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The diet for the cabbage soup is commonly known as a fad diet. As the name suggests, the diet allows people to have seven days to consume massive quantities of cabbage soup. The diet plan is not surprisingly mainly cabbage soup, along with a variety of fruit and vegetables a balanced diet low in fat but high in fibre. People can also eat other fruits and vegetables, beef, chicken, and brown rice during that period, according to a fixed schedule. 


Cabbage soup diet proponents suggest it's a healthy way to shed any pounds quickly. Individuals on the diet can lose weight because it dramatically reduces calories. Yet they are not all going to lose weight. What weight people lose is likely to be a mixture of water and fat, like a muscle. Since the diet for the cabbage soup is low in complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals, consumers should not stay on it for more than a week at a time. Cabbage soup diet is a strategy for rapid weight loss.


The diet is based on a soup that is fat burning and includes a small number of calories. The more people consume soup the greater the weight they will lose. It helps people to eat the same amount of Cabbage Soup they want every day, which would sound enticing to dieters. Dieters like to hear that they can consume endless quantities of food, after all, and yet lose weight quickly. This indicates, at least temporarily, that the cabbage soup diet is working. The soup itself contains potentially more calories than most meals. The diet is focused on eating strange and bizarre food combinations, which almost force people to go hungry every day. While the soup is very nutritious, it is not always very safe to have the odd combinations of food along with the soup and the portion sizes are nowhere near the regular recommended numbers.


Health benefits of the Cabbage Soup Diet are:


  • Weight loss: As a low-calorie diet plan that restricts dairy and carbohydrate consumption, it's hardly shocking that Cabbage Soup Diet followers report weight loss after only seven days. This weight loss, however, is mostly a water weight loss, as followers have cut carbohydrates. Therefore weight can be regained easily if carbohydrates are not re-introduced with caution.
  • High in fibre: To safe digestion fibre is important. The Cabbage Diet Program supports the consumption of a whole variety of fruits and vegetables, thereby upping fibre intake. Dietary fibre can also help people control blood cholesterol, reducing their risk of cardiovascular disease.

Views: 13

Comment by Frank smith on January 11, 2022 at 1:43am

What a topic! I am not a huge fan of soups but I know smth about weight loss. You see, I have read about is drinking milk before bed good for weight loss on that website and was shoked to find out the truth. If you look for some effective ways to loose weight then I recommend the most trusted resource about health life BetterMe, a leading health & fitness mobile publisher with 100M users worldwide. Cheers

Comment by Patrick Dampsy on January 11, 2022 at 2:03am

You have other answers. I don’t support extreme diets. In fact, I don’t support dieting at all. IMHO, the most effective thing for long term weight management is to eat high quality foods in moderation and eat that way for the rest of your life.

Comment by Free Stown on January 11, 2022 at 2:03am

According to whom or what research or studies ? Cabbage soup is as good as cabbage salad or any other green leafy vegetable. It has fiber and some minerals , and that’s about it. Nothing great about Cabbage soup. May be when you are not feeling well or upset stomach , it can be good light food.


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