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Online Russian Girls Dating with Marry Brides

❤ : Russian girl dating

And also a lot easier than, say, West European women, because the Russians are poor and willing to hold their noses. Why then come up to the hotel room? Our readership would appreciate your opinion greatly.

russian girl dating

No wonder you stopped dating them. I just think the story is more complex. They are also the most difficult women on earth. Looking for marriage, the dating site you choose as your platform is extremely important.

russian girl dating
I think they just marry the bitches and deal with it. Listed below are just a few experiences I had dating Russian women over a period of several years before I finally gave up on them. I have found the right one. Perhaps, but why bother. Soon, she started asking about my marriage, divorce, and ex-wife. If you want a real wife and life partner look for someone closer to your age, forget about your teenage wet dreams, AND BE REALISTIC. Much more women then men. Russian women use men.

Online Russian Girls Dating with Marry Brides - Girl who I slept with in a hotel. She worked full-time at a real estate office, and as I said, married a guy shortly after me.

russian girl dating

Today, I will demonstrate exactly why I had to very reluctantly, permanently boycott Russian women from my dating life. As always, we need to get our definitions straight. Most of the problematic women I encountered were indeed from Russia, but many were from its satellite countries as well. Lastly, I understand that there are exceptions to every rule. Russian women are the most beautiful women on Earth. They also tend to be good in bed. At the same time, Russian women are usually angry, bitchy, demanding, dominant, and have sky-high levels of both drama and ASD. Listed below are just a few experiences I had dating Russian women over a period of several years before I finally gave up on them. Note that most of these were many years ago, so if you have any critiques on my game or my actions, just remember that. Russian Girl 1: I was once on a first date with a Russian girl and we were more or less hitting it off. It was an odd request, but I went along with it because it was in the same neighborhood where we already were. However, she then asks me if I can drive her to yet another place to run some kind of errand before taking her back home. After confirming that the location is indeed close, against my better judgment, I agree. I drive her to some little store where she needs to pick something up. She goes in, picks up her stuff, spends a few minutes, talks to someone for a bit, and then comes back out. She then asks me to take her to another place. Again, this is our first date; I had never met her before this. All the way to her house, she gives me the silent treatment. I have never had a woman behave like this on a first date, before or since. Russian Girl 2: I once had a first date with a very hot Russian woman, about 28 years old. The first date went great. She was beautiful, intelligent, and we had a great conversation. She had a successful small business, doing biz both in the USA and Russia. I was very impressed. I hit her up for a second date the day after and she eagerly agreed. On that second date, before we went into a fancy bar, we took a quick walk around an adjacent mall. I could tell this was a very bad idea, so I gently prodded her to move along. She frowned at me, kept on smelling different perfumes, and asking the clerk there various questions. Remember, this is at the start of the second date. We had only met one time before, and we had never had sex or anything else like that. The rest of the date went just fine. It was no big deal, and outside of the perfume shit, I had a good time. The next day, I texted her and hit her up for a third meet. I only want to be with a man who treats women nicely! Russian Girl 3 I once scheduled a first date with a Russian woman, about 25 years old. She had no car, so I picked her up at her apartment which was right by the bar we were going visit. On my way over, she sent me a string of long texts about exactly where I was supposed to park. I thought it odd, but just shrugged and went with it. I parked where she said, and waited… and waited… and waited. At ten minutes, I texted her. I waited longer… And longer. I texted her again. After almost 40 minutes of this bullshit, she comes down. She gets in the car and almost immediately starts loudly complaining about her apartment, one of her girlfriends, and about my car. Remember, this is a first date so I had never met her in real life before. She spends the entire first date loudly, and I mean loudly complaining about various different things, from her ex-boyfriend, to her mom, to politics, to her job, and just about everything else you can think of. Needless to say, I never texted her back after that. All was well until she started viciously attacking other women on my Facebook page. I told her that indeed I had texted her on that Saturday, and that she was free to check her phone to verify this. She then started bitching at me about something else. I hard nexted her ass and never saw her again. Russian Girl 5: I was once on a first date with a very cute Russian girl, about 22 years old. Initially, she was very sweet and we got along great. The insanity and anger only appears a little while later. Soon, she started asking about my marriage, divorce, and ex-wife. She asked why we got divorced and I gave her a very general answer about how she took some anti-depressant meds that made her crazy. Finally, I told her that I divorced my ex-wife because she got violent with me for the second time in a row, after clearly warning after the first time that if there ever was a second time, there would never be a third time. This Russian girl was shocked and horrified, not that my ex-wife was violent, but that I left her. I never saw her again, thank goodness. Russian Girl 6: I once had a super hot Russian girl, about 23, come over to my house for the second date, and for sex. She was literally giving me step-by-step instructions on how to behave. She just laid there like a dead body, stiff as a board, and was constantly complaining. I never saw her again, thank god, but hilariously, she got married to some slobbering beta just five months after our encounter. I give it four years. I have never had this much trouble with any other race of women, including non-Russian white women and even Hispanic women. This is why, with a heavy heart, I simply stopped dating all Russian women several years ago. It was a very similar experience to when I stopped cold approaching women over age 33. If you live in the West, I do not recommend you even attempt to date Russian women unless you enjoy problems and bullshit. I have Russian friends and co-workers, and I have nothing against Russians personally, but the Russian people have a darkness within them that other races lack; a darkness that manifests all too often. Focus on them, not the Russian women. Dear BlackDragon: I am a big fan of you — and the community which you have built. I therefore know that you appreciate a rigorous and open dialogue with all inputs. My experience differs slightly. Since being divorced several years ago, I have dated perhaps 10 russian women. I have fucked most of them. Most of them on the 2nd date, some on the 1st. They were very hot and they were very sexual. They are also very opportunistic and highly materialistic. I believe that if you re-calibrate normal format and just escalate on date 1 with Russian women, you will have a better statistical outcome. My sample set is Manhattan. With thanks and admiration, I contribute to this community. I have also been to Ukraine quite a few times to try and get laid and I am going there for 3 weeks this summer. Everything you said it true: the negatives: moody, can be negative, very materialistic, ask for gifts early on, ASD is sky high, give off the vibe of them being untrustworthy, plus everything else you said. Age gaps of 10 to 15 years are no big deal at all. The only reason why I tolerate their BS is because they are easier for me to meet, but harder to lay and much more attractive. I have never had a relationship last more than a year with them though so good for short term stuff. They usually end in disaster when they give drama or turn on the gold digger vibe too much. I will continue to date them and have them as MLTR, but the idea of getting into a long term relationship with one of them scares me. If it wasnt for their beauty they would possible be some of the worst women in the world but their looks are like a drug. I would say to any guy — date them…. I think my 3 weeks trip to Ukraine will be a good test for me. If the ASD is so high that I get no action, I would be reluctant to go back for a trip there again. They are by far the worst in terms of drama. Damn their beauty is irresistible. But fuck that shit. Really, most women normally behave with this system. Not Russian women, they are too confused with their lives. And no there is no difference between being abroad or are in their home country. They are the same. They always bitch about not having the world at their feet everyday. Even if the world is at their feet, they will still bitch about it. Because I was sexual. BD do you have a story in which a Russian woman stayed with you for a prolonged period? My hunch is that even if she had a decent job, she would still expect you to pay for all her shit. Many eastern Europeans are raised by abusive alcoholics and become abusive alcoholics themselves later in life. Second thing is the economy: Many of these countries still feel the after effects of the USSR regime, namely the economy. The middle class in these countries is not very strong, and most citizens live poorly. Because of this, many of the women try to find providers to help lift them from their situations. Crazy Male SP: I have no idea where this originated from, but the stereotype of the ultra alpha 1. Those who fit the stereotype basically feel insecure, so they overcompensate with bodybuilding, being antagonistic, and constant mate-guarding. I think this insecurity probably comes from the effects of point 1 and 2. Many other countries have bad economies and their women might be provider hunters, but they are not THAT high drama, bitchy etc. Russian women are demanding. Women from other countries with bad economies might be girly girl when going out on dates. Just the fact that you have this information and know it gives you power. My comments apply to women in FSU: You can sift through them like you sift through any other population and…have a lot of fun doing it. It is indeed a cultural flaw. I have heckled with my Mexican friends and apparently Its true. You can have a lot of fun with them and some of those things are the cost of doing business, so to speak so now you know it upfront. You want a women who pays sometimes? You like it to be more like equal partners? There are lots of western women with careers who will be equalish partners with you in so many respects. As someone else pointed out hey also will date you if you are like 25years older like my wife is 25 years younger. Think that over you 50 yo guys. They will also tolerate you coming on very strong to them. It takes work to get through them but…. Let me add: IT HAS NEVER BEEN MORE AFFORDABLE TO BE AN INTERNATIONAL PLAYBOY!!!! Do you have the mental strength to make it through the Russian minute? It makes me appreciate the kind , gentle , has her own job , TW Taiwan woman l am dating now. So another good point about Asian women is they not care about age of man. I believe that if you re-calibrate normal format and just escalate on date 1 with Russian women, you will have a better statistical outcome. BD do you have a story in which a Russian woman stayed with you for a prolonged period? Many years ago I had a pretty important Russian MLTR for a few years. She actually still reads this blog. In other words I think that Russian men anrwnt all they are thought to be in terms of masculinity. I think they just marry the bitches and deal with it. One of my sweet ex gf casual comments said it best. Fathers tend to be cold and hyper-masculine while at the same time pretty beta with their wives. Its a weird combination. They are the kind of men whose wives are forced to snatch their paychecks away as soon as they get paid, in case they spend it on alcohol; even if they are not alcoholic themselves, it is seen as normal for them to give away control of their money. A lot of the hyper-masculinity and possibly high testosterone from the father I think also rubs off on the daughters. Some of them tend to have deeper voices, sturdy bodies, and colder personalities. It also seems like their are very obsessed in outdoing their acquaintances by having the bigger house or the shinier cars. I do not have have the same experience as BD does or others. The women BD describes I see in all cultures and actually less in the Russian culture. Everyone has their own experiences and attracts certain women so to each his own. I am not saying the Russian women I was with were problem free. With the positive comes the negative. Russian women are very emotional, passionate and can be deep. Of course if you go always for the hot, modern young lady you will only find materialism. But on the whole Russian women take love serious. They are by nature more feminine than the western women and actually western men can be attracted to this because of the superficiality and out of touch with feelings as American women can be. Because of my business and traveling I have dated mainly eastern and Russian women but frankly now prefer some good old American Pie. Unfortunately there is a trade-off. Russian women have deep feelings and a long history of suffering which can make them somewhat more genuine if they have handled their lives honestly. Of course with this can come drama and complications because of the many intertwining emotional relationships Russians like to foster with each other. They are secretive by nature. American women tend to be easy to read and direct and simple. This can be good but also get boring at times. Maybe others have had experiences with both American and Russian women and would like to describe the differences? Many Russian women come from broken, dysfunctional homes; divorce rates are sky high among them and paternal absenteeism or paternal vodka abuse common, with kids being raised by their financially emaciated mothers alone. Russian beauties ARE repulsively materialistic, demanding, entitled, arrogant, whiny, gold-digging, pampered snobs utterly incompatible with the vast majority of western, red pill men. Their relationship culture is alien to ours, undoubtedly. So yes, I concur, they are very high maintenance models. But in reality, only 1, as the second one never actually put out for our brief 2-3 dates. In fact the first one I dated, was the complete opposite. Grew up in Eastern Russia but 100% Russian unusual I think. Had lived in US for about 8 years so not FOB. Was Software QA analyst. She would talk but was quite shy. Eventually told me she was divorced about 3-4 years ago or something. She paid her half every time on dates. We fucked a bunch after 4 dates but had no connection. From Moscow area typical West Russia. Had JUST moved to US 2 months ago FOB. Fine command of English though. VERY talkative and outgoing and bubbly. Had access to a car from a Russian cousin living in the area for years. Foolishly, I got in said car. Maybe they are, but this girl drove worse than someone with a gallon of vodka in them. Eventually made a move on her, and she gave me the LJBF speech met on Tinder. She still hits me up once in a while to hang out, guess she really does want friends. They are perceived, rightly or wrongly, as being more traditional than American girls. This appeals to more right-wing, Alpha 1. Our readership would appreciate your opinion greatly. Yes, but first please. You said it yourself: Note that most of these were many years ago, so if you have any critiques on my game or my actions, just remember that. I said possibility, which is why I asked in the first place. Your reaction to my comment was quite ridiculous. I live in San Francisco and they seem hungry all the time but do not eat a thing and they are looking to find some guy to take care of them for life and use their looks to broker such a deal. I know your dating model and understand your approach to time management, they inspired me a lot in the past. I read the FRs in this blog post with your time efficient lifestyle and dating model in mind. Getting them to Day 1 as quickly as possible, spending an hour on building comfort, making them talk about themselves and displaying clear man-to-woman intent without triggering ASD with a kiss, inviting them over to your place on Day 2 to fuck, all in only 3-4 hours. Yes, a weaker game on a bad day can still get you a yes girl you can even turn it into a numbers game and not progress at all , but I see the difference. The same applies to LTRs. You can consciously trigger more attraction switches, even if doing so is not in your introverted nature my case as well, or rather it used to be. I do occasionally game girls online too and when they go out with me, they tell me it was because I made them curious, excited, intrigued and I stood out. Just kdding… Or not… Anyway, I suggest making Day 1 work better for you and for free in terms of triggering the main attractions switches. Old school Mystery covered them pretty well and it applies regardless of your model. For example, I love involving other people and making them react to me in front of my girls, so my meetings are built around that and I improvise with it a lot in new environments. Spike their emotions, make them react to you, show them that you have power to do this. Damn, you can start already in your online dating profile, the way you open them, talk to them and pitch the meet. BD kind of does it, by DHV-ing with the congruent pics and description, then emoting with girls, showing social awareness, qualifying them and letting them win him over to go on a date. This can be tweaked further to make them show up all excited and not thinking about treating you as a taxi service and perfume provider. It seemed a bit too passive. Returning a favor for opening my eyes to open relationships and their different models. Good luck, have fun and take my money, sugartits! As a Russian born American this made for very interesting reading. As many posters have stated there is no doubt a heavy cultural component to this set of behaviors, though personally I really do wonder if genetics play no small part as well. I admire your frame, but this conversation made me shudder. Always reminded me of a mountain lion. I have Russian friends and co-workers, and I have nothing against Russians personally, but the Russian people have a darkness within them that other races lack; a darkness that manifests all too often. It saddens me to say it, but my personal experience very much confirms this. I have to figure they want the drama. My brother just seems to eat that shit up. I guess the makeup sex must be great? But the drama and neurosis are rather surprising, given that these women seem to be smarter than Western Women at other times. Yes, they will figure out how to rip off all but the most savvy men. Make him pay for everything, etc.. Your experiences with these women are just crazy! No wonder you stopped dating them. My family is from a Eastern European country that was one of the Soviet satellite countries. I remember as I grew up hearing my older immigrant relatives talking about their experiences with Russians back in Europe and they described the Russians as crazy, angry, and violent. As an adult, I met and befriended some Russians and they were not like that at all. Could I re-calibrate my entire dating system and approach to do better with this one race of women while hot women of all other races are smooth and easy? Perhaps, but why bother? It seems that you diverge from Rollo Tomassi about AWALT. All women have the same sexual wiring. If you diverge, could you explain why? I have never completely understood what guys mean when they say AWALT, since it seems different men define this term differently. If your definition is that all women have the same sexual sexual wiring, that is correct, they do. For example, the 26 year-old woman and the 39 year-old women have the same sexual wiring. However, if the 26 year-old wants to fuck me on the second date, she probably will. But because of her heightened ASD as an over-33 women. Most of them were perhaps all of them were , and you can see that I was sexual with many of them. So they have the same sexual wiring all women have, they just engage in different behaviors because of differences in Societal Programming, namely culture and upbringing. So to me its a defense mechanism. AMALT All Men Are Like That is a similar method that chicks have been taught as well, to prevent sexual assault etc. We met online and then met in person at the park. She was ok with that. On the date itself, she did not mention anything about me not inviting her to a place where I would buy her something. But two days later when I texted her again, it was much like the above. They did not impress. I live in Western Europe, and there are a lot of Russian girls who come as au pairs and go out five times a week, flirt with any guy and sleep with many of them in the hopes of finding one who will help her stay. Must be because obesity levels are skyrocketing in the U. And also a lot easier than, say, West European women, because the Russians are poor and willing to hold their noses. Look at any Russian dating site — the women are mostly ugly. They have those wrinkles on both sides of their beaks that make it look like they are perpetually sneering. As they get older they quickly look like lizards. No, there is nothing special about their looks, and the most goodlooking women are Germanic women — from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland. Not from Britain, even though they are Germanics too, but mixed with the original population. So, Russian women will rush at the chance to slut it up in the model industry. And as prostitutes in Western Europe, though they are far outdone by the criminals from Romania and Bulgaria. With a population of 300 million of course there will be some attractive ones, and they will flock to modeling jobs. Russian girls I dated: 1. Girl who was thrown out from her home by her parents — they rented a studio for her though. She was obsessed with her former boyfriend, who from her stories seemed like a sleazy, jobless guy. She thought I should get tattoos and let my beard grow. We met a few times and she always refused to go to my place, clearly thinking that I would pressure her for sex, and saying no with those flat, cynical lifeless eyes. She kept talking about her ex — this was before I wisened up, or I would have ditched her right away. I was a student. Finally she found an excuse to yell at me over the phone in order to make breaking off contact seem like my fault. During that conversation I also gathered that she had met a new guy. Girl who I met online with a stream of arrogant questions off the bat. Surprisingly she wrote again two days later. Major red flags — never heard a girl say that before or after. Woman who broke out in nervous-sounding giggle over and over. Probably from her mother drinking alcohol during pregnancy, it leads to brain damage and uncontrollable behavior. Woman who, it turned out, only wanted me to contribute to her commercial website. She looked good and was using her looks, obviously. With a much older American man who she was married to. A very nice man. Girl who I slept with in a hotel. We had met online and set up a date for when I would be in her city a month later. Why then come up to the hotel room? So I said okay, and fell asleep. Then she woke me up during the night for sex. Not particularly good but decent. Spent some time together the next day too. She was okay to hang out with, really. Obviously a way to make me jump through hoops. So not all ex-USSR women are the same. Met another girl from Estonia who came to the West to join a communist party. Especially common during Soviet times. Fun fact — they built their filter-less industrial chimneys extra tall so the smoke would blow somewhere else, preferably to the West, and their toxic waste killed off the Baltic Sea. Girls ranging from 18 — 24 years old. Very pleasant and beautiful women. Never got big drama from any of them. Russian women are absolutely the most beautiful and utterly charming women on earth. I admit I am defenseless. They are also the most difficult women on earth. My gf is young, stunningly beautiful, intelligent, educated and overall incredibly pleasant and loving woman. She is also one of the rare exceptions. But even with a rare exception, that dark Russian side does emerge, usually at unexpected times. As the saying goes, there are three things a Russian woman can make from nothing; a meal, a party and an argument. All I can say is, unless you are an Alpha 1. Any small crack in your armor, even the sweetest Russian girl will exploit. You can show zero weakness of any kind. For the best insight on Russian women, this article by a Russian-American woman on why she loves and hates Russian men. It begins with her, a typical lefty feminist, holding a bloody shirt as her Russian bf battles it out with another guy in a bar fight in Russia. And how much it turned her on. Girl 5 was from Ukraine. Girl 4 was from Belarus. Must be because obesity levels are skyrocketing in the U. And also a lot easier than, say, West European women, because the Russians are poor and willing to hold their noses. That pretty much is why, yes. I lived in USA with my wife, then with a couple of gf I invited from Eastern Europe not Russian though and after I broke with my last one I decided to join my friend and go to Ukraine for a little vacation. Now that they have war on the east border it got even worse for Ukrainian women, but not for me. Being raised in Eastern Europe I think I have way too high requirements for women looks, and I never ever dated American or Spanish women in USA, probably because the ones I consider beautiful were out of my league. I agree Ukrainian women are materialistic, but it does not bother me with my 150k income. When my OLTR moved in with me in Kiev, I told her we have only 2 rules in the house: 1. We have sex whenever I want 2. The western concept of dating is not exactly matched in Russian culture; rather, Russian women are largely marriage-orientated and tend to be intent on a long-term relationship from the beginning. Indeed, as I recall in our own case, she considered our early relationship as a de facto engagement. Accordingly, she and the rest of them, presumably think a man should demonstrate tokens of his suitability as a long-term mate as early in the process as possible. That is to say, they expect impressive gifts and displays of concerned provision — and nurturing care — at the outset. So we see red flags and run a mile, which is — despite my experience married to a Russian wife — my abiding inclination at the thought of hooking up with a Russian woman ever again. And I stand by my previous comments on daddy issues, proud looks, and so on. Overall, there appears to me to be more to dissuade a Western man from marrying a Russian woman than there is to commend it, at least in generic, abstract, non-particular-example terms. Indeed, as I recall in our own case, she considered our early relationship as a de facto engagement. Accordingly, she and the rest of them, presumably think a man should demonstrate tokens of his suitability as a long-term mate as early in the process as possible. That is to say, they expect impressive gifts and displays of concerned provision — and nurturing care — at the outset. Not to mention a waste of time, a set of grossly unrealistic expectations, and overly needy behavior. Indeed, as I recall in our own case, she considered our early relationship as a de facto engagement. I will bet real money that this woman will end up an old maid. Accordingly, she and the rest of them, presumably think a man should demonstrate tokens of his suitability as a long-term mate as early in the process as possible. That is to say, they expect impressive gifts and displays of concerned provision — and nurturing care — at the outset. There is no culture in the world where traditional marriage entered into in good faith by the woman requires large gifts by the man on the first date. My own father-in-law is the most deplorable, worthless, aggressive, self-pitying, responsibilities-absconding excuse for a man I have ever encountered. Russian men, in my experience, are among the lowest scum of all the bottom feeders on the planet. However, I have to say that the drama, and ultimately the unpleasantness, got too much for me, despite the good sex. A lesson learned, I hope. I guess their culture and background is very different, and the Baltic states, or at least their native populations, never sat happily under the Soviet purview, nor did they succumb to Russian culture. I live in San Francisco and they seem hungry all the time but do not eat a thing and they are looking to find some guy to take care of them for life and use their looks to broker such a deal. Rachel…not sure what you are talking about hungry. When people are hungry they eat. I have dated many FSU women and my experience has been for most part that I cannot get them to order anything when we were at a restaurant. They would eat like a bird, drank no alcohol or just one drink. I would eat right in front of them and they just watched me a talked. Maybe I just got lucky. Oh there was that one 38yo Macedonian, now she was a fucking crazy goldigger. But I just never called her again. Now dating American women, there is a constant stream of requests, for fine dining, and other benefits. And the drinking I dont think there could be a country on earth who has more women that drink so heavily and eat so poorly. In all of my dating American women I knew for a fact that at least 15 of them were on antidepressant medications, and at least 5 were raging alcoholics. Combine the nationalities of all of the other women combined and I cant think of one like this. As for the size 10 thing. Maybe what you were observing was not hunger but fear. Fear that you were going to eat her. Yeah they can be hard to deal with particularly at the beginning. You do have to break through. But once you do it can be quite rewarding. But like any other woman you give them an inch and they will take a mile. Made for an entertaining read. Recently, I went on 2 dates with the 2nd Russian expat I have dated not counting FSU or adjacent countries. The first one was plain crazy, but she was a Borderline personality, so I credited her behavior to that. My experience with the second is very similar to your Russian girl 2 situation. So first date starts really well.. She gets sexual quickly, but then gets pissed about me not paying for all of her drinks she drank a lot. Nevermind, shrugged off her drama and expected not to see her again. Next day she asks for a second date and then comes in dressed super sexy. And she wants to pay for my drinks now. Anyways, she is super negative, bitchy, domineering. I escalate nevertheless which is nice as she is really sensual. In the middle she stops it and gets bitchy and negative again and wants to leave. So I drop her off at home. She was quite hot, but man did she get onto my nerves. Afterwards I questioned myself a bit. I have never met any women more demanding than Russian ones FSU. And in the same way as BD stated, I will not date any other Russian woman, no matter how attractive she is, the level of demands and expectations is ridiculous and does not compensate. They are good to look at, but impossible to deal with, especially all their fairy tales of how a man should treat them, do, buy etc… no thank you. In my experience, Russian women living in Russia want a long-term relationship because they feel old at 26 and like a loser their own words and they think that they will not find anyone to marry, thus, they marry the first fool who pleases their absurd whims. This happens to many women, but it seems that this absurd belief is deeply rooted in Russian culture. I met this one whose happiness and success in life was only measured if she got married with a lawyer. I can easily see that happening. If so, what is your experience with Russian American women, or women who are genetically Russian, but were born in the US — or at least are fully assimilated into our culture? Because if this is just a non-western thing than I agree with you, except my personal rule is to reject not just Russian women, but all non-American women. I have better things to do than to interpret words through heavy accents and to play the role of ambassador, diplomat, or cultural educator. I have better things to do than to interpret words through heavy accents and to play the role of ambassador, diplomat, or cultural educator. You really need to lighten up. Like you I come here to relate to the experiences from BD and others but also notice that the labeling and judgement of others often get extreme. I have a learned a lot from BD on how women exert their influence and power over men; and I am grateful on one hand and on the other take everything with a grain of salt. There are bits of knowledge on this website that is very helpful but I feel many readers may get the false sense that an Alpha male is mainly about fucking women and being able to drop them in a blink of an eye. Or addiction, like gambling or alcoholism, — endorphin release! IME Russian guys are a curious contradiction of bad-assery and betaness. IME a large percentage of Russian women are interested in fetish, of the BDSM persuasion, and often of curious sub-fetishes. They will never bring it up. You need to subcommunicate your acceptance of it, and get them both comfortable enough and aroused enough to open up about it. If this is something that yanks your chain, and you have the balls to grab a fetishy tiger by the tail, now you know. Note that BD was not in a long term relationship with one. They all put up the crazy-bitchy front when first meeting. Most, not all but most, chill as the relationship goes on and they feel more comfortable. If you want to date women from different cultures, they all come with pluses and minuses. BD has identified the very real minuses with dating Russian women. If you are willing and can get past that, they are incredible. And there are many, sometimes subtle differences between Russian and FSU women. For example, a Ukrainian girl is going to be much different than a Kazakh girl. In other words, how much does another culture temper the Russian side? This is no small point. Once you break through the initial barriers, FSU women are the most loving, affectionate, sexual, feminine, graceful and in my opinion beautiful women on earth. For me, the reward is worth the effort. This applies to over-33 women as well as Russians. There are bits of knowledge on this website that is very helpful but I feel many readers may get the false sense that an Alpha male is mainly about fucking women and being able to drop them in a blink of an eye. Yes, some readers will incorrectly think that. I have no doubt this Russian woman thing is simply a result of a Russian man thing. IME Russian guys are a curious contradiction of bad-assery and betaness. If Western women are the result of most men being too-extreme betas, Russian women are the result of most men being too-extreme Alpha 1. If you are willing and can get past that, they are incredible. You need to have many long-term relationships 3+ years with many Russian women before you can come to this conclusion. However, there was something that bothered me. I did not doubt for a second what BD was saying and know him to be accurate when he makes a claim like this. But frankly, this has not been my experience nor the experience of people that I knew that are Russian or dating Russian women. First I must say that yes they can be high drama, and yes they can be demanding, and yes I have seen many Russians show off wealth to gaudy excess. But I believe that is only part of the picture. I believe the story is much more complex than that. The FSU women that I have dated and it has not been dozens but it was several were with only one exception the crazy Macedonian chick, were kind, honest, never asked me for a penny, well behaved, passionate in bed, and of course gorgeous. The FSU women that I have dated and it has not been dozens but it was several were with only one exception the crazy Macedonian chick, were kind, honest, never asked me for a penny, well behaved, passionate in bed, and of course gorgeous. But women are still women and there could be something different in my experiences that were so exceptional? I could not think of a thing. He has helped a lot of men and women along the way and for that I thank you. But your system is designed as you said to optimize long-term happiness, and minimize drama, and get to sex as quickly as possible with as little money spent as possible. If I was going to describe how not to appeal to a Russian woman that would be kind of right on the money. This is not an attack on BD or a refutation of his system. It works I know this from personal experience. But it is kind of the opposite of how FSU women date. If you go over to the FSU you will find out quickly that these women many times have traditional values that center around family, security, and children. These are their utmost priorities. In fact, if they are not married by the time they are 25 and have a child they are considered a loser as someone on here already stated. But there is more to it than this, their dating and courting process is much more romantic and elongated, kissing on the first date or two with quality women from Ukraine or Russian is not usually done. They want lots of dates and they wanted to be pursued. If they are asking for money or gifts or something of the sort you have to treat them like the Russian men do. My best response when they did something you did not like is to laugh at them, treat them like a little child. It worked wonders for me. There is an expert on FSU women and he has been on a Podcast with BD his name is Tom Torrero, he has lived in the FSU much longer than my short stints and he has spent a lot of time immersed in their culture. It has worked well for me and I recommend it. But certainly, there are a lot of FSU women that nothing will work on and with the drama is on the extreme end, of course, you drop them like a hot potato. I left a girl in a restaurant in Kiev, one time that ordered an expensive meal and then a bottle of wine in Russian, and was talking on her phone incessantly. But the waiter repeated the order back in English, so then I just got up and left. But many high-quality FSU girls are lower on the drama scale and can be a lot of fun in the first interactions. But you do have to break through. And here I think is the crux of the disagreement. And that works very well. But sometimes the payoff or the reward is on the other side of the effort. And the reward with FSU women is beyond compare, passionate, fun, lively, intelligent, they are educated, cultured, and take care of themselves, and they love to take care of their man. But you do have to break through at the beginning most of the time. But if a little flirting and back and forth is part of the process with them. BD I do not blame you for writing them off if I had that many bad experiences I probably would also. I just think the story is more complex. FSU women are so much more fun and exciting and passionate to be with. Whereas American women are crass, uneducated, curse and drink and do drugs, eat the worst crap I have ever seen, and of course the feminism bullshit. American women are down to fuck on the first or second date. Talk to anyone who has been with women from around the world. They are just plain easier to fuck, I have had my share. In fact, it is even more extreme in large cities like NY and LA, where if a woman goes out with you on a first date it is pretty much assumed she is going to fuck you. Not criticizing either approach I am just saying it is different. American women are down to fuck on the first or second date. Talk to anyone who has been with women from around the world. They are just plain easy. In fact, it is even more extreme in large cities like NY and LA, where if a woman goes out with you on a first date it is pretty much assumed she is going to fuck you. Not saying there is anything wrong with this but it is different. Not criticizing either approach I am just saying it is different. One last word on statistics. Not sure why that is but it surely is different than marriages in the FSU or the US respectively. And that is a very large sample size going back many years. Also for a smaller sample size but no less significant. There is an American company that does tours to Ukraine for marriage minded American men and they have an over 90% Also for a smaller sample size but no less significant. There is an American company that does tours to Ukraine for marriage minded American men and they have an over 90% success rate with marriages after several years. And amazingly enough, the women are usually 2 to three points higher on the 1 to 10 scale. Thats my 2 cents and total respect to BD and what he has going here. One is as have you said you have dated few. Few is not a good sample to have a logical opinion. Two is that there is a certain beauty that goes along with Russian women. If you have dated well less beyond that beauty I guess there will be surely less drama and there will be kind at the beginning. My experience and I know a lot of people with marriages with women from these countries their marriage is pathetic. Russian woman commands the man like it is his little puppy in a far worst manner than a woman from his native country. Their marriage stays together for few years because the FSU woman has something to gain money, residency etc. Since we are talking about people and there are millions of Americans and millions of FSU women, no one has a good sample to form a logical opinion. It is a combination of experiences, biases, emotional baggage, and maybe in there a little drop of logic. I have had good experiences and continue to. Why would I walk away from that? I gave you my experiences. Are you saying that this forum is not to share our experiences to add to the discussion? If so what is exactly the number and the composition of a valid logical opinion? You see that is a silly concept. Your second point is false also. The women I was dating were very beautiful but that is subjective also. But I can tell you that at least two of them made money off their looks, one being a working model, and another worked in a variety of conventions where they are paid basically for their beauty. That is not opinion it is just the facts. Do you have any facts to cite? And you say that they just stay together because they want residency or money after a few years? This is false also since to gain a K1 marriage visa in the US you must be married within 90 days of entering the country. At that point, they have the upper hand and can divorce rape you. Why arent they doing this? They will have residency in 90 days and then will have access to all your money via our wonderful family court system. So the argument that they need a few years is just supposition on your part nothing more. Some of you responded. This is a thank-you. Black Dragon-I see the light at the end of the tunnel now, far away but it is there. Gil Galad- thanks for the tips on weight loss, I need all the help I can get. Mayrick Dubois- Thanks for the encouragement, that was a nice comment Lovergirl- I have taken charge of my calories, I use Supertracker. POB- my trainer is a friend now, I will stick with him over websites. If you reference my original post, you will see I had lost complete perspective, and could not even see a light, much less know from which end of the tunnel it was shining from. Sometimes hitting rock bottom is the only way to start up. Some of you were concerned I was suicidal; I was certain that if nothing changed for me soon, that route was going to look pretty good 10 years down the line. The past 2-3 weeks have also been my biggest bounce-back ever. The work outs have transformed from something I had to force myself into, to my time to feed my ego. The outpouring of congratulations from the other gym members was a surprise, many of them said I inspire them to work harder, I never figured on that. My energy is focused on my physical health, and my financial health. One of my online friends agreed to mentor me as I break into a new career, one I always knew I was suited for, but never attempted due to laziness; I always thought my marriage was enough. Three weeks ago, I was a wreck, still am somewhat, good days and bad. BD- studying and acting, making schedules like a madman, following the steps. I may not ever make true Alpha 2. Thanks to all of you who responded to my original post, you and others have helped pull me out of a self-created pit. You will never know what it meant to simply have people respond. I apologize for intruding once more, just wanted to give some of you a follow-up. I am going to make it, I am not suicidal anymore, I did reach out for help and got it. Yeah, I, on the other hand, do have experience with Russian women who were born and raised in America and are completely assimilated into our culture. Among American women, my first choice is Jewish like my girlfriend who is Jewish by race, but Wiccan by religion. My second choice is Russian. These two are the horniest and most sexually open minded American women, in my experience. My current friend with benefits secondary is Russian American and my current fuck buddy tertiary is Hispanic and married. They are truly incredible. But, like I said, everything I said above applies only to culturally assimilated American women from the above different races. You really need to lighten up. I have broken that rule a few times, but very rarely. When I was in London some years back, I fucked a married and pregnant woman, which was admittedly, a lot of fun. Non-western cultures tend to be what ours used to be in the 1950s. I am very happy to hear that your doing better. Your on the right track…keep it up! Keep your posts on-topic and within the correct threads. He has helped a lot of men and women along the way and for that I thank you. But your system is designed as you said to optimize long-term happiness, and minimize drama, and get to sex as quickly as possible with as little money spent as possible. If I was going to describe how not to appeal to a Russian woman that would be kind of right on the money. To copy-and-paste repeat what I said above: Could I re-calibrate my entire dating system and approach to do better with this one race of women while hot women of all other races are smooth and easy? Perhaps, but why bother? They want lots of dates and they wanted to be pursued. So do women over age 33. I avoid them too. Remember, traditional lifetime marriage means lifetime marriage and absolute monogamy. I very much doubt the immigration service has this level of longevity in their data, but feel free to provide your sources and I will examine it. They are truly incredible. Now that I agree with. I just pointed out that the good looking ones are going to be more demanding and have more drama than a simple standard looking woman this is a generalization of course. I said that because when people tend to make claims, they make them however it suits their situation. And again few is never valid to give a solid opinion. Numbers is what works. Why bother when there are good looking women from other countries with less drama and are less pushy? These are the scenarios: 1 The guy is literally a slave for years. The one day the FSU dumps him. Then one day the FSU has enough of it and dumps him. Man gets the good looks, FSU gets the money. Then one day she dumps his ass. The majority lies in all points except 3. When a man has a marriage with a woman from his own country, the majority lies in 3. Green cards and work permits need more than that. They are spoilt princesses, they are also very traditional about marriage and such. You have to be an absolute dominant with them, almost like an Alpha 1. As a foreigner in their country you will have a higher value and can dominate them more. They want a daddy, because every other male they encounter is a beta. They mentioned that a Russian woman will dress to the nines with perfect makeup. Another thing was that a Russian woman expects the man to have planned the date. They could find some place to eat once they get there, right? But why do they see it this way? Most Russian men are alcoholics, and beating the wives is rampant. Even legal in Ukraine. The women have to adopt a mindset where they look out for themselves from day one. Then he gets to hold her hand in public. The girl has a real boyfriend at the same time and is open about it. She can even talk to her boyfriend on the phone while she is with the Wallet. Looking back I should have asked him how he thought Russian men were in dating, and in marriage. Again: not all Russian women. And not all Russian men. But there are certainly averages. Then he gets to hold her hand in public. The girl has a real boyfriend at the same time and is open about it. She can even talk to her boyfriend on the phone while she is with the Wallet. I also hear that there are similar things in west Europe as well. Hey look, if a dude is that desperate, then who am I to stop them? Its their funeral haha. Most Russian men are alcoholics, and beating the wives is rampant. Even legal in Ukraine. The women have to adopt a mindset where they look out for themselves from day one. If we were a little more self aware of this kind of stuff I think everything would be a little better when it comes to this stuff. I married a Ukrainian chick. I read the red pill sites, got myself a TMM with a religious and traditional girl. I almost envy my beta friend who got married to this uglier American chick who is much much more relaxed. I was born in Ukraine but grew up in the US. She and I have completely different outlooks on life. And secular spouses can cheat or stay faithful. There is more infidelity among Blacks and they are also more religious. The girl in story I mention above, who was kicked out by her parents for being too aggressive at home, went to church every week. Other immigrants I have seen who go to church can be more leftist, obnoxious, demanding and arrogant than you can imagine. An ex-girlfriend of mine had two religious parents who got divorced because the man was impossible to live with. Another ex-girlfriend also had divorced religious parents, where the man was a drunk who used religion to feel superior. Which is a common theme I have seen many times — religion as a badge to show how oh-so-superior someone is and everyone else is trash. For that matter, pretty much every Washington politician goes to church regularly, in both parties. People should never trust a woman just because she is religious. In 1990 there were 2. Up to 2000 the total number of abortions declined by half, but this was also followed by a collapse in birth rates. In other words, there were simply fewer pregnancies, due to birth control, not less inclination to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. In 1991 the number of abortions were 3. A drop that still put Russia in second place in abortions per capita. In all ex-USSR nations abortions remain high, seen as just another form of birth control. Before that only the reflexive part of the brain is active. Even way back in ancient Rome abortions by chemical means were widely practiced, notably with the Bible authors saying nothing about this practice — and this was hardly a non-conservative society. In Europe, Russian women are known as sluts. This particular Russian girl had done nothing to deserve such a treatment, though. I am not saying this to be mean. I am saying it to puncture a myth. The grass is NOT greener on the other side. If women in another country are easier for a middle-aged traveler to get, it is without fail a low-income country: such as Honduras, Ukraine or the Philippines. I can only imagine what the local men think about that. They come to the big city from rust belt cities that are unbelievably poor, from broken homes, and literally lose their minds when they see the window displays of fancy stores. The ones who learn English command much higher prices because now they can sell themselves to foreigners. If you want children, be realistic. You can continue paying for sex after she becomes a mother at a much lower rate, but you must respect that she may cancel that part of the deal, which is only fair, since you can also cancel. This is cheap compared to raising a family in the USA. As with access to cheap whores, you need to learn Russian for this to work. You also need to be able to relocate to FSU early retired with pension, preferably. NEVER bring an FSU wife to the USA. Women in the FSU are often desperate for children and financial stability. Make her understand that the income stream stops if you die, and she will do everything in her power to keep you alive, including making you happy since we all know stress is a killer. You can always hire a 10 whore now and then for variety. You never met the good women, who are the majority. The ones who learn English command much higher prices because now they can sell themselves to foreigners. This blog, nor this article, is not about paying hookers for sex. They were just normal Russian women. I always ask whores what they want to do and if they are comfortable, I never ask for or even expect sex from them, I act like a servant at their command. Of course, if they dont treat me right, no further business, and they know it and so try to please me without my asking.. With civilians, you need to start crudely talking prices and sex acts from the start and if she objects, you say something insulting and dismiss her rudely. Thats the only way to get their respect. All sex is transactional. If a girl is rich herself, the transaction will not involve money or she pays you. Rather, you bring things like fantasy fulfillment to the table. But you have to bring something. EE is a harsh place. Few girls are rich and so fantasy fulfillment is worthless, as is good sex, or whatever else you are offering. The main thing in short supply here is money. Except that I have sex with women 20+ years younger than me every week. And without paying them. Same envy of other commenters on this board. Go ahead and play your mind games with girls to get sex for free, thereby reducing yourself to their level. After the 2nd date there are no hoops I have to jump through that I resent. I love women and I love being with them. Resentment is not an emotion I feel. I have done sugar daddy game where I have paid for sex numerous times. I also said in my first comment to you that paying for sex is fine. That has nothing at all to do with real relationships. I am a high income man, but I like minimalism, and I live in an apartment that is respectable, but not on par with what someone of my income might have. All the other women I have brought over Indian, Chinese, white American, Hispanic had no problem and we proceeded to fuck. But both times I brought a Russian over, with whom things were going well, they proceeded to eat the amazing food that I made which is something I am good at , and then, after 15 minutes of not responding to my escalations, they made up some BS excuse and left. One was a big-tit Russian chick who was really into me until she came to my place. The other was technically Latvian, but a divorcee and a single mother with a man not her ex-husband. Again, my place is respectable but not fancy. The various other women did not cool off from it. Only the Russian and the Latvian single mother. But, there is a logic to all this. A twisted, fucked up logic, but logic nonetheless. Testing to see if you are loaded with cash and willing to spend it on her. Testing to see if you are insanely Alpha. And I mean Alpha 1. Or she will squeeze your brain like a nut. And by dominating, I mean, to a point that would be illegal in the USA which is a great reason not to date RW in the US. By far, the better alternative is Romanian women. Also during our relationship she was ashamed to tell her friend that she was dating a western European guy with average income. She was afraid of her friend making her a fool because of that. On the many western European girlfriend I had,, never I met a girl similar to her. First of all, I think its great that Russian women not a subject of interest of these group of pick up artists. The author of the post had very interesting experience. Who were looking for provider and tested him if he is willing to do though. They know their game well — already made it to America using men! If author would try to find a Russian woman from his social circle and with his education level, he probably would have a different experience. Comments are very funny — normal Russian women do not want a dominant super rich men. The problem is that Russian middle class people are much more poor than American middle class and they cant afford to go abroad also visa issues — those who are here used man as a source of money to move to US or daughters of nouveau riches and those one who wants dominant men. There are exceptions of course — look them at your work or in colleges. Its very rare but its possible. I have been on numerous first and second dates with non-Russian women who are not a match with me, and they were preferably pleasant the entire time, unlike Russian women. Number 6 is probably a professional sex worker Incorrect. She worked full-time at a real estate office, and as I said, married a guy shortly after me. She was not a prostitute. She was a college student living in an upper middle class American neighborhood. He wants a barbie looking provider hunter Incorrect. I hate provider hunters; they have way too much ASD and waste my time. This is one of the reasons why I stopped cold approaching women over age 33. I never lie to women and never present myself as a man looking for girlfriend or wife. Russian women use men. I will not let them use me. If author would try to find a Russian woman from his social circle and with his education level, he probably would have a different experience. Girl 3 was from my social circle and had the same educational level as me. Go back up and look what she did. Long-term relationships are all I want from women. Maybe in the past and they are quite indipendant now. But they did it. Otherwise its almost impossible for woman with a salary around 400 a month middle class to come to live in US. Its very hard not impossible without been a gold digger. So thats why majority of RW in US at some level are. But not in a real estate office — to get a real estate license in NYC can almost every idiot without educataion. What about woman number 3 — well a lot of people got issues. Biological fact — women are mostly monogamous and they are looking for partner with whom they can have emotional connection. Only small percentage of women are able to have sex without emotionally getting attached to the man. Experienced Russian gold diggers wont let man to use them without compensation. They have tons on trikes and checks. They already crossed the line in the past. And very little women can see it this way, even they wont ask you for a parfum and will have sex on the first day, pretending they are the same as men , they most likely will cry at night, like my very independent American girlfrined did, who tried to assure herself that she can do just like men and be happy. Maybe in the past and they are quite indipendant now. But they did it. Otherwise its almost impossible for woman with a salary around 400 a month middle class to come to live in US. Its very hard not impossible without been a gold digger. So thats why majority of RW in US at some level are. What about woman number 3 — well a lot of people got issues Yes. Biological fact — women are mostly monogamous and they are looking for partner with whom they can have emotional connection. Only small percentage of women are able to have sex without emotionally getting attached to the man. If woman decide to go other way and separate sex and feelings — most likely they would want a materialistic compensation for their compromise. Experienced Russian gold diggers wont let man to use them without compensation. That applies not only to Russian women, but to all women. And very little women can see it this way, even they wont ask you for a parfum and will have sex on the first day, pretending they are the same as men , they most likely will cry at night, like my very independent American girlfrined did, who tried to assure herself that she can do just like men and be happy. I have sex with women on the second date. All except Russian women, who acted like bitches, as I showed in the above article. Good that the Russian woman are not on your radar anymore. Buy the way if you would right the same article about african american woman you would be already on the first pages of liberal newspapers for hate speach. But its ok to generalize behavior of 70 million Russian women calling them all as one materialistic bitches. I let the women I date fuck other men if they wish. Good that the Russian woman are not on your radar anymore. Buy the way if you would right the same article about african american woman you would be already on the first pages of liberal newspapers for hate speach. If African American women behaved the same way as Russian women on first and second dates, I would say the exact same thing about them. But its ok to generalize behavior of 70 million Russian women calling them all as one materialistic bitches. Sex was rare, granted their good looks, they can definitely be difficult. Russians still lives in the old way of dating like everything else about them. I once had sex with a pretty Russian girl and afterwards she was just mad at me for no reason. One Russian girl I almost got with had a husband who was allegedly cheating on her and she had made out with and thought she was such a whore for doing that and never texted back, although we had a good time. I came upon this site because at the moment I am working on another Russian girl, and when we met I wanted to see if she would pay for her own coffee. Which she did, but told me she broke up with her ex bf who was also Russian, that he could not fulfill her needs. And money is something they need to, so they expect it and test how you spend your money on them. The first had grown up in Russia but had left to go to University in the Western Europe and had been there since. She was very attractive and incredibly sexual when it suited her. She owned her own freehold house in an expensive suburb after her husband left her. She was a professional and had a great job, earning more than me and I have a solid six figure income. She was very controlling and not relaxing at all to be around so in the end, after another big argument about her selfishness I left. Again, I paid for all things. She was very direct, and would always say exactly what she thought, which is good and bad, depending on the circumstance. Again, very sexual and loving, which is the greatest thing, but in the end she had oppressively neat freak to the point of OCD habits that became life disabling. Wonderful girl in other aspects, but sadly too many issues from a hard early life. Thank you so much! This helped me make my decision to stop talking to this to the Russian woman I been seeing for a couple weeks. It started out with romance, laughter, and passionate sex. Then I said one thing of advice or a suggestion to be helpful and she turned into the meanest coldest person I EVER Encountered in my life. She told me I was negative, Lazy, and I complain too much. If you asked every single one of my friends, family members, or even ex gf if I was or did any of them things they would disagree. I thought we had something special then it was like I was dealing with a monster. Russian women are high maintenance. I think the same could be said about a lot of women though not just Russian women. I think a lot of women have a sense of entitlement but not all. Pure love and devotion? Love women while staying free you say. So you get exactly what you deserve — being coldly used in return. You thought russian women are stupid? They sense you with their guts and have fantastic capacity to mirror you. You see not who they are, you see who YOU ARE. You see what are able to see and you get it as boomerang. Also, you surely get on;y specific type of women to agree to date you and you try to generalize only this type calling them all as typical russian. Probably it makes profit to your blog to call all angry men together, refused and used by russian women for being consumers themselves. Seems like you live in your own little world where only likeminded people flock together. They are only for fuck, nothing else. If you date over 100 women and still unable to find the right one, you are a part of the problem. If you are hurting woman during sex and hate that she complains about it, you are definitely a part of the problem. If your first date wants you to be her driver, well.. No wife, no stable partner, absolutely childish attitude towards women.. Do you still think that you are alpha? Look in the mirror and reconsider. If you date over 100 women and still unable to find the right one, you are a part of the problem. I have found the right one. You really should at least attempt to get your facts straight when you try to insult someone. If you are hurting woman during sex and hate that she complains about it, you are definitely a part of the problem. If your first date wants you to be her driver, well.. Been with her 3 years now. I never lie to women, never tell them what to do, etc, etc. Do you still think that you are alpha? Look in the mirror and reconsider. You can do better than that. This thread continues to be a great source of entertainment for me! I wonder if this effect carried to former East Germany may have rubbed off into German culture at all or if just reabsorbed into normal Western Culture by now. As for the 2. I always hesitate to say I am Russian my slight accent gives it away specifically because of stories like that and the entitlement behavior infuriates me and my friends. I need the guy to be a gentleman and to put in an effort ask me out a few days in advance, plan a date, come pick me up, etc. But after a guy has put in some effort, I am more than happy to cook him a meal, bring him coffee to work, pick up a small gift to make him smile yeah…gifts are a thing , or run an errand for him. Anyway, glad you found someone great, and I hope others will have a chance to date the Russian women that I know. Thank you everyone who contributed. Not on purpose, just coincidence. And I thought I was missing something…. If you supremely dominate and spoil them, they will fuck your brains out and be your everything. What a crock of shit. Who has time for that. BD, good call on all of this. Similar to the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed of dog: it will fight for dominance of the household every single day. Or it now thinks its in charge, despite a lifetime of being your bitch. If I ever date another Russian unlikely , our first date will be to the Fetish Ball. Last time I did that, she fell over herself, thinking how lucky she got to find a guy with the same sex-crazy as her. Use this, as you will. One was Russian, recently divorced, and THIRTY-EIGHT. The trifecta of get-the-fuck out. She epitomized everything BD has said about all 3 things. I wish it wasnt the case: the good was good. Out of curiosity, did any of these women hold professional, reasonably well paying jobs? So I am just wondering whether all those Russian women were self sufficient? On her way to financial independence. Made no sense to be entitled. Otherwise, we are all self sufficient and professional. And from evolutionary perspective, men provide for women who can bare healthy children, which is judged by their beauty. I am sure, in a few thousand years, if women become main breadwinners tables will turn, but not at the moment. Which is what a lot of readers were alluding to here. The list of women who want to date a cheap guy is pretty short. At the end of the day, every relationship is an exchange of resources. The logic of losers and materialists. And from evolutionary perspective, men provide for women who can bare healthy children, From a modern perspective, men provide for the children, but not for the women. Women provide for themselves! I am sure, in a few thousand years, if women become main breadwinners tables will turn, but not at the moment. Then how do you explain my sexually liberated lifestyle and the lifestyle of the owner of this blog, plus countless other men who post here? Which is what a lot of readers were alluding to here. You are a chameleon! First you make a post with semi-favorable beliefs, and then, once our backs are turned, you stab us and twist the knife with your next two posts, substituting the opposite beliefs. The list of women who want to date a cheap guy is pretty short. We also date women non-monogamously, but seriously! The sexual monopoly of conservative women like you is OVER! Save your lies for mainstream men! For every one of them, I thought I saw the good person inside. But their actions were uglier than their potential. Showed up drunk, and stuck me with the bill. I took one of them to a beach house party, and she ended up trying to make out with the guy who showed up in the silver Ferrari. She denied everything when personally witnessed her trying wrap her legs around him on a lawn chair. I made up an excuse about an early call the next morning, drove away, and never returned her calls and texts. In what culture And from what background, is that acceptable behavior? People show you their character early. Uurgh, so disrespectful and awful. After such experiences I would also cross the entire nation off, plus a few surrounding countries, just to be on the safe side. Speaking of my former friend…I am pretty sure most of her friends are on the same page as her, so they do exist. Ah, just remembered, there is one more that I know. She actually said that she gets headaches from all wines, but French….. Calling someone gold digging trash, or having garbage thoughts, etc. Whatever I was sharing, is substantiated by global research of evolutionary psychologists in multiple multi-year studies. You alluded that your non-monogamous lifestyle works for you. Anyway, hope your day is better than what the post suggests. I have plenty of ways of knowing. Learn how to read! Whatever I was sharing, is substantiated by global research of evolutionary psychologists in multiple multi-year studies. Ah yes, mainstream research by a group of blue pill doctors receiving grants from wealthy elites who invented this matrix. Seems legit You alluded that your non-monogamous lifestyle works for you. Great, but it does not make it mainstream, Never said it did! Again, the higher your sex drive is, the more untrue those mainstream notions are! Anyway, hope your day is better than what the post suggests. And I hope your day is worse, and that your life continues getting progressively worse on multiple fronts! My former friend has a big gf crew there. Anyway, like you said, you have options, no need to put up with someone who lacks decency. Same as me not putting up with an attorney whose idea of a good time was ice cream on a snowy Saturday night, for the 4th week in a row, after me spending quite a bit on his bday. As far as your buddy with a Ferrari. Today you made a difference — not by pursuasion, but by example. Thank you for taking the time to verbally spar and exchange ideas with complete strangers. A car has sexual value? Any woman who would be turned off or turned on whichever one by my fucking car is going in my mental garbage can where she belongs. That was very nice of you to share. I can definitely give u and ur followers some great experiences and advice based on them. I was lucky enough to be with mostly Italian, Greek, Irish, German, Dutch, Polish and Russian mix of many women. I was blessed with some great memories. How she is looking back at ur eyes reveals a ton. My game improved as my confidence improved. A beautiful woman who is fun will be the most amazing experiences u will have in life. BD is very intelligent and I would take a lot of his advice. Too much drama on the 1st date do not bother with the 2nd. I was just married 2014 so I experienced the social media yet my advantage was growing up in a time where u had to b smooth to hook up especially with a beautiful lady. B confident and learn how to make ur lady friend laugh while at the same time reminding her how nice her hair looks. They taught me a lot of what to do in bed. The ones I hooked up with in the Philadelphia area were very cool. Mostly confident, attractive , strong and very sexual. Advice- when a woman is drama from the 1st date this is probably the way she is and will always b. A woman as pretty as u should b in a good mood almost all the time. Most woman r extremely proud of their body so never ever say anything negative bout their chest or butt. Women can b very slick at fooling u at 1st. Gotta b on ur game and always b assertive. U can be a gentleman and an alpha male at the same time — it is possible. I finish it fist. Then I saw the BD blog. BD has a very savy smart approach and is very rational. B proud of who u our — a woman can sense that. If any of u want any advice just ask me. I found in my experience the Italians, Greeks, Russians and Polish were the best women in bed. Theirs way too many other amazing women out there. Yes, many Eastern European women come from broken dysfunctional families just like many American women do , but not all of them are golddigging bi…es. So no reason to bitch, you each got what you wanted. There will be no love extremely rare exceptions not counted , all this is ever going to be is a business arrangement. If you want a real wife and life partner look for someone closer to your age, forget about your teenage wet dreams, AND BE REALISTIC. To the author: I am sorry you had such bad experiences. To all: keep in mind that FSU changed A LOT. People are watching YouTube and popular American shows, including everything stupid ever created about bling-bling lifestyle. I believe this is where certain expectations come into young girls minds. But in general, women are not as desperate as they were in the 1990s when they were willing to marry almost anyone just to escape economic collapse; nowadays, many have successful careers, businesses, money of their own. You can tell a lot just by asking a couple of questions. But not just a beautiful, an extraordinary gorgeous one. Let her be Russian. Also she should be well breed, well educated, polite, sexy, wealthy, healthy. She should offer herself with no second thought to you. And what are you like? Do you deserve these girls? Why do you speak of them like if they are things? Topic starter made me sincerely lough. He broke up with this because she sounded loud. As I said in a previous comment a beautiful woman that is fun are the most enjoyable experiences in life. He views things exactly like i did when I was dating different women — their is tons of beautiful women in the world. Life is very very short. If a woman is loud , obnoxious and a drama queen their is no reason to take her on another date. This blog has grown men talking about beautiful women to date and sharing r different experiences from r past. Prince William looks like he got beat with an ugly stick for a week strait so why u brought him up I have no idea. A beautiful young lady was r professor and she told the entire class this 1 day. Much more women then men. She was exactly right. When I was a young man and going out to clubs their was more men then women almost every time I went out — major competition and u had to b smooth and strong. Their is more available beautiful women out there then ever before — real simple. So Uggi u can attempt to laugh at how BD views things. I admire him big time. Today u have tons of choices. If a woman wants a good man now she has to compete for him. I wanna just stress that it can be a person of any nationality and any gender. Not exactly Russian women. Where do you go with this, man? Is it such a good idea to throw feaces at every Russian girl, just because there are more males than females? I discuss and I am being discussed. You are hilarious, sweetheart. While you think that good women compete for you, real good women choose among you the best option as you compete. Or how to explain the vivid fact that you will do whatever it takes to get a woman that you really want? Throwing feces on Russian women? All I did in my previous posts was compliment Russian women. My point was BD is dating different women during a great time right now. I joined the blog temporarily to give advice and knowledge from my experiences in the past to the young men on this blog like a good big brother would do. To a man why would that not b heaven? Always open the car door for them. Never put a hand on a woman. B extremely respectful to her parents etc….. I was complimenting Russian Women in my posts. Let others sponge off ur past events. Different nationalitys r different. Looking back at it now I realize I was really lucky to have been able to grow up where I could date all these different beautiful women from different ethnicities. I now understand that I was very fortunate back then. BD has it made in the shade right now as we used to say. I have a neighbour, who is the same age as you are. He loves to boast about the number of women he has slept with or dated. Just like you did. I am not crazy. It suits better for men, who experience difficulties with the opposite sex. How do you like the idea? Even if they colour you nails! Ur talking to a Goalkeeper. A ladies man in my youth cause god is good. Ur barking up the wrong tree. Nobody on this blog is afraid of women. Not every woman can look like Ann Margaret, Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch , Ursula Andress, Barbara Eden, Cheryl Ladd, Adrienne Barbeau, Natalie Wood or a Kelly Brook a woman more current. As u get older all u have more and more r memories. I only mentioned an estimate of women once. I enjoyed Russian women. Not just Russian women. U can call me Grandpa if it makes u feel good Uggi. I have very young kids so not even close to that stage yet. The funny part is ud probably like me a lot Uggi if u knew me. If it continues I walk up to him and put my nose in front of his and stay silent looking strait into his eyes. Usually the other man would turn around and walk away from me. Guarantee u would have liked me Uggi. U can blame it on that Uggi as to why I come off the way I do. Boasting a little is fun. During a soccer match or baseball game u could hear my mouth a mile away. The gentleman in me then would completely vanish. Take it easy Uggi. In all fairness to u i bet ur a pretty Russian woman who saw the topic and assumed it was a blog critiquing Russians. Russian women were always very cool to me. Ur like the Irish. We r definitely different. Not offended at all. I do love my wife. I was just giving a few more pointers on how a grown man handles things to my fellow readers. I like ur name Uggi. I bet ur a tiger in bed and beautiful woman. Russian women are the most hysterical, needy and selfish bitches ever encountered. All they dream about is money and what you can do for them. AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE. Like anything long term. So be honest and everything will be just fine. American women are exactly like that. Besides, what kind of women do we discuss here? And if you are discussing sluts here, does nationality really matter? But crazy people are everywhere. And they are of different nationalities. If you are older that 30, you have a lot of crazy stories about people in general. Nothing non-sexual, like spaghetti, can be her price. The price she demands for her vagina should be my penis. Sluts want an equal and even exchange. Non-sluts are female supremacists who want non-sexual things like spaghetti in return, because they think their genitals are, for some reason, more valuable than mine. She turned out to be the epitome of a walking oxymoron. She was drunk when i picked her up. Wanted the finest dinner and of course losts and lots of expensive vodka drinks. She brings up her birthday comming up hinting at presents. She was rude as heck at dinner extremely rude and talked smake to me while im buying her food, says nobody should judge her but she judged everyone and everything- including me- first date- like were married in some dysfunctional relationship for years. End of night went to the hotel. She get naked- were making out shes not very good st it either and lets me play with her naked body but then wont have sex and and then trash talks me saying im a fag for wanting sex on first date?

Picking Up Girls In Russia
I think they just marry the bitches and deal with it. Listed below are just a few experiences I had dating Russian women over a period of several years before I finally gave up on them. I have found the right one. Perhaps, but why bother. Soon, she started asking about my marriage, divorce, and ex-wife. If you want a real wife and life partner look for someone closer to your age, forget about your teenage wet dreams, AND BE REALISTIC. Much more women then men. Russian women use men. ارقام خطابات مسيار جده جديدة Aalborg zoo danmark Hinge dating app uk

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