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Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight Portable

Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight Portable

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About This Game

Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight takes the player on a jour 5d3b920ae0

Title: Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Release Date: 4 Mar, 2016


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 1.2 Ghz or superior
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:/p>

English,Japanese,French,German,Italian,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Danish,Korean

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The fourth installment of the Momodora series and the best so far , developer Bombservice takes all the best parts of the previous game and improves upon the formula reaching new heights, offering a game much larger in scope, longer, with more action, a bigger interconnected world to explore, wonderful boss fights, more interactions and overall higher quality of an already great series. The amazing art consists of a wide variety of immersive locations/backgrounds, from sunny forests to gloomy cursed cities and abandoned castles, inhabited by some nasty-but-cute enemies. The pixel-art animation is fluid, detailed and highly expressive. The music is also a great mix of epic, calm , intense and somber pieces that compliment the story. And while the story is presented in a minimalistic style it still manages to evoke the melancholic and sometimes depressing nature of the Momodora series - do not let youself be deceived by the cute and colorful pixel art style, the world of Momodora is dark and somber where happiness is hard to achieve. But with some hope still lingering. Make sure you explore the map thoroughly in order to achieve a more satisfying ending too! I didn't encounter any bugs, gamepad worked as intended (for me at least!). As for the gameplay, you can choose various difficulties if you feel you want a bigger challenge (the default normal was no walk in the park either and resulted in many game over screens but nothing extremely frustrating) and afetr you finish the game you have a NG+ with higher difficulty and different enemy placement, while you get to keep your inventory. For fans of metroidvania platformers, Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight is a small gem that you should not miss.. Why hit the boobs?????? u2591u2591u2591u2591u2591u2591u2591u2588u2590u2593u2593u2591u2588u2588u2588u2588u2584u2584u2584u2588u2580u2584u2593u2593u2593u258cu2588 u2591u2591u2591u2591u2591u2584u2588u258cu2580u2584u2593u2593u2584u2584u2584u2584u2580u2580u2580u2584u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u258cu2588 u2591u2591u2591u2584u2588u2580u2580u2584u2593u2588u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2580u2591u2593u258cu2588 u2591u2591u2588u2580u2584u2593u2593u2593u2588u2588u2588u2593u2593u2593u2588u2588u2588u2593u2593u2593u2584u2591u2591u2584u2593u2590u2588u258c u2591u2588u258cu2593u2593u2593u2580u2580u2593u2593u2593u2593u2588u2588u2588u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2584u2580u2593u2593u2590u2588 u2590u2588u2590u2588u2588u2590u2591u2584u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2580u2584u2591u2580u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u258cu2588u258c uff1fuff1fuff1fuff1fuff1f u2588u258cu2588u2588u2588u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2590u2591u2591u2584u2593u2593u2588u2588u2588u2593u2593u2593u2584u2580u2590u2588 u2588u2590u2588u2593u2580u2591u2591u2580u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2588u2588u2588u2588u2588u2588u2593u2593u2593u2593u2590u2588 u258cu2593u2584u258cu2580u2591u2580u2591u2590u2580u2588u2584u2593u2593u2588u2588u2588u2588u2588u2588u2588u2588u2588u2588u2593u2593u2593u258cu2588u258c u258cu2593u2593u2593u2584u2584u2580u2580u2593u2593u2593u2580u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2588u2593u2588u2593u2588u2593u2593u258cu2588u258c u2588u2590u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2584u2584u2584u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2593u2588u2593u2588u2593u2588u2593u2588u2593u2593u2593u2590u2588. Really fun, loved the art and mechanics.. It's hard to love the game when it doesn't really give me a chance to. No mouse support. Can't rebind buttons. The only thing the game has going for it is that it's cute and has a female lead.. Pretty fun game that I fully recommend. To list off some of its stand out features -Great pixel art and art direction, locations always look either lived in or quite scenic; -Great soundtrack with a good variety of themes; -Good replay value and different paths you can take to complete the game; -mastering the combat and movement feels great on Insane difficult; -bosses are fun and diverse in play styles; My play time reflects one run on Hard, one run on Insane, one Pacifist No Death run on Easy and some extra time dedicated to getting all the content in game.. Pros: good controls looks great decent soundtrack good atmosphere cons: bad level design bad boss fights bad at teaching the player arbitrary multiple endings bad difficulty pacing bad upgrades now to justify myself: ((MAJOR SPOILERS FOR BOSSFIGHTS AND LEVEL DESIGN)) The level design is good on most accounts except for a lot of places where jumps are 1 or 2 pixels higher than you can jump, tricking players into thinking they can make it up there when they cannot. There are also places where enemies that are designed to blend into the background (paintings, statues) are introduced by placing them on the other side of an instant death pit, causing you to slam your face into them and die. There are also way too many instant-death spikes and tricky jumps that just feel like cheap deaths. The bosses are good looking, but their fight design is pretty awful. The first boss has several attacks with vague sprites (as in, they are mostly transparent and circular with minimal indication) and I found myself turning down the graphics options to lower the detrimental graphical effects such as lighting that hides indicators and particles that clutter the screen. Along with this, many bosses have attacks that either cover most of the screen (the witch that you fight twice has an attack that is both vague and covers a lot of the screen) or chase you down. In particular, one of the humanoid bosses has an attack in their seconds phase in which they dash towards you, swing their sword twice, and then spin across half the screen. This attack lasts for multiple seconds, can always hit you, and can change directions three times. this is basically the "I'm going to now roll back and forth" period of her fight. Along with this, the humanoid bosses just love to shove themselves inside of you while you roll, causing you to get hit as soon as your I-frames end. You will roll through an attack only for the boss to move into your space and hit you anyways, it's frustrating. Along with this, some bosses have attacks with minimal or NO indication. The 3rd to last bossfight in the game has an arrow-shooting character who will leap across the screen and cover the center with arrows. the only way to see this coming is to either look at her (which means your not watching the much more important boss that you're actually fighting on the ground) or to just always assume they're about to do it, which is lame. The game also has a bad habit of not showing or telling you what enemies do before they hit you. There is an enemy early on that falls on your head when you stand under it, and this is fine, but then they introduce an orange variation later on that can go in any direction and the first time you find out about this is when it chases you through a tight tunnel you are trapped in. You are given minimal time to react to a new enemy that you have not seen before, and you get hit because of it. There are multiple endings in this game SPOILER ALERT and it is really dumb. To get the good ending, you simply play through the game as normal except you use a box of wind to upgrade your leaf. That's it, that's all you need to do. No choices, no gameplay challenge, just go use the box on the windmill and voila. This is unfulfilling and leads to the extremely easy final boss to being even more anticlimatic when you don't even get the good ending. And aside from this, there are very few direct upgrades to your weapons. The difficulty curve is really strange and is not really curved at all. I didn't notice the challenge ramping up even a little, with most rooms in the early game being just as hard as the rooms later on. What I did notice was that there were many more cheap enemies that appear out of nowhere or hit you from off-screen in the early game and late game, which makes the mid-game my favorite. The witches are the most egregious example, firing large pink projectiles at you from off-screen that have very vague hitboxes (the attack is made of mostly transparent square sprites and I think a transleucent pink ball) and enemy melee attacks can similarly start off-screen. Compound this with the fact that your basic attack does nothing to deter enemy attacks, and a lot of situations can feel cheap and un-reactable. This is basically gone in the mid-game, but it returns in the late game with enemies like paintings and statues that blend in with background elements until you start recognizing their exact shape, as well as some enemies that literally appear from the walls and hit you. The very last stretch of the game is 3 bossfights that feel completely out of order. the first one is the most difficulat, featuring two different characters with hard to read attacks, the second one boils down to a guessing game similar to 1 ball 3 cups, and the last one is a cakewalk that ends the game completely anitclimactically The upgrades you buy from the single in-game shopkeeper are incredibly lame. Most of them are not very useful (there's one that increases your damage and also hurts you randomly, which is totally useless when you're trying not to die, along with one that applies poison to your arrows, which only helps in boss fights but is really not worth it sine the arrows aren't very strong anyways) and in the end the only upgrades that are worth anything are the mandatory story ones that give you mostly bow and dodge upgrades and one store upgrade that makes your weaker attacks flinch enemies, which makes the game incredibly easy. Other than that there are money collecting upgrades I never used, a ring that tells you where secrets are, thus completely ruining the point, the aforementioned random death device, one that raises your resistance to bad effects which only occur from incredibly weak enemies very early in the game, one that increases the speed of your arrows from pretty much instant to literally instant and probably more I didn't even bother buying. You can have two of these at a time and the choice is pretty obvious, which would be flinching attacks and poison arrows, and the poison arrows are just for bosses anyways.. I really loved this game. It is a short and sweet addition to the metroidvania genre that i found strangely addicting. A normal playthrough would take about 3-4 hours, but I have beaten the game 4 times to get all of the achievements (and because I just really enjoy it). It has beautiful art style and sound design with challenging gameplay and plenty of secrets to keep you busy. Nothing felt BS from bosses to normal enemies to level design, and I have yet to discover any bugs. TL;DR It is a good game that was well worth the money, especially if you love the metroidvania genre.. I very much would like to play this game, but despite the stats of it claiming there is "full controller support," the game does not recognize my controller. I have an F310 Logitech controller; I have tried switching between Dinput and Xinput, to no avail. I've tried to find 3rd party software that might help bridge the gap, but I've come up empty-handed on that. I play on a Mac, and I've played numerous games on Steam with no problem; this is the first one I've run into in which despite my research and modification efforts, I cannot get the controller to work. Because I really wanted to give this game a chance, I tried playing with the keyboard controls. I unfortunately kept dying in the tutorial forest grove because I cannot re-bind the keys to something that feels more natural to my style of play. This is highly disappointing. Please do not advertise full controller support if you don't actually offer it.. Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight is a very good game. The Sprites are beautifully made, and well animated. The level design is superb and really fun to navigate through. Momodora also has an oppressive atmosphere that will seem to choke you at times as you feel the dread and despair from the environment and the characters of the game. Momodora has outstanding music, and I will be purchasing the soundtrack at a later date. This game does follow a story line from a series of games. But as far as I'm aware you don't have to play those to get a full experience from this game's story; as it seems mostly self-contained, but I could be wrong. My main issue with Momodora is that the game is on the short side. You can beat it in about five hours in your first play through. However, there is a new game+ option and a hard/insane mode; that will increase the game time and make an already tough game even harder. I also feel as though there was also a couple of u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665t moments with the enemy placement in the later levels; The one I remember most is that damn witch in the sewers. However, most of the difficulty problems I ran into was because of my own skill. As this game does require you to use your brain to memorize enemies attack patterns. Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight at $10 is a purchase very well made. A solid 8/10 it is a must own for any MetriodVania type fans.

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