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Why I Date Much Older Men
Men her age typically though not necessarily are as mature or even less mature than herself and are not yet ready to take on the responsibility of a partner. Also, get him to do the same for what you love to do. He looks younger than he is and is in very good shape. I think that's the main thing.
But I knew he was probably 10 years older than me and that was a little bit of the attraction, because I thought that he would be older and more settled with none of the bullshit that you have in your 20s. Any other highlights or challenges readers should know about? Woman C: He has had a lot more history than I have.
I am 62 I have been dating a guy 30 years older than me for 4 years now. Crummy beer and fast food lost their appeal to an older guy many years ago. There is a particular immaturity connected to the hookup culture which I just have no time for. Next week we meet up and I asked him to ask me out. The fact that this man didn't want to have sex with me in spite of claiming to love me, in spite of the fact that men allegedly always want sex, in spite of the fact that they allegedly especially want sex with much younger women — all of this made the continual rejection especially painful. Older guys know who they are. Social: Navigating between the various social circles, including family and friends, can be challenging. This isn't an issue for me, as I'm unable to have children at this point due to health reasons.
15 Reasons Why Women Love Older Men - Younger women will find that older guys are often less controlling, less critical, and more likely to delight in them for who they are. Girls are used to their father's protection and care." alt="dating 30 year older man" title="dating 30 year older man" style="width: 320px;" />
Financial gain seems to be the obvious answer. Girls get a head-start by marrying older men, as it affords them a similar or better lifestyle than they were used to while living with their parents. After all, their parents would have secured a commendable standard of living in their middle age, and the girl would like to ensure that she gets similar comforts when she marries. If she were to marry a man the same age or slightly younger, they both would be starting out together and would lead a life of struggle initially—at least before they can plant their feet firmly in their respective careers. So, such an affair results in financial security. There are other, more complex psychological reasons. · Just Like Daddy. As they say, a girl marries a guy that reminds her of her father. Girls are used to their father's protection and care. Such a caring and loving attitude is usually found in older men. Men her age typically though not necessarily are as mature or even less mature than herself and are not yet ready to take on the responsibility of a partner. Girls want to grow up fast, and they feel all grown up with an older man who socializes with others his age. Finally, it is easier for younger girls to relate to them. In their early twenties, young girls are still trying to come to terms with their identity. They are still dealing with their emotions. They need a strong anchor, and a mature man can provide that emotional stability. You must consider the following differences before marrying or even getting into a relationship with an older man. Physical: He will be less vigorous than your younger self. Emotional: His emotional needs will differ from yours simply because he is in a different stage of life. Social: Navigating between the various social circles, including family and friends, can be challenging. Finally, let's get into some of the problems that a couple may face when the guy is much older. To get an idea of the possible challenges, you only have to read the experiences of women who have married old men. These tragic stories are all over the internet. So, I will be very blunt in the list below. If you are having an affair with such a man, physical compatibility could be an issue. You will be in the prime of your life, and he'll be rapidly approaching the end of his. While you are spending hours in the hospital because he has fallen ill, your friends will be sharing stories about their baby showers and their children's sports activities. If he is married, then you will be his second choice. His wife and his children will always be his top priority. Which is why he is still married and you are his mistress. If he can cheat on his wife with you, he would cheat on you with an even younger girl. If you wish to start a family, there are emotional and physical barriers. An older man's sperm usually cannot produce healthy babies. Physically he may not be able to do all the activities with your child that are expected of a father. Emotionally, he may not be ready to create competition for his kids from his previous first marriage. The benefits of dating an older man are very few, and most fathers would have a hard time if their daughters began to date one. To be fair, some couples have successfully lived together despite the age difference. Here are some tips to make your marriage work: 1. Communicate: This is the number one game-changer in all relationships. Despite all your differences, it is the willingness to talk that keeps the flame burning bright. Talk to him, listen to him, share ideas. Discuss things you like and dislike. Talk about your future plans. That's one good thing about marrying an older man—he listens better than a younger one. Read a lot so that you can discuss politics, entertainment, and sports. That brings me to my next point. Share common interests: You must watch sports with him, if that's what he likes—and find it genuinely interesting. I know it's a stereotype that men like sports. Develop an interest in whatever it is that he likes. Also, get him to do the same for what you love to do. Doing things together improves communication, which was my previous point. However, my next point is going to contradict this one. Give each other space: Yes, you should find things to do together. But also spend time apart so that each of you can do the things the other doesn't like on your own. There's no point trying to force your man to go shopping with you, for example. Let him catch up with a buddy over a beer while you go and spend his money. You will need to find the right balance between doing things together and being independent. You can think of it in one of two ways. First, you could focus on the age aspect like you have in your question: If you are 21, then he is 56 and can retire in 9-11 years. If you are 25, then he is 60 and he gets to retire in 5-7 years. Do you know any other retirees? Do you know what their life is like? Are you okay with participating in that life? If he doesn't plan to retire, do you know any other older persons who have continued working into their seniority? Are you okay with participating in the vagaries of that life? Also, to be incredibly blunt about it, are you prepared for the imminence of his death? If he is 60, then he has only 20 years before he hits the average life expectancy according to the OECD report of 2011. Here's Wikipedia's recent chart of life expectancy per country: Given all of this, are you looking forward to having children? If so, are you prepared to deal with the possibility of their youthful grief before they're old enough to drink? That's enough about the age aspect to get your mind going on how much of a good idea it is. Second, you could focus on what it is like being loved by him: Does he treat you like you are the most incredible thing that ever happened to him? If not, the answer is patently obvious. I really think it's a BAD idea to marry him! He could be your father and will be acting like one eventually! I don't know how old you are, but if you are younger - try to imagine yourself 20 years from now. I am married to a very sweet, dependable man who is 14 years older than I am, but acts like the best years of his life are over. I wanted to be with an educated, intelligent man - and he is - but that's pretty much where it ends. I am outgoing, adventurous, love to dance and travel, etc. His only brother recently died - and his parents are gone - and now he seems to just be existing. I encourage him to talk to a counselor perhaps he is somewhat depressed? My advice would be to spend time with your man right now if you both find it to be adventageous for whatever reason, but DO NOT marry him! I would never leave or cheat on my husband, but I would really love to have a more adventurous partner to share these later years with. I am 62 I have been dating a guy 30 years older than me for 4 years now. First time I saw him was immediately drawn to him. I was having fun. The moment I saw him across street, I knew I want to be with him. I didn't know his age, financial situation ,etc.. I just wanted to be him. Next week we meet up and I asked him to ask me out. His age never bothered me and still doesn't. Last 4 years have been best years of my life. He is kind, handsome, know his way in the bedroom, and always knows what I need before I realize it. We understand the generational gap and accept it. I personally find it extremely attractive when he resite old music….
I am 62 I have been dating a guy 30 years older than me for 4 years now. Crummy beer and fast food lost their appeal to an older guy many years ago. There is a particular immaturity connected to the hookup culture which I just have no time for. Next week we meet up and I asked him to ask me out. The fact that this man didn't want to have sex with me in spite of claiming to love me, in spite of the fact that men allegedly always want sex, in spite of the fact that they allegedly especially want sex with much younger women — all of this made the continual rejection especially painful. Older guys know who they are. Social: Navigating between the various social circles, including family and friends, can be challenging. This isn't an issue for me, as I'm unable to have children at this point due to health reasons. للصداقة قبطي طنجة كوم موقع في جواز دوت بعد الزوجين عن بعض فقرة عن سلبيات الانترنت بالانجليزي
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