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The Lone Ranger Full Movie 720p Download >>> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: The Lone Ranger

Genge: Action,Adventure,Western






































In the 1930s, an elderly Tonto tells a young boy the tale of John Reid, the Lone Ranger. An idealistic lawyer, he rides with his brother and fellow Texas Rangers in pursuit of the notorious Butch Cavendish. Ambushed by the outlaw and left for dead, John Reid is rescued by the renegade Comanche, Tonto, at the insistence of a mysterious white horse and offers to help him to bring Cavendish to justice. Becoming a reluctant masked rider with a seemingly incomprehensible partner, Reid pursues the criminal against all obstacles. However, John and Tonto learn that Cavendish is only part of a far greater injustice and the pair must fight it in an adventure that would make them a legend.
In 1933, in San Francisco, a boy visits the Wild West in a sideshow and meets an elderly Tonto in a chamber and the Comanche tells the story of The Lone Ranger to him. In 1869, the idealistic prosecutor John Reid returns by train to his hometown Colby. In the same train, it is traveling the criminal Butch Cavendish that will be judged for his crimes and hanged in the town due to a request of Latham Cole, who represents the railroad company. However, Butch escapes and John rides with his brother Dan Reid and six other Texas Rangers to capture him. However, the rangers are ambushed and killed by the notorious outlaw and his gang and only John survives. He teams up with Tonto to bring Butch Cavendish to justice in a dangerous journey of discoveries.
John Reid's (Armie Hammer) Texas Ranger brother, Dan, is ambushed and killed. John is badly wounded. and Tonto (Johnny Depp) tends to his wounds. John Reid takes on a mask – cut from his dead brother's shirt - to hunt down his brother's killers and he would be known as The Lone Ranger.

Maybe the title should have been: Tonto and his friend the Lone Ranger. Folks, this is the Johnny Depp as Tonto show - make no mistake about that - with painted face and that bird on his head. We grew up with the Lone Ranger and we liked Tonto, but we didn't rush home from our play to listen (radio, folks, radio) to Tonto and his friend the Lone Ranger. We rushed home to listen to the Lone Ranger and we never saw Tonto with a painted face and a bird on his head until now. Creepy? Indeed.

The REBOOT aspect of this is the relationship between Tonto and The Lone Ranger, who is treated like a dufus most of the time. Okay, all of the time. Now, The Lone Ranger is the side-kick. Not good.

BUT, LET's GET REAL: The new younger audiences will only know THIS Lone Ranger and Tonto…..um THIS Tonto and his friend, the Lone Ranger. This will become part of their "good old days" with more to come, I am sure. And, they will grow up and get weepy when they hear the question: who was that Indian with the Masked Man? No more will we hear: who was that Masked Man? We old-timers are being booted out! Such is life on this planet. Bummer !

Still this is a very enjoyable, highly entertaining - with lots of action - movie despite differences with Tonto and that bird and painted face. The stunts and CGI were all terrific. I liked the way this started with the little boy in the western museum and elderly Tonto being a living character near a tepee in a desert setting and telling his version of The Lone Ranger story. This was reminiscent of the opening of LITTLE BIG MAN. Pretty good.

A special shout-out must go to highly under-rated actor William Fichtner who was very good as bad-guy Butch Cavendish. Yes, he ate a human heart, but we didn't see it and that was a good thing. Also, we saw that Silver was probably smarter than all the characters in this movie. You will delight in seeing what this horse does from time to time. Very good. If he could only talk……………………..

Still, the real winner in here is the William Tell Overture. Nothing beats it. Nothing. But, we only heard it when the last hurrah was in process at the last battle. Always exciting.

I don't know how much CGI was used when the action scenes with the trains were shown, but they were nothing short of fantastic. Hey, I had to duck many times. Also, the cinematography was excellent with beautiful photography of many desert landscapes.

Yes, in many ways, this was disappointing, but if truth be told, I did chuckle at many of Tonto's quips. All we can hope for now is someone to come along and resurrect the classic Lone Ranger story as we – as kids – once knew it. We can only hope. Hi Yo Silver………………………. (9/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: No. The team behind the Pirates of the Caribbean turns its attention to Wild West and brings back to life one of the most beloved western pulp heroes, The Lone Ranger. And what we end up getting is gorgeous imagery, amazing action scenes, intense drama and all-around great entertainment.

I have no idea why this film has gotten such bad rep. Because it's not a bad film. I'd even call it great, after its own fashion. Rarely have I seen a western movie with such high production values. Every single shot is absolutely gorgeous to look at. The costuming, the locations, the CGI, it all works so well. Furthermore, the acting is up to par, the script, while a bit long and convoluted, has that good adventure charm to it and the themes addressed are interesting and given enough room to sink in. And the action is just phenomenal. The final chase scene on train tracks is one of the best I've ever seen. I kept repeating in my head: "This is supposed to be one of the worst movies of 2013? Are they blind!?"

Though, to be fair, I can sort of see the critics' point of view, because the film does have some issues. Like casting Johnny Depp as Tonto, a Native American known for his racial stereotypes. And yes, it's a bit weird, but I really didn't have a problem with it. It's a case of ability over authenticity. There's a lot of Jack Sparrow in his role performance here, but it works within the confines of the film. He's very entertaining, very energetic and he actually manages to bring a lot of good drama into the role. Some of that is writing, but most is Depp being a good actor. So yeah, I guess that the American critics just felt that their feathers had been needlessly ruffled by a subject they didn't want to look at too closely, but as a European I have no such problems.

Give The Lone Ranger a chance. It's essentially Pirates of the Caribbean given a western makeover, so if you liked any of those films you're going to love this one. Unless you're an American, in which case you might be insulted. Consider yourselves warned. The Lone Ranger has it all, but what you end up with is not much. It's an extravagantly squandered opportunity.
Johnny Depp's Great-Grandmother grew up in either the Cherokee or Creek Indian nation. He was also made an honorary member of the Comanche via adoption by LaDonna Harris, president of Americans for Indian Opportunity and a member of that nation.
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