Atlanta's Elite Fashion and Entertainment Consultants
Title: Sun Dogs
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie
Royal Polygon
Royal Polygon
Release Date: 29 Oct, 2015
SUMMARY: Regretfully, Sun Dogs is a brilliant idea that's well-written and beautifully minimalist, but doesn't hang together very well because of limited options and random events.
It's hard for me to not reccomend Sun Dogs as the game is a fantastic idea that almost gets it right - a kind of nonlinear playable novel of a transhuman future, beautifully written, and obviously a labor of love. Had it been free or very cheap it may have been worth it, but as it stands it's not.
The idea of Sun Dogs is that one wakes up in a "Sleeve" - an artificial body. This is a far future of mind copies, artificial bodies, cybernetics, and solar-system wide travel (and then some). You explore with simple point-and-click choices, finding items, unlocking information, and seeing sights. Over time you find missions or interesting objects.
The world of Sun Dogs is extremely well fleshed out, from the Jovian war to a wasted but recovering earth, to an asteroid library. There's believable terminology and language, and little details in the story text that bring it to life. In fact, the minimalism of the game works in its favor - your brain is the graphics card and rendering engine.
The problem with Sun Dogs is that it's largely a case of go somewhere, have events happen, hope you have the right tool\/skill to survive or change things, and go on. Your character has very little initiative, you just wait until things happen, including events that one would think is intentional (why can't I go look for cybernetic mods I used to have). This lack of control and randomness ultimately make the game hard to enjoy as games often end up as a case of clicking-and-hoping.
Thus the core flaw of Sun Dogs is not the idea, the story, the graphics, but the choice of mechanics.
If the developer is reading this, I truly applaud their hard work and brilliant writing. I think the game would be best with more choice and less randomness, perhaps with a "dictionary" that helps the character make choices as they uncover them.
Though I do not reccomend this game, I, strangely, do not regret purchasing it - I took a chance and supported a good idea. I felt the implementation ultimately didn't work.
I also want to note the developer is supportive on the forums, so though I critique the game, I applaud his dedication to his art and his engagement with people on the game.. https:\/\/\/t0mFVtUduGA<\/a>
Sun Dogs is a text adventure scifi game with some neat visuals to represent the solar system you are going about in. The story unfolds through you exploring moons and planets in our solar system and all of this plays to the backdrop of some great music.
I enjoyed this with a reservation, there is a tutorial but it is so limited that during my time playing I recieved some items and skills and had no idea how to use them to affectr the outcome of anything. A lot of the game is like that you need to figure it out yourself. Once you get in that mindset then it's fine, but I do wonder at them having a tutorial that teaches you very little. The first mission might have been an excellent way of hand holdig you through what to do. Maybe this isn't the point but I do feel like I wasted a lot of time figuring stuff out rather than enjoying it.
There were a couple of minor bugs where it couldn't find the story files but that was never game breaking and was only a minor inconvenience.
All in all my 25 minutes starting out was not enough. I really needed more time to get to know this game. I fear that a lot of people who might enjoy it could give up in that time. I know I'm not going to and will persevere, there is a great game in there and I just need to work it out.
As an added bonus you can add in your own story files if you wanted... https:\/\/\/t0mFVtUduGA<\/a>
Sun Dogs is a text adventure scifi game with some neat visuals to represent the solar system you are going about in. The story unfolds through you exploring moons and planets in our solar system and all of this plays to the backdrop of some great music.
I enjoyed this with a reservation, there is a tutorial but it is so limited that during my time playing I recieved some items and skills and had no idea how to use them to affectr the outcome of anything. A lot of the game is like that you need to figure it out yourself. Once you get in that mindset then it's fine, but I do wonder at them having a tutorial that teaches you very little. The first mission might have been an excellent way of hand holdig you through what to do. Maybe this isn't the point but I do feel like I wasted a lot of time figuring stuff out rather than enjoying it.
There were a couple of minor bugs where it couldn't find the story files but that was never game breaking and was only a minor inconvenience.
All in all my 25 minutes starting out was not enough. I really needed more time to get to know this game. I fear that a lot of people who might enjoy it could give up in that time. I know I'm not going to and will persevere, there is a great game in there and I just need to work it out.
As an added bonus you can add in your own story files if you wanted to which would give you a truely unique gaming experience.. A great game for curious people, one of my favorite text games.. The game is like a free roam, text-based adventure, where there is no storyline, few side quests and infinite combinations of collectibles. Excellent world building, but there isn't much to do in the world.. Sun Dogs is, above all, an exploration game. Set in the future when humanity is able to copy your mind into different bodies upon your death, you explore the solar system, picking up skills and knick-knacks to help you explore further. The writing is great, incredibly descriptive and evocative of the setting, and with the ease at which new mods can be created is likely to only improve over time.
However, it is worth saying that the actual gameplay elements of Sun Dogs are... limited. Most of the gameplay is choosing where to go, and then clicking around a bit for the flavour text and random encounters before moving on and hoping you don't get killed - die too often, and even the most rigourously updated backup will start to corrupt.
Overall, I'd say that if you enjoy trans- or post-human settings li...
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