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Title: Scar of the Doll
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie
Release Date: 20 Apr, 2017
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How well do you really know your sister? Scar of the Doll is a Visual Novel from the 1990s, It doesnt look like anything special, and Its art style may turn some Modern Visual Novel fans away, but if you give it about 30 minutes you will realize there is something unique about this game it Just feels right. The writing works very well. It seems very predictable at first, but it really starts to get interesting as you get into it. Despite feeling peacefull to the most part it shakes things up at times just enough to catch you off guard. It keeps you guessing all the way through. Ive played the game all the way through to the end, and do not worry it does not get bad torwards the end I personally think it gets better the farther into the mystery you go. This game was originally from Japan( Where it apparantly stayed to the most part) and had a English Language version on the Appstore( Which in looks was nothing close to how this port is) that got removed, I am glad to see it pop up elsewhere. Worth the price, Memorable little game.. I really don't like this VN. The menus are good, graphics are good and all. But you die to much before you really know the story and the way to progress. I guess if you played using a walkthrough this would be ok. Not that I ever used one, but it is because of this VN I can see the use of them to not waste an evening.. How do I put this?, I was kind of dissapointed, cause i've played this game about 3 years ago on the Ipad. So I thought this version was going to be an improved remake version, but its mostly the same. Sure its better than the Ipad, but not by much. Also I remember specifically that I was totally confused with the plot when I played it on the Ipad, but the story seems to be much more clearer in this version. My guess is either this has a better translation or a chunk of the plot got cut or changed in the Appstore version for whatever reason (I can't remember it's been 3 years). So if you've never played it, I'd say give it a go. I'm kinda of a sucker for these kind of VN, hence why I bought it again. But if you played the game a few years back on the Apsstore, I suggest you wait until it's on discount if you want to give it another go.. Scar of the Doll isn't perfect by any means. The lack of multiple endings makes the game feel overly linear - the only other endings in the game are when your wrong choices lead to your untimely death (and this will probably happen frequently, since sometimes it's not clear why what you did would cause your death - though the "game over" screen always tells you what you did wrong, which remedies this a bit). The short length of the game doesn't allow you to get as attached to the characters as you could, and many of the characters end up a bit wanting in depth. It's strange, and a bit confusing, and occasionally feels the tiniest bit rushed. But you should play it anyway. What starts out seeming like a mediocre horror game ends up being something much more interesting, and the ending turned out to be quite different than I expected. The storyline is full of twists and turns, and kept me frightened, curious, and engaged the whole way through. Some reviews complain that the art looks dated, but I rather liked it - it's particularly interesting to see art from a visual novel that imitates real people instead of using anime-style art. And while the gameu2019s rather short u2013 it only took me about three hours to complete, maybe less u2013 the low price tag of $4 makes it well worth checking out. Honestly, since it was so linear, I think the VN would have worked better as a movie u2013 but regardless of how the story is experienced, I suggest you experience it. (Oh, and one last thing that was a small personal bother - what happened to Himeno after the events of the game? After it's revealed that he's Aso's son and sufficiently distracts him so Asumi can escape into the lab, all we know is that he's apparently alive and okay. Considering he was one of the only characters who didn't die and showed Asumi kindness, I'd have liked to know if they ever saw each other again - I would have much preferred an epilogue with information about Himeno's past and current whereabouts than the largely superfluous epilogue with Shiina.. How well do you really know your sister? Scar of the Doll is a Visual Novel from the 1990s, It doesnt look like anything special, and Its art style may turn some Modern Visual Novel fans away, but if you give it about 30 minutes you will realize there is something unique about this game it Just feels right. The writing works very well. It seems very predictable at first, but it really starts to get interesting as you get into it. Despite feeling peacefull to the most part it shakes things up at times just enough to catch you off guard. It keeps you guessing all the way through. Ive played the game all the way through to the end, and do not worry it does not get bad torwards the end I personally think it gets better the farther into the mystery you go. This game was originally from Japan( Where it apparantly stayed to the most part) and had a English Language version on the Appstore( Which in looks was nothing close to how this port is) that got removed, I am glad to see it pop up elsewhere. Worth the price, Memorable little game.. Point and click kinda game. Says I got three hours on it. I kept getting stabbed. I do like how it kind of steers you when you get rekt. It helps you out a bit and shows you where you went wrong. I kinda of saw where the story was going and then it pleasantly turned a few times to make it not so obvious.. I really don't like this VN. The menus are good, graphics are good and all. But you die to much before you really know the story and the way to progress. I guess if you played using a walkthrough this would be ok. Not that I ever used one, but it is because of this VN I can see the use of them to not waste an evening.. Scar of the Doll isn't perfect by any means. The lack of multiple endings makes the game feel overly linear - the only other endings in the game are when your wrong choices lead to your untimely death (and this will probably happen frequently, since sometimes it's not clear why what you did would cause your death - though the "game over" screen always tells you what you did wrong, which remedies this a bit). The short length of the game doesn't allow you to get as attached to the characters as you could, and many of the characters end up a bit wanting in depth. It's strange, and a bit confusing, and occasionally feels the tiniest bit rushed. But you should play it anyway. What starts out seeming like a mediocre horror game ends up being something much more interesting, and the ending turned out to be quite different than I expected. The storyline is full of twists and turns, and kept me frightened, curious, and engaged the whole way through. Some reviews complain that the art looks dated, but I rather liked it - it's particularly interesting to see art from a visual novel that imitates real people instead of using anime-style art. And while the gameu2019s rather short u2013 it only took me about three hours to complete, maybe less u2013 the low price tag of $4 makes it well worth checking out. Honestly, since it was so linear, I think the VN would have worked better as a movie u2013 but regardless of how the story is experienced, I suggest you experience it. (Oh, and one last thing that was a small personal bother - what happened to Himeno after the events of the game? After it's revealed that he's Aso's son and sufficiently distracts him so Asumi can escape into the lab, all we know is that he's apparently alive and okay. Considering he was one of the only characters who didn't die and showed Asumi kindness, I'd have liked to know if they ever saw each other again - I would have much preferred an epilogue with information about Himeno's past and current whereabouts than the largely superfluous epilogue with Shiina.. Point and click kinda game. Says I got three hours on it. I kept getting stabbed. I do like how it kind of steers you when you get rekt. It helps you out a bit and shows you where you went wrong. I kinda of saw where the story was going and then it pleasantly turned a few times to make it not so obvious.
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