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The Royce Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd

The Royce Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd >>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Royce

Genge: Action,Comedy,Thriller






































Royce is a member of the ultra-secret service "Black Hole", working for the US Government on top-secret missions. When the senator responsible for forming Black Hole disbands the organization, Royce's fellow Black Hole members plot revenge on the man responsible for them losing their jobs. Royce decides not to join them, instead deciding to thwart their attempts to exact revenge on the senator.
Jim Belushi is usually a pretty watchable actor. He's easygoing, and has an everyman quality that is actually sort of endearing. He's usually pretty convincing as a harried cop, a department store Santa Claus, or even a con-artist on parole. But a secret agent? Nahhh. In trying to make Belushi come across as a highly trained, lethal James Bond clone, the picture winds up making him look like an overweight, underachieving Ralph Kramden clone. The lame plot has Belushi's top-secret unit being disbanded, and several of its members turning renegade and plotting to steal nuclear weapons to sell to drug dealers, and Belushi has to stop them (for some reason this plan is revealed fairly early in the picture; you know that Belushi is going to succeed at stopping them, which pretty much kills whatever suspense there might have been). A good supporting cast (Miguel Ferrer, Peter Boyle) and a few bursts of action towards the end of the picture don't really help it much. The script is flat, the direction is workmanlike but nothing more, the location shooting in Eastern Europe is depressing (apparently the entire region looks like the industrial section of Jersey City), and there's really little suspense, style, or anything else that might break the monotony. Belushi is kind of fun to watch, but that's not enough of a reason to spend a couple of bucks to rent this picture. Don't bother.
This is a made-for-TV James Bond. So is it a bad thing ? I don't think so, because I loved it.

The first 20 minutes are catchy and hot, as if it's a good cinematic movie. The plot is so smart; where ultra-secret service unit got disbanded after the cold war, several of its members turn renegade and plot to steal nuclear weapons to sell to drug dealers, and their only righteous patriotic (and funny) member has to stop them. (Miguel Ferrer) was so right as the villain. And the action sequences are fine; knowing that it's a TV movie after all.

On the other hand, it tried to be sexy, but with just one girl in bikini (unforgettable legs anyway !). It tried is to be international, with no dazzling images shown. And it tried to be suspenseful, but I thought its second half was less tight.

It's not a made-for-TV James Bond only. In fact it's more like James Belushi as Bond; where he's plump, unsophisticated, jocose, none-violent, not to mention being fatherly too (a matter Bond didn't approach ever). It's like let the normal TV viewer see himself as Bond once in a life time.

Finally name one Bond where : "M" is played by (Peter Boyle) having the name of (Huggins) "the teacher in My Fair Lady!", there is no "Q" at all, the lead *morally* gives an advise about a father and son's reunion, and ends up miserably playing chess with a kid instead of kissing a hot young girl ?! I know, it's (Royce) !

You may hate it if you don't love Belushi or Bond. It happens that I kind of love both.


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