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Magnetta FULL

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The prince has been kidnapped. The r 5d3b920ae0

Title: Magnetta
Genre: Action, Indie
Heliocentric Studios
Heliocentric Studios
Release Date: 31 Aug, 2016


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Ehhh. I bought this game, and it's good, but not that great. "It's pretty much a spin-off of Super Metroid," was my first thought. And I LOVE Super Metroid. (Except the first or second one, never played it.) But when I played the first level, I was confused by the controls, then DIED because of the confusing controls. Twice. Also, as far as I can see, there are no checkpoints. I got pretty far, then died, expecting a nearby checkpoint. IT PUT ME AT THE START. If you hate doing repetive stuff, do not buy this game. If you're a proffesional gamer that likes Super Metroid, play it.. I am a huge Mega Man fan, so in theory a Mega Man clone sounds great. This one. isn't. I tried most of the levels, and with the sloppy level design, charmless aesthetics, and most of all the sssssslllllllloooooooooowwwwwwww pace, I just couldn't get into it no matter how hard I tried. I've played plenty of other similar indie games that were much better--the Momodora series, for example, or of course Shovel Knight. I wanted to support this game, but it's just such a lackluster production that I can't even say it was worth the $4.99 sale price. It's not that it's a decent game with lots of flaws; it's just an inherently boring gestalt of a game.. Edit: the game has been updated. This review was made before the updates but likely still at least somewhat relevant unless significant things have been changed. TL;DR: Bad level design, bad enemy design, imprecise controls = I'm refunding this game. it's not worth the 9$ I paid for it, much less the full 10$ asking price. Let's get the obvious thing out of the way first, this is VERY obviously a Mega Man clone game. and it does copy Mega Man in just about every way. 8 bosses, blue protagonist out to save the world, you gain boss' abilities, lots of platforming, insta-death pitfalls. Where it fails to copy megaman though, is in precise controls, level design, enemy design, and difficulty. Controls: Mega Man games are always hard games of skill and knowledge, requiring you to think fast and to know your enemy very well in order to succeed. To help you do this, you are given precise controls. Magnetta fails in this regard. There were times where I had Magnetta visibily standing on nothing, but was still on the ledge. Magnetta slides slightly when she comes to a stop from running. Magnetta, for some unexplained reason, is able to stay floating in air for a second if you hold in the jump button, thus allowing you to reach farther distances, but it comes at the cost of feeling very odd and taking a lot of time to get used to. Magnetta can also grab onto certain spots if a chain is hanging from a ceiling and just hang there, unless, of course, for some reason the game has decided that despite you jumping right onto it and it apparently auto locking you onto it, to not grab the chain that time (like it did to me, at least 4 times in a row. Each time causing me to die, because it was over an instant death trap.) Which leads me to my next point. Level Design: So, first off, I would like to say I am a die hard Mega Man fan. I've played virtually every Mega Man game from every series. I am no stranger to difficult platforming sections, and admittedly, I did only play two levels of Magnetta (Chemical Plant and Holographic Testing Facility (I think that was the name of the 2nd one)). The levels in Magnetta are not hard. They are poorly designed. Let me paint a picture for you. In the Holographic Testing Facility stage, there are holographic platforms that you have to shoot a button off to the side to make them real. There are multiple of them in an area and if you shoot one of the buttons, some will turn on and others will turn off. if you're on one when it turns off, you will fall through. Magnetta does a decent job of giving you a safe area first that teaches you this. Unfortunately, the very next section where you have to use this mechanic for real, it adds in a new problem. You are now over a bottomless pit, standing on a holographic platform that's on. You have to shoot to the far side, wait for it to get close to the button, and then jump so that when it turns on the platform directly above you you will land on it, instead of still being on the one below you, which has just turned off and if you are still on it you will fall to your death. Now, here comes the terribly designed part. In front of you within jumping distance (still over that bottomless pit mind you) is a 2nd holo platform that is on. A bit further on and higher up is another holo platform, this one is off and well out of your current jumping distance, and this last holo platform leads to an area you have to slide through to progress. So just jumping into it will lead to your death. You HAVE to have that last holo platform on to proceed. So, what you have to do, is there is a button directly in front of you and below the last holo platform. You have to run, shoot, and jump to the holo platform that is currently on, land on it, and then jump again BEFORE your shot hits the button, because once it hits that button, it will turn that holo platform off, and you're still over that bottomless pit. This is a very precise section that if you're off even a little bit for it, you will fall and die. It took me at least 4 (4 lives each) continues to get past it ONCE, and this section comes maybe 20 seconds into this level. There are other sections like this as well. When you take a hit, it doesnt matter if you're holding on to something like a ladder or not, you will experience knockback, and the amount of knockback is rather large. if you're anywhere near the edge of a platform and get hit, you're going off. there is no stopping it. there are also enemies positioned SPECIFICALLY so that their line of fire intersects with where you need to be on a platform. you will die to these alot. This also leads into my next point. Enemy Design: First off, the basic enemies from what I saw in Magnetta are vaguely humanoid looking people with guns or special weapons of some kind? Are they police officers? Military? I don't know. they look like they're wearing some kind of armor, but they're not visually interesting at all, which, while not a huge deal, is important. That alone would not be so bad. Unfortuantely, the enemy design and attacks they use, along with their placement sometimes leads to areas which are very confusing or impossible to get by without being damaged. For example, I encountered a spider robot with a human head in one of the levels, it was one of the more interesting designs. When I walked into that room, the spider bot spawned on a small area that had a block keeping it contained on each side. so It could not just walk in a straight line at me. It proceeded to attempt to walk in a straight line at me until it bumped into the wall and then just continued to walk into that wall block. So, I went to jump on the block and over it, and as soon as I jumped the first time, it jumped too, and hit me. I had no way to shoot this with my normal weapon, and I cannot see anyway I had to avoid it or damage it. Bad design. Now, I've already talked about bad level design. That might not be so bad, if the minibosses and bosses were interesting, right? that's a big thing in Mega Man games. Welp, one of the mini bosses was a giant cannon with a person operating it on top. you have to shoot the person and the canon will fire a very large shot at you, either high (slide under) or low (jump over). That's all it does. You can fire one shot before you need to dodge. It takes maybe 8-10 shots to kill it. very boring. The other mini-boss i fought was much the same. But what about the actual bosses you say? Well, the one boss I fought (chemical plant) was more interesting than the rest of the enemies, but was still fairly bland and boring. It was just a person who would run at me, firing a shot occasionally, and had to be jumped over and shot at. Sometimes they'd run to the end of the room and then turn, sometimes they'd turn as soon as I jumped over, getting a free hit in on me. While running, once each time, the boss will hop back, and basically sit on a platform that will raise it self up and then lower itself. While sitting on this platform, the boss will fire at you a bunch and you just have to stand back and jump maybe once to avoid all 10 or so shots. Now, maybe after doing this for 12 seconds, the boss would jump off screen and long blobs of chemical slude (which damages you) would fall from sections of the ceiling at random. they fall slowly and you might run into them on accident, but they're pretty easy to avoid. Now, back to the running. rinse and repeat. very boring. Difficulty: I have already mentioned a lot wrong with the games level design and controls, combined with enemies that are poorly placed or thought out and hard to avoid hits from, leads to levels where you die A LOT in the same spots over and over and cheap hits from enemies. Boss Fights are not hard. The levels are the problem. I'm refunding this game.. Magnetta is an action platform game that draws heavy inspiration from the classics of the NES era. While the Megaman similarities can be seen in screenshots this game is very much it's own beast. It combines a lot of the asthetics and sound design of a NES game (it uses the NES color pallette and the sound and music are done through emulation of the NES sound chip) with a ton of modern ammenities. Many of which I have not seen in many indie retro throwbacks. It features multiple layers of paralax scrolling, particle effects and controller vibration. The story is interesting and is told through awesome sprite art cutscenes with charming dialogue. The attention to detail in the animations of enemies and characters is awesome for anyone who enjoys great old school sprites. It has tons of game modes, options, unlockables and achievements. Magnetta is a very enjoyable and difficult game that any fan of titles like Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania and Megaman are sure to love. Put on your big boy and big girl pants because in order to succeed you are going to need to learn the level layouts, enemy patterns and boss order. The small team at Heliocentric did an excellent job with the game and I will be spending a lot more time with this one. Looking forward to further games from the team.. Mediocore Mega Man clone. I didnt really want to put thumbs ups or down yet, but it came little closer to thumbs down. + Playability is fine +- Controls are tolerable, when you jump, you kinda "glide" in air - Music is mediocore, nothing too catchy - Level design is somewhat boring, there isnt too much of details around - Enemies feel simple and nothing too special, pulled out of anbr>- Hit recoil doesnt affect when touching spikes, thatme off. If you are a Mega Man fan and enjoy these kinda games, it might be worth your while. Its just seems to lack creativity andor effort.. Edit: the game has been updated. This review was made before the updates but likely still at least somewhat relevant unless significant things have been changed. TL;DR: Bad level design, bad enemy design, imprecise controls = I'm refunding this game. it's not worth the 9$ I paid for it, much less the full 10$ asking price. Let's get the obvious thing out of the way first, this is VERY obviously a Mega Man clone game. and it does copy Mega Man in just about every way. 8 bosses, blue protagonist out to save the world, you gain boss' abilities, lots of platforming, insta-death pitfalls. Where it fails to copy megaman though, is in precise controls, level design, enemy design, and difficulty. Controls: Mega Man games are always hard games of skill and knowledge, requiring you to think fast and to know your enemy very well in order to succeed. To help you do this, you are given precise controls. Magnetta fails in this regard. There were times where I had Magnetta visibily standing on nothing, but was still on the ledge. Magnetta slides slightly when she comes to a stop from running. Magnetta, for some unexplained reason, is able to stay floating in air for a second if you hold in the jump button, thus allowing you to reach farther distances, but it comes at the cost of feeling very odd and taking a lot of time to get used to. Magnetta can also grab onto certain spots if a chain is hanging from a ceiling and just hang there, unless, of course, for some reason the game has decided that despite you jumping right onto it and it apparently auto locking you onto it, to not grab the chain that time (like it did to me, at least 4 times in a row. Each time causing me to die, because it was over an instant death trap.) Which leads me to my next point. Level Design: So, first off, I would like to say I am a die hard Mega Man fan. I've played virtually every Mega Man game from every series. I am no stranger to difficult platforming sections, and admittedly, I did only play two levels of Magnetta (Chemical Plant and Holographic Testing Facility (I think that was the name of the 2nd one)). The levels in Magnetta are not hard. They are poorly designed. Let me paint a picture for you. In the Holographic Testing Facility stage, there are holographic platforms that you have to shoot a button off to the side to make them real. There are multiple of them in an area and if you shoot one of the buttons, some will turn on and others will turn off. if you're on one when it turns off, you will fall through. Magnetta does a decent job of giving you a safe area first that teaches you this. Unfortunately, the very next section where you have to use this mechanic for real, it adds in a new problem. You are now over a bottomless pit, standing on a holographic platform that's on. You have to shoot to the far side, wait for it to get close to the button, and then jump so that when it turns on the platform directly above you you will land on it, instead of still being on the one below you, which has just turned off and if you are still on it you will fall to your death. Now, here comes the terribly designed part. In front of you within jumping distance (still over that bottomless pit mind you) is a 2nd holo platform that is on. A bit further on and higher up is another holo platform, this one is off and well out of your current jumping distance, and this last holo platform leads to an area you have to slide through to progress. So just jumping into it will lead to your death. You HAVE to have that last holo platform on to proceed. So, what you have to do, is there is a button directly in front of you and below the last holo platform. You have to run, shoot, and jump to the holo platform that is currently on, land on it, and then jump again BEFORE your shot hits the button, because once it hits that button, it will turn that holo platform off, and you're still over that bottomless pit. This is a very precise section that if you're off even a little bit for it, you will fall and die. It took me at least 4 (4 lives each) continues to get past it ONCE, and this section comes maybe 20 seconds into this level. There are other sections like this as well. When you take a hit, it doesnt matter if you're holding on to something like a ladder or not, you will experience knockback, and the amount of knockback is rather large. if you're anywhere near the edge of a platform and get hit, you're going off. there is no stopping it. there are also enemies positioned SPECIFICALLY so that their line of fire intersects with where you need to be on a platform. you will die to these alot. This also leads into my next point. Enemy Design: First off, the basic enemies from what I saw in Magnetta are vaguely humanoid looking people with guns or special weapons of some kind? Are they police officers? Military? I don't know. they look like they're wearing some kind of armor, but they're not visually interesting at all, which, while not a huge deal, is important. That alone would not be so bad. Unfortuantely, the enemy design and attacks they use, along with their placement sometimes leads to areas which are very confusing or impossible to get by without being damaged. For example, I encountered a spider robot with a human head in one of the levels, it was one of the more interesting designs. When I walked into that room, the spider bot spawned on a small area that had a block keeping it contained on each side. so It could not just walk in a straight line at me. It proceeded to attempt to walk in a straight line at me until it bumped into the wall and then just continued to walk into that wall block. So, I went to jump on the block and over it, and as soon as I jumped the first time, it jumped too, and hit me. I had no way to shoot this with my normal weapon, and I cannot see anyway I had to avoid it or damage it. Bad design. Now, I've already talked about bad level design. That might not be so bad, if the minibosses and bosses were interesting, right? that's a big thing in Mega Man games. Welp, one of the mini bosses was a giant cannon with a person operating it on top. you have to shoot the person and the canon will fire a very large shot at you, either high (slide under) or low (jump over). That's all it does. You can fire one shot before you need to dodge. It takes maybe 8-10 shots to kill it. very boring. The other mini-boss i fought was much the same. But what about the actual bosses you say? Well, the one boss I fought (chemical plant) was more interesting than the rest of the enemies, but was still fairly bland and boring. It was just a person who would run at me, firing a shot occasionally, and had to be jumped over and shot at. Sometimes they'd run to the end of the room and then turn, sometimes they'd turn as soon as I jumped over, getting a free hit in on me. While running, once each time, the boss will hop back, and basically sit on a platform that will raise it self up and then lower itself. While sitting on this platform, the boss will fire at you a bunch and you just have to stand back and jump maybe once to avoid all 10 or so shots. Now, maybe after doing this for 12 seconds, the boss would jump off screen and long blobs of chemical slude (which damages you) would fall from sections of the ceiling at random. they fall slowly and you might run into them on accident, but they're pretty easy to avoid. Now, back to the running. rinse and repeat. very boring. Difficulty: I have already mentioned a lot wrong with the games level design and controls, combined with enemies that are poorly placed or thought out and hard to avoid hits from, leads to levels where you die A LOT in the same spots over and over and cheap hits from enemies. Boss Fights are not hard. The levels are the problem. I'm refunding this game.. Good retro action game. Having a great time so far.. Really fun game. Controls are clean, visuals are appealing, and music is grand. Pretty difficult game, don't expect to run through untouched. Hours of fun for the cost of an hours worth of work, can't really beat that value. Support good indie devs by spending your money on finished games, such as Magnetta, and stop feeding into the early access junk.. Polished and pristine. Heliocentric Studios, you've brought back fond memories. Huge, unique levels, solid difficulty, nice enemy variety, and unexpectedly forgiving (depending on your difficulty choice). Terrific particle effects and transitional backgrounds. It's the little touches that make me smile; Magnetta's blowing hair, her shimmer, idle interactions. This game will make you think at times, not so much to puzzle, but how to optimize. Power-ups and secrets a-plenty. Glitch-Me-Not! Magnetta, Mega Man.you two are one.. Ehhh. I bought this game, and it's good, but not that great. "It's pretty much a spin-off of Super Metroid," was my first thought. And I LOVE Super Metroid. (Except the first or second one, never played it.) But when I played the first level, I was confused by the controls, then DIED because of the confusing controls. Twice. Also, as far as I can see, there are no checkpoints. I got pretty far, then died, expecting a nearby checkpoint. IT PUT ME AT THE START. If you hate doing repetive stuff, do not buy this game. If you're a proffesional gamer that likes Super Metroid, play it.

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