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Title: Lovecraft's Untold Stories
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG
LLC Blini Games
LLC Blini Games
Release Date: 31 Jan, 2019
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This game is exactly what it says it is. A rougulike with RPG elements that blend into a run and gun, fun time. The mythos is a great overlay and I greatly appreciate the depth the team went into in order to faithfully portray Lovecrafts (and others) creatures. So far the only issues I have had early access is with the inventory and equipming items onto slots. Other than that the game has played incredibly smooth for me. If you love the mythos, don't pass this up.. As a person who knows Lovecraft's stories well, this game is enormously appealing if only for the constant and clever references to the literature. I'm glad I invested in this product and was able to see it as it developed and changed. Kudos to the developers who seem to me to have put an enormous amount of effort into this product. I really wish you guys great success with this amusing tribute to a problematic writer.. Lovecrafts Untold Stories is an intriguing pixel art adventure and arpg EA game that lets you play the role of an investigator while exploring randomized levels and fighting off creatures based on the Cthulhu mythos. The combined music and sound effects really compliments the forbodeing atmospheric vibe of this game. While I am playing this with my Xbox one controller at the moment, I would also like to have an option using a mouse to aim with, as opposed to just playing with the keyboard alone. Another other gripe is the unbalanced difficulty. Upon entering any unexplored room, you may be walking into a mob of fast moving cultists/creatures ready to attack you which will then lead to your demise really really quick, unless of course you are either extremely lucky, or have really good reflexes to roll your investigator to a safe distance; get behind an object out of their line of site to heal and shoot back in time before you get utterly murdered. It would be nice if there was an option to not have to start from the beginning of the level each time your player dies. What I did notice as I was interacting with certain objects were the choices given to your investigator as to how you would like to go about exploring the object or leaving it alone. Some poor choices will lower your investigators sanity, and although I didnt notice any noticeable mental afflictions or insanity to my character off-hand, I suppose this is the start of the sanity system being developed into the gameplay by the devs. It would be even more worthwhile if the devs could implement a sanity effects system along the lines of say Eternal Darkness for the Nintendo GC. As much as I enjoy it already, this early access game has much potential to become even better with future updates.. I made almost an hour to touch my beer. This game is good.. The areas seemed very repetitive which made the game actually kind of boring. It was mostly wandering around areas looking for specific key types to open stuff up.. I like the style of the game, the art, the music, the theme; but the actual game itself isn't that great for silly reasons. I can't tell you how many times I've died because I walked into a room, literally. When you encounter enemies in this game, it will seal all entrances to the room you just entered so sometimes? one or two guys, other times? 10+ guys, some armored turrets, and a couple of faceless horrors in a room so small that the only option literally is to get swarmed and shot at as soon as you enter the room and die because there is literally no where to go so you take damage faster than you can heal it. Also, do you not have a save option for sakes? By far my biggest complaint is the controls in this game; so let me get this want to make a 2-D top down survival horror game with action elements with tank controls and no saves? How about you let us point and click so we actually have a 360 degree arc of fire like my enemies do instead of cardnial directions because you end up spending more time trying to dodge their homing farts than you do in actual combat. It's one thing if you want to make a super difficult no save horror game that has super fluid controls and fun combat but this? this is literally me playing the game because of the name and I.P. attached to it. Edit: Dear Blini games, I finally beat the game but one of the issues that I have noticed is the randomness of the difficulty just on that first level. None of the other levels gave me nearly as much of a hard time as the mansion level. Some play throughs; I am barely able to make it out of each room; other games I breeze through the place. It's the smaller rooms that have multiple turrets, cultists, and faceless horrors (squid cultists) that essentially do so much damage before I am even able to press the space bar that unless I have the dog tags, beetle or an Ankh then I am just ed because I literally can't heal fast enough to counter the DOT that stacks from the poison and bleed on top of all the other DPS. It seems like you could solve this issue by balancing the room size to enemy number ratio. Don't allow a certain number/type of enemies in rooms under a certain size. While I have realized that there are progression points, I would highly recommend a finite save system per game. Just give us three saves per game, I think that would solve one of the issues that I am facing which is not losing to an outnumbered amount of enemies but to the game just glitching out and not loading in the room and having to restart the level or having to debate restarting because items disappear randomly when moved or stashed. Don't just give us the saves either, make it a random item that you only find one at a time of or have to buy from the merchant. Also, I do think this is a good game but it could be a great game by changing one aspect more than ANYTHING; make the aiming mouse based. I understand the novelty of tank controls and they do have their place but this game's combat suffers severly when there are multiple enemies in a room. While I did notice much later that you are actually able to aim diagonally by pressing two directions, this wasn't even mentioned in the tutorial so if anything please change that. If you made aiming/firing a weapon completely 360 degrees then combat would be so much more fluid and natural by being able to point and click in the direction of the enemies encountered. I could easily see this game being ported to consoles and tablet/phone devices if you implemented a 360 degree line of fire arc. Anyways thanks for the feedback, props to the art & sound department; Space penguins are dope.. 11/3/18 Content is coming in at a rate faster than expected, with apparently more to come, devs are still jovial and sincere seeming in the forums, squashing bugs and taking feedback. As for the game, the meta direction seems to be forming, and it doesn't seem like people are reporting massive bugs. Content is cleanly done, diverse, no cringey edgelord young adult english, but not as dry or unsettling as the original Lovecraft either, the game uses VERY STRONG visual appeal to continually shape the narrative. Three out of the five characters are playable, I had concerns about this there only being one as of a .7 something version, but the rest are quickly following. Game very much has an old school, git gud at me vibe. 8/7/2018 Have been in contact with the developer(s), incredibly decent people, and not just because they agreed witn me lol. They've got a vision, it's clear, it's presented well, and they have talent behind it. Every con was adressed, after talking to them, game flow makes sense. ---------------- 10/10 would buy blindly again. ---------------- Verdict (0.75, 8/6/18) This one's a polished, fun action game with roguelike elements. It's not an RPG, there are no stats. This is an action game, with RNG layouts for rooms and enemies, who most of the time don't drop loot there're serious balance considerations. But it does look GREAT. For now, at $12.00, very warmly reccomend. 0.75 review: Came for the art and setting, will probably stay for the mechanics. Pros: - Art, blah blah c'thulhu, if you're here you know this already. - Smooth animations, no frame rate issues, controlls very responsive - No deaths felt cheap the second time around - No Stats, just an inventory - fun and frenetic Cons: - Seems twitchy for a rogue-like, and there's whispers of later enemies being rolfstomped by kiting. - AS OF 8/6/2018, only 1 (ranged?) character available, possibly a second one via unlock.but considering the game's 75% complete.this is worrying - no Stats, just an inventory - no Sanity meter yet, this is borderline concerning.seems to exist only to trigger death - no inventory management, left click -> attack, -> R to reload, -> Space to dodge, -> C to throw projectiles.rinse and repeat - no active skills.or passive ones.generally room progression feels weird and empty, apparently there's a store somewhere
New patch available (Version 1.16) : Dear investigators, We have uploaded the new version 1.16, in our continuous effort to continue improving our game: News and improvements:. .AND WE ARE OUT! THE GREAT OLD ONES COULDNT STOP US! : Dear all, Greatest news! We have managed to complete every issue on time, and the games been released today, with just a few hours of delay! Click that "Buy" button and show the Great Old Ones that we are not as helpless as they think!. Introducing Dr. Clawstone : Welcome, investigators. Please close the door behind you strange things are howling in the wind tonight. Today we want to introduce you to Dr. Clawstone, another ally in our endless struggle against the twisted lurking monsters that threaten the very existence of our world. Dr. Clawstone used to do lets say, unorthodox research for the American army. After unearthing a mysterious artifact of unknown origins that he dubs Tillinghast, Dr. Clawstone discovered a new type of energy fields that could affect biological organisms. The Tillinghast proved to be useful when strange bubbling creatures started to leak through the walls of Dr. Clawstones library. He could destroy those abnormalities using the artifact, now turned into a weapon. The veil that blinds humanity in blissful ignorance lifted that day for Clawstone. And when he heard of sightings of energy fields similar to the ones created with the Tillinghast, he decided that he could not stand idle anymore while the Earth is in such grave danger. Dr. Clawstones Tillinghast is basically a means to contain a strange type of energy. It allows him to liberate this energy in quick bursts, equivalent to the shot of a weapon for all purposes. These bursts can hurt all the creatures of the Myths; we estimate that it might be a type of energy from their own dimensions, hence its ability to hurt them. Dr. Clawstone can also release this energy in a controlled manner to create a protective barrier around his body. This barrier protects him while causing damage to anything in direct contact with it although by some unknown mechanisms it draws from Clawstones stamina. Dr. Clawstone joins the Detective as the second character available in Lovecrafts Untold Stories, the action RPG with roguelike elements that releases tomorrow (June 22) on Steam Early Access. We will be waiting here for your mission reports. Good luck out there, investigators looks like you will going to need it.. New Combat Mechanics : Welcome, investigators. Do not worry: we are safe from prying eyes here, from those who adore the abhorrent entities who seek to destroy our world. We can talk safely about how we will fight against these foul creatures in Lovecrafts Untold Stories , the action RPG that will be released on Steam Early Access on June, 22! With this post, we start a dev blog where we will introduce you to different features, enemies, items, etc. of the game, as well as explain what we are working in and our development roadmap for the future. We intend to keep updating this dev blog after the game is available on Early Access, so make sure to subscribe to these blogs to stay up to date! Today we want to share with you some changes we are implementing in the combat system that will be available on June 22: a major overhaul of the shooting mechanic and a brand new explosive weapon.. Professor Clawstone's video walkthrough on YouTube : Dear Investigators, With the release of the version 1.155 and the full balance of Professor Clawstone and his storyline, we have published a walkthrough video on YouTube to present the new balance on every location, showing every secret and sublocation available. Of course, each game will be randomly generated, but this will give you an idea of where you have to search in order to get all the Info about the Great Old Ones. Click here if you want to watch it! As soon as we finish the balance of the Witch, the Thief, and the Ghoul, we will release the same video walkthroughs. Oh! And if you missed the Detective's walkthrough, here is your chance ! - "I am H.P.. New patch available (Version 1.045s) : Dear investigators, Just a quick announcement. We have finally released the new patch 1.045s. This one solves the following issues: Shoggoths in the Ice City: We have solved the problems with the regular Shoggoths and the Big boss in this location. Key reconfiguration: Now it is possible to use the keys Shift and Alt. Gamepads: We continue working on this. For the moment, just those Gamepads under the standard Xinput will work correctly. Visual issues: We have fixed some visual problems in the Ice City. Thanks a lot for your support! H.P.. Issue with the update 1.04s - Have you lost your progress? : Dear investigators, We are aware that several of you have lost the progress in the game. This is due to a problem that has occurred with Steam cloud, during the upgrade to the version 1.04s. We downgraded the game back to the version 1.03s as soon as we received the first reports about the problem, and sincerely hope that only a small group of people have suffered the loss of the progress. Those affected who want to recover their progress can send us in a ZIP file the contents of the SAVE folder, located on: Steam/Steamapps/Common/Lovecraft's Untold Stories/Lusdata Send it please, to the email address , specifying which characters and levels were unlocked, and we will return the files as soon as possible, with something extra as an apology for the inconvenience. We are very sorry for what has happened. It wont happen again.
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