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I spent far too many hours in the demo, worried if an adult should buy a kitten game aimed at toddlers. Just do it. I’m in my 40s and love it as a game to just chill in. Not only is it pretty, but there are seasons and day and night cycles. Your kitten posse that you gather with each rescue even helps out, though I’m not sure if it’s on purpose. But you can bounce off them to execute a super double jump, results will vary.
Some of the fish are a challenge to jump to for a game aimed at wee ones, but they have to learn platforming sometime. In the full game there are plenty of places to explore and things to do. Honestly tripping humans and knocking things off tables never gets old. You can also take a break to “paint”, visit space, or hit the beach. As it’s an all around labor of love, it got my vote for the upcoming awards. Best of luck to the dev, it’s amazing to see how far this game has come.
As for kids? It’s rare anymore to see a game with no violence so they’d be fine and if they keep at it they will learn platforming basics such as jumping, and having to try repeatedly to master tricky jumps. There are also hidden areas to find on the maps, and tricky fish to puzzle out the way to, all skills future gamers need. There is no punishment for failing a jump or missing kittens, so it’s a good game to start out on.. A cute game with kitties, fun for kids and those alike. IDK why i bought this game, maybe because i love \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665. IT IS AWESOME. IDK why i bought this game, maybe because i love ♥♥♥♥♥
Hi Everyone !!!.
Paint with Gilbert?:
Hi everyone.
This popped into my head earlier today and I just had to run some tests. Let me know what you think. I'm planning on a free DLC/Content update and it's most likely going to be called "Paint with Gilbert:

I think this would be a lot of fun for kids and I like the artistic direction this is going. I'll have a number of drawings to color and of course a "Free paint mode" which is a blank canvas.
I'm working on the controls but basically when you're in paint mode the meow button becomes the paint button and you can splash around and color the canvas/image. These images are pretty much me prototyping the new features, I'm still tweaking the scale of the image and the camera view of Gilbert among other things. Oh, and there's also an erase button that erases all the paint in one go. :)
I also have ideas for other DLC's in the future but I might ask a small compensation for these. Think around one or two dollars depending on the amount of content. Let me know what you think of this. Since I'm getting a lot of positive feedback I want to expand what initially was just a tiny project.
Obviously bug fixes and such will always be free. And the first DLC will also be completely free and directly integrated into the base game with at least two new maps, a bunch of new cosmetics and some new songs for more variety.
I hope you can agree with me that this is a proper and fair direction to grow the game and expand on what I have now. I'm also looking into diversifying the controls as a number of people requested and if I can get it to work it'll be included in a future update.
Take care,
Gilbert New Years Information Update:
Hi everyone.
I listen to pretty much everyone who posts, even if I don't always respond immediately. have been compiling recent complaints and requests, etc and am here to respond to them.
While I haven't received that many complaints, a number of these have been valid and also ones that raised questions for myself regarding things the game could be improved by. I anticipated that the game would do okay and it's done better then expected.
However I find myself in a bit of a crux. I have been hearing complaints about the general gameplay and controls etc. As most probably know the game has been created for and with input of my daughter.
The game is aimed at young kids who might want to play something other then another mobile game but are till new at them. The controls are simplified and the gameplay is simple.
While I still think there's a merit behind this design choice I do believe there's a lot more that can be done with the game. Complaints regarding controls and gameplay as well as the tutorial section have been noted.
What I am going to do now is head back and recreate a new experience. While the basic premise stays the same I have a much more grounded idea of which direction I think I want to go in with Gilbert.
This means that I will expand the game thoroughly and with a lot more effort which will resort into a price increase once I'm done. So for everyone who already has a copy there's something to look forward to.
Other things that I will be introducing is a much clearer system to guide players. I'll be using color coded (Pink) objects etc to help guide players as to where they can go. I will also redesign all the levels and I am working on a level-streaming approach which will make the entire experience seamless.
I want to further flesh out existing gameplay systems. The basic idea will be that Gilberts neighbourhood will be redesigned into the main hub. In this new redeign, gameplay exploration and will carry a much heavier role.
Other levels will be redesigned depending on what I want to experiment with.
I want to re-do the tutorial section into a much more clearer experience with a larger obstacle course and one that can be easily skipped..
Obviously this will all take time and I will roll out these changes in parts. I will also keep the old levels available in a new "Gilbert Classic" mode. I will continue to listen to feedback and will try to help those with issues.
That's it for now and I wish you all a happy new year !!!
Gilbert In Space - New Free-DLC Released:

Play With Gilbert Friends!.
Hello ladies and gentlecats:
It's time for me to put out the first news post now that the game is more or less ready for release. I want to go over a number of things regarding the game and why it even exists.
Play With Gilbert.
Play With Gilbert 1.5 Preview Available:
Dear community members, avid cat lovers, gamers around the world: young and old!
As you may recall I mentioned that I'm currently in the process of updating Gilbert to version 1.5. I've listened to a lot of commentary, feedback, complaints and also listened to what you liked about the game.
I just added a new beta branch available to anyone who owns a copy of Play With Gilbert. This new version is in a "work in progress" state. Numerous features are currently not working properly or just not working at all.
However, in this new beta branch you'll be able to try out the new Gilbert player character. I started from the ground up and I do believe that Gilbert controls so much better.
He now jumps higher and is now able to do a double jump, just like any regular cat. Okay, maybe that's not true. :P The idea of course is to make Gilbert more fun to control and I do believe that this is the case.
At the core nothing has changed too much, and the foundation remains the same. You'll be able to play the game with just one control stick, or both. Where the right stick controls the camera.
On top of that you can now reset the camera using the old teleport button. (Teleporting still works, you just have to hold the same button down for about three seconds.) I also fixed the other kitties getting stuck under the floor.
I also changed the camera position (It's now slightly further away), giving the player a better view of the surroundings. I would very much appreciate some feedback regarding the new changes as I continue to update the game until everything is pretty much working as it used to.
You can opt into the Beta simply by right-clicking on "Play With Gilbert" inside your steam client. Then click on properties and navigate to the Betas tab. After that all you need to do is select "gilbert_1.5_preview" from the drop down list and you're good to go.
I will be monitoring feedback and once most of the features are working again will I push the new version to the public/default branch.
On top of that I will also be releasing a new map to celebrate the 1.5 update, which will be a surprise for now.
I'll continue to post updates until the final 1.5 is out. I hope this will reinvigorate some of the people who did not appreciate the old movement system.
Please feel free to share your opinions and of course anu ideas for possible future content as well.
Joure Visser.
Gilbert Local Split-Screen Co-op (Beta) Released:
Local Split-Screen Co-op Action!.
Small But Important Update:
Hi everyone.
I noticed the game had two pretty glaring bugs that weren't there when I tested the levels last. These two issues are:
- No collision on a part of the pavement in "Gilbert's Neighbourhood"
- Weird collisions in "Timmy & Tommy's House"
Both these issues have now been addressed and should be fixed. On top of that I also changed kittens that are found to be remembered forever, well, as long as you're in the level. If you change level or quit the game the kittens will be reset.
Here's the full list of fixes:
- Any found kitten will forever remain as counted. Only map changes or quitting the game will reset the counter.
- Fixed bug where Gilbert can hiss infinitely
- Fixed the sidewalk colission issue in Gilbert's neighbouhood.
- Fixed odd collisions issues on Timmy & Tommy's House.
New updates are planned and should be released soon. I'm also working on an alternate control scheme for the older players that involves the two thumbsticks. :)
Apologies for the weird bugs, hope their all fixed now.
Gilbert At The Beach + Demo Released:
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