Atlanta's Elite Fashion and Entertainment Consultants
Title: Helium Rain
Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Deimos Games
Deimos Games
Release Date: 11 Oct, 2018
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Have you watched the TV series called "The Expanse"? Have you ever wanted the game in similar setting? Search no longer - Helium Rain is what you need!
This game cointain technology and designs that are very close that that theme (aka plausible close future tech - so no hyperdrives, no shields and no Star Wars pew pew pew lasers).
It also gives very good "early colonization of remote star system" wibe.
The trading, station building, military oeprations - everything is on good and deep quality (casuals beware!)
Don't let the "Early Acess tag" fool you. In current state the game offer plenty of good and stable gameplay.
- simple, but great ships and station designs (sphere shipyard in Blue Heart is my favorite)
- well ballanced trade and economy
- well designed star system
- ability to own your own ships, stations, shipyards.
- good price to content ratio - it's a money well spent!
- simple but working faction diplomacy
- research tree
- manual docking is hardcore (but you can easily research auto-dock function)
- the entire Star System is a bit small - needs several more planets and moons and locations
- GUI can be a bit chaotic at first it also sometimes doesnt show you the information you need (e.g. station build descriptions doesn't tell you what resources station need/produce)
- sometimes other factions goes bancrupt which makes their stations not producing anymore coz they can't buy resources.
- stations doesn't change visually when you upgrade them.
- research tree could be a bit bigger and the "progressive research costs" should be removed - this smells to much like the abusive sysyem of mobile games.. Good gameplay, good graphics, good game.
In Helium Rain you never get bored, you always have a new route to make, a new contract to fill, a new station to build. And whatever you do, the world reacts to it. If you destroy an iron mining station, less iron will be available and the price will go up. Local actions have global consequences.
Usually I'm not into theses type of game, but HR does it well, with detailed tutorials and a smooth learning curve. You are not thrown alone in an unkown universe, with gazillions of stars and nothing to do.
Definitely worth the price.. I very much enjoy playing this game. The economy bits are really fun. I like figuring out where I can create a trade route to make more money. I like having to solve problems I run into. The game has a very authentic space colony feel. Like if there were space colonies in the next 100-200 years they'd probably would be just like this.
My favorite latest thing is the ship switching. I can switch to the freigthers in my fleet and individually tell them to autodock, and then switch to my fighters and see all my ships doing what I want them to, and then sometimes you see one of your other fleets enter the sector while you're doing all this and it's just a super cool thing. Especially realizing that you only start off with one ship, and you build this big empire in a cool space colony.. Thanks for releasing the source code for your game! It is awesome to see how your slate implementations work in action, and reading the source and looking at how you implemented your menus and ui have helped me make steep progress in learning to use slate. tyvm :D. This is kind of an excellent base for a game set in space. It has the core components of Elite Dangerous, yet, is fresh and new. Newtonian physics are fun and easy to manage, I've seen a few games make a nightmare out of Newtonian implementation. Beyond that, the reviews about it being a space trucking game are essentially true, but the game was released in October and I haven't experienced any stability issues or bugs. Slightly light on the graphics side of things, but even ED evolved graphically, so with dedication and systematic updates and expansion, Helium Rain could become a serious contender in the space sim sector. Time will tell, as long as the devs stay dedicated to their dream and the fans.. This game is early access. That's something to keep in mind.
I've encountered a couple of very minor bugs, none of which interrupt the game. It runs stable, great frame rate, and haven't had a crash at all. Which can't be said for a lot of other games in early development on Steam (and in full release too).
The game itself feels like the X series with Elite and mildly inspired Kerbal Space Program. The physics make it interesting and while at first I was concerned it would be a chore to fly around with the momentum, the game is good about adjusting to your controls and where your mouse is pointing (or where you adjust your view if you use a gamepad).
The game does feel sparsely populated and stations are relatively close together. I haven't played very long (4 hours in), but there doesn't feel like much reason to explore just yet. On the other hand I'm still doing tutorial contracts and understanding the game, so there might be a lot that opens up. There appears to be a story/plot that you can follow, but seems to be ultimately an optional contract to start.
Trading works like you would expect. Stations require specific resources. Some produce specific resources. You purchase the products and sell them to places that have them in demand. One unique aspect in the game is a live economy. It's a welcome aspect that causes natural changes in prices and I look forward to using this to my advantage as I progress in the game.
While the interface seems relatively bland and light, it works very well. The docking information is very helpful in lining up your ship and feels satisfying to have the magnetic bonding occur when you get close. Finding the right information in the menus is a bit of an issue. It feels cumbersome to look up where locations are, how long it'll take to fly there, then enter another menu to look up economic information. On one hand I'd hate it if it made it extremely clear since half the fun of a game like this is finding a trade route, not just having it handed to you. On the other, I'd like to see this design improved in the future. As you start to get additional ships, this sort of management process is more crucial. However there is an option to make trade routes that I assume send your other ships out to do the route automated. If that's the case, then there isn't much issue once they go on their merry way.
Ultimatly I'm happy with this game at this price point. The game feels light on polish and interface, but feels relatively solid in features and content. I'm hoping to see a wider variety of locations, ships, equipment, and items to move in the future, but there's a lot of potential here and the developers are very active on Reddit and on their own forum. This is cleary a work of love, not for a quick buck.
What to expect during Early Access:
Hello !
We're releasing Helium Rain in Early Access to garner feedback from the community, and decide which features are the ones most needed. Here is our plan :
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