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Rooster Teeth Vs. Zombiens Activation Code [Patch]

Rooster Teeth Vs. Zombiens Activation Code [Patch]

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About This Game

The Zombien menace has, mostly unintentionally, descended upon the Rooster Teeth studio. It's up to you and the RT cast members to survive their onslaught.

After an Unidentified Flying Object becomes an Identified Grounded Object (it's a space ship) right in the heart of the Rooster Teeth studio, legions of zombie aliens (Zombiens) start coming out of the woodwork and get all hostile up in the studio. It's up to you, as one of six playable characters, to find and team up with the Rooster Teeth cast members to survive what will one day be known as the Rise of the Zombiens. For as long as possible, at least.

In this action/strategy game, you will have to survive in the studio amidst a variety of randomized circumstances: random supporting party members (chosen from eight Rooster Teeth cast members in the game, each with their own unique VO), random weapons, random zombien waves, random crafting materials, and more. You never know what you're going to get when you set foot in the studio, but you're going to have to make the best of what you're given.

To survive, you're going to have to get weapons from Weapon Dispensers, build traps, construct defenses, and stay on the move so the Zombiens don't corner you and devour your innards.

  • 8 Different Rooster Teeth Cast Members, totaling over a thousand lines of unique VO.
  • 25 Different Weapons.
  • 10 Different Traps that you can construct to prolong your life.
  • Randomized level contents: weapons, materials, pickups, enemies, allies, and more. You'll never play the same game twice.
  • Daily Challenge lets you play the exact same level as everyone else for a chance at the top leaderboard position for the day.

Title: Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens
Genre: Action, Strategy
Team Chaos, LLC
Team Chaos, LLC
Release Date: 18 Dec, 2014


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Games new so I understand why there would be bugs. The controls are a bit annoying but the gameplay isn't as bad as you think. 3 Brainz \/ 5. I love this game but its a bit buggy and I really hate the automatic run-to-target mechanic.. its a fun $4 game , if you don't expect more its great
. This is a port of a mobile game, but don't let that dissuade you. It's pretty fun.

If you like Rooster Teeth, You'll like this game. Just don't expect a huge in-depth game. This is more of a "Yeah, I've got 10 minutes to spare. Why the \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 not?" kind of game (not that that's bad or anything.). I have the iPhone version but it's so spectacularly laggy on my 4s that it's pretty much unplayable, so I've been eagerly awaiting the PC release because with the higher processing power I figured that it would be less laggy and I'm very happy to say that I've now played this for over two hours and have experienced no lag!
Some things about the game itself; I kinda wish that you either started with a little money so you could buy a weapon or enough building materials to craft like a mine or something, because as it stands right now, you lose anywhere from 1\/4 to 1\/5 of your health before you can properly defend yourself and with the inconsistent health drops that can be a big problem.. Well, after a long wait, I can finally play the game in fullscreen with ALT+ENTER. Still a terrible PC port, no resolution options, poor controls, no key rebinding, 3 presets that serve as graphics settings, basically its just like playing a somewhat entertaining mobile game... on pc. If you're a fan of RT, go on ahead, it's only 4 bucks. Otherwise, you may wish to steer clear.. It's a great game to play if you are a fan of the company. The Humour and voice acting are very well done. How ever the A.I. are unbelievably stupid. Although that may just be the people they are based off.. It\u2019s a little disappointing. Unless all RTS games have these as basic rules, Zombiens is rather poorly made. Let me give you a rundown of the game before I get into the problems.

The plot revolves around a spaceship crashing into the Rooster Teeth office and release zombie aliens that the protagonist dubs \u201cZombiens\u201d. You go around the Rooster Teeth office, collecting weapons and materials to survive various waves, being helped by Rooster Teeth employees you come across. In order to find them, you must use money to unlock doors to different parts of the office.

However, here is problem #1: their locations are not only randomly generated, but impossible to discover until you\u2019ve spent over a hundred dollars on a door, only to find healing items inside. Finding an employee to help you is an invaluable asset, and practically required before the third wave unless you either A) use guns (which I\u2019ll get to in a second), or B) get super lucky and find enough healing items to recover from the damages of the first two waves. Believe me, if you don\u2019t have full health or a ranged weapon, the Plague Carriers will demolish you - they deal bleeding damage and have high defenses, so this early in the game, even a full-health character may have trouble.

Problem #2: the weapons are distributed through vending machines. They also cost money, and are also randomly generated - not the locations, but which vending machine has which item. Not a problem, right? But some vending machines are inside those locked rooms. I have, many times, started with a primary gun-user, only for the immediately available vending machines to have swords or bats. I unlock the Achievement Hunter office, find a shotgun vending machine, have no money to buy one, and promptly headdesk while the Plague Carriers devour my delicious fleshy form.

Problem #3: the game has problems involving clicking. If you click on a barricade to start destroying it, your character will walk over to a designated spot around the barricade to attack it. Said designated spot will often require your character to walk away from the barricade directly in front of him, down the hall, around several rooms, and to the other side of the barricade before you attack it. I am not kidding.

Furthermore, the game seems to register enemy clicks poorly; if you aren\u2019t exact with your click, your character will just move to that spot and stand there for a second before attacking the enemy automatically. (I\u2019m glad they implemented the auto-attack, though. No downsides to that whatsoever, unless for some reason you don\u2019t want to waste your weapon\u2019s durability.)

Problem #4: of course, glitches. The most infuriating is that, sometimes, your character won\u2019t pick up health items. Unlike the usual way of picking up items (by holding down the click button to draw all items in), you have to walk your character on top of the healing item to use it. And sometimes it will not realize your guy is standing on top of a pizza trying to eat it. This can easily screw you over, if you\u2019re making a quick retreat for healing before going back into the fray.

There are more glitches, too. When you try to buy something from a vending machine, it sometimes won\u2019t work for some reason. I have, once again, been screwed because it wouldn\u2019t let me buy a pistol I needed. So even when you do find the randomly generated weapon that you desperately need, there\u2019s a chance you won\u2019t get it anyway, regardless of money.

Problem #5, and the biggest one: there is no way to check the strengths or weaknesses of a character in game. Once you find Gavin in the Achievement Hunter office or Barbara in Support or whatever, what will you give them? You\u2019ll probably have them buy the closest thing, like a saw or a bat, because you can\u2019t check what they\u2019re good with unless you exit the game\/die, go to the main menu, and look through your character stats. You just have to guess, and then even better, somehow remember the stats of specific characters when you find them again - stats that make no sense. (Gavin is amazing with firearms in the game. In real life, he really isn\u2019t, and nobody will ever see the logic in giving him one.)

This game needs work. It\u2019s a great concept and I love the design of the office, but\u2026 seriously, unless these \u201cproblems\u201d are RTS staples (in which case I will never play another RTS), this game needs a V2 that fixes so, so much.

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