce the stuff and unload it only whatever government bids the highest for it that week. That's right, you get to become an international arms dealer on top of everything else. Crazy? Not half as crazy as the world itself becomes. As the world goes mad the nations of the Earth naturally do exactly what we expect and decide to turn the zombie apocalypse into an excuse to settle old grudges (and make new ones). Black market agents will be petitioning you to do covert air strikes on their rivals, as well as offer contracts to train up soldiers for their own nefarious black projects. People will offer to buy your salvaged equipment and to help juggle all this they've decided to add Diplomats to your crew roster of Marines and Scientists. Oh but wait, your people will get injured along the way, so you'll need some Doctors to help deal with the wounded. And why not just throw in some recruitable Advisors along the way to give xp and efficiency bonuses to your projects? And if you find yourself with too many of one and not enough of another, no problem - you can just have them switch jobs and eventually they'll get good at whatever you assigned them, given enough time. Eventually you'll find yourself rushing around the globe, trying to put out zombie infestations before they can grow out of control, while rescuing civilians (recruitable civilians, no less), dealing with hostile governments attacking you, deciding whether to attack them back or try to smooth it over with your diplomats, deciding who to bribe, whom to take bribes from, and whether or not you're really trying to save the world or just become the ultimate sleeze and exploit the zombie apocalypse for personal profit. Did I mention that you can deliberately help spread the zombie infection into cities that honk you off? And then drop a nuke on them once they get overrun? I haven't even mentioned the hidden plot, and you know what? I'm not going to. I'm just going to let you wonder. Because if this isn't already enough to convince you then I don't know what to say. Now I'm not saying the game is perfect (what game really is?). It does have it's flaws. The zombie cleaning missions tend to get downright tedious after a while, the maps get kind of repetitive, and often missions tend to fall far too the side of either too darn easy or too dang hard. Zombie AI is lacking, and they tend to pile up on corners because they can't figure out how to exit a building, but then again. they're zombies. They're not really supposed to be smart. The rebel AI is wicked enough to make up for it, that's for sure. And the entire project is apparently done by just one guy. Normally I'd call that a big red flag, as that sort of thing usually carries the stench of Early Access (which almost invariably turns into Never Finished) but, again to my pleasant surprise, this product looks like something that came out of a proper studio. Not a big studio, but a studio none-the-less. About what you'd expect from a six or seven person team, basically. Which bring me to my last note: It's actually finished and playable right now, but the developer still shows strong interest in expanding & refining the game further. It's good to see that he's still interested in his project and wants to it get even better. So all in all this game has turned out to be a lot more fun that I was initially expecting. Well worth the modest price even if you're not into zombie games. Take it from me, because I'm not into zombie games either. Yet I like this one, and that's pretty darn impressive.. FOR SOME REASON THE GAME IS NOT LETTING ME SELECT THE VECHICLES i BRING MY MARINES WONT GET IN NO MATTER WHAT i DO WHAT AM i IMSSING?. Very much like the original XCOM, but with good improvements: You can do airstrikes. Eventually you can nuke sites. Although as far as I can tell I need a 1/2 billion dollars to get that option. You can choose from several options when looking at a mission. The landing zone for your troops is selectable; I always hated the transport in Xcom's positioning for starting a mission. The strategic map is great. Things I would like to see improved: Movement in the real time tactical battles; The guys get stuck sometimes, especially the people being rescued. More troops on the ground. Four really isn't enough. A little more variety in the missions. Knowing how much the mission is worth, before you do it. Reduced price on some of the equipment. You find new scientists, doctors and such useful people in rescue missions. The missions don't tell you the likelihood of finding a particular troop. These are just suggestions. The game is pretty fun. Overall, well worth the 12.99. I can see myself wasting a lot of my time on this game.. Very much like the original XCOM, but with good improvements: You can do airstrikes. Eventually you can nuke sites. Although as far as I can tell I need a 1/2 billion dollars to get that option. You can choose from several options when looking at a mission. The landing zone for your troops is selectable; I always hated the transport in Xcom's positioning for starting a mission. The strategic map is great. Things I would like to see improved: Movement in the real time tactical battles; The guys get stuck sometimes, especially the people being rescued. More troops on the ground. Four really isn't enough. A little more variety in the missions. Knowing how much the mission is worth, before you do it. Reduced price on some of the equipment. You find new scientists, doctors and such useful people in rescue missions. The missions don't tell you the likelihood of finding a particular troop. These are just suggestions. The game is pretty fun. Overall, well worth the 12.99. I can see myself wasting a lot of my time on this game.

V1.0.71 Update : Minor update with fixes for: Tutorial intro ship sequence Humvee driving through hedge in Farmland map Black Hawk enters train map through rebel zone setting off alarm Rare satellite initializing screen issue Lift not working when in underground scientist mission. A little something till we release update v1.0.5 : We're working non-stop to finish update v1.0.5 which will fix the issues you have brought up, as well as a bunch of obvious and under-the-hood enhancements based on your feedback. Bare with us, as the new update should be ready in a few days time. In the mean time.. V1.0.4 Minor update released : Below is list of changes/additions/fixes contained in v1.0.4. Changed Requisition Orders button to SELL in place of ACCEPT Changed music / sound toggles to volume sliders in options screen. You may need to adjust them to your own preference as previously they were either 0% or 100%.. V1.0.6 Update : Improvements to marine and vehicle aiming Fix for rare occurrence when marines cannot enter vehicles or chinook Fix when trying to enter career stats from next day screen Minor interface fixes and enhancements. Show Off Your Best Moment! :. Imminent zombie threat! : War Of The Zombie will be released through Steam on desktop PCs and Macs on 5th April 2018! Prepare yourselves!. V1.0.72 Update : Releasing soon, minor update with fixes for: Pathfinding problems on some maps Entering pre-bombarded mission zones Marine's not being able to exit water Mission endings with marines ranked Elite5 We are also running a small contest for suggestions on 1 more country-supplied shotgun variant (for next update). The fan whose shotgun is chosen will get a code for 1 Billion in-game funds as well as a special code for a gold-plated version of their shotgun. You can post your suggestions here in the community hub or on our facebook fanpage at www.facebook.com/warofthezombie Simple rules: #1: Can't be from a country that already supplies weapons in the game #2: Can't be a variant of a shotgun already in the game #3: Has to exist/have existed in real life as a production or prototype shotgun #4: Country supplying it has to actually have developed, use/d, acquired, engaged with, or manufactured it in real life. Current fan suggestions on the shortlist are: SPAS-15 (to be supplied by India) Colt Defender (to be supplied by Vietnam) Winchester Liberator (to be supplied by T.B.C) KS-23 (to be supplied by N.Korea)

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