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Cursed Sight Ativador

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About This Game

Being able to control fate would be a blessing for many. 5d3b920ae0

Title: Cursed Sight
Genre: Indie
Release Date: 3 Aug, 2015


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I'm crying like a baby and I rarely cry for games, movies, whatever, you name it. First off I could say I hate kinect VNs or VNs that are /almost/ kinect, like this one. I thought it wouldn't be almost kinect when I purchased it, but when I started playing I shrugged that off because the way the plot were developed was great. Some jokes on point and then the angsty of it all. You can think the overall plot is a little oversused or kinda obvious and I will agree. The point is, again, the way everything was developed. The way the characters grow on you or the way it makes you think that this couldn't be happening because "hey it's a VN and it's supposed to (almost) always end ok with a pairing of your choice!" but it is happening and you wish you could change everything because it hurts so bad. Can't even english and write a decent review because of how much I'm crying so 10/10 for making me go back to when I was 6 months old.. Manly tears were shed.. It's a good VN, but the logic behind some of the choices the characters make are confusing. Especially in the True Ending.. I have been following this game for a while and I can say with certainty that this is a good read and worth the money. This is a rather short VN. Depending on your reading speed, it can take 2-3 hours to finish and get all 4 endings. Also this handles serious and depressing themes where we see the characters struggle in the bleak situation they're in but of course with hints of love and hope. The characters themselves while not fully fleshed out are filled with strengths and weaknesses. The MC himself is pretty broken himself. Overall I'd rate this 8/10. A good VN, while not your happy, good feel story, provides a interesting story with good characters.. Cursed Sight is relatively brief as visual novels go, but manages to tell a captivating story in the few hours it has to its name. The story follows Gai, who is 10 years old, and has just been sold into slavery. He becomes the servant of a temple in East Taria, a generic Asian country, and the personal attendant of Miyon, a young girl perpetually clad in a veil. The reason for that is the titular Cursed Sight: Miyon cannot look directly at someone without causing their death. In an exchange of sorts, Miyon received the power of prophecy: through ritual, she can see the future. Anything further than those details constitutes a rather extreme spoiler, considering the brief length of the game. The game's arguably biggest flaw, such as it is, is its divisive protagonist. Gai is one of those rare children in fiction who acts his age, and as a result is kind-of a brat. Self-centered, constantly sarcastic, and hopelessly blunt, Gai makes for a narrator character with a keenly defined personality. That personality, however, can be rather offputting. Gai does develop some over the course of the novel, but his self-centered nature and sarcasm never go away. If that's going to turn you away from the story's strong points, so be it. The second biggest "flaw" is not a flaw so much as a natural consequence of how the game was designed. If you go into visual novels hoping to make a lot fo plot-altering decisions, this isn't one of those games. There are a handful of endings, all branching off from clearly designated route splits, while otherwise the player is on-rails, acting as Gai, not a generic player cipher who would be more malleable. Also, have to give points to the developer for giving the game a "timeline" feature of sorts to make it easy to jump to the branching points that do exist. A lot of visual novels would be greatly improved by such a mechanic, so seeing such a small one pull it off is encouraging. The art that exists is well-done, while the music falls squarely under the category of "effective but forgettable". The characters are relatively well developed given the limited time allotted by the game. While it may not be the most lengthy or complex experience on the visual novel market, Cursed Sight tells its story well enough and memorably enough to be worth giving a chance. Check it out.. Beautiful art. Beautiful sound. Beautiful Final Ending.. So after 3.7 well spent hours, I finally unlocked all endings, although there are some blank spots on the gallery, looking forward to unlock them later. From the first sentence you can tell, that I loved this Visual Novel, and I got say it, I really enjoyed it, although as some stated, this Visual Novel tends to end in a way that isn't that happy ever after, in which I give a huge thumbs up, because it gives a bit more reality into it. Onward to the background, the artstyle is stupendous, seriously, from something that was designed by hand, it really looks like it the artist really enjoyed doing it. The choice of soundtrack was well imported, just due to the case that it feels natural to the scenario in question. Although this Visual Novel doesn't explore much choices(5 in total), it is still fenomenal, and don't let this turn you down on acquiring it, because believe me, you'll mostly like it, unless you are an heartless hypocrite, joking xD. Now you might be thinking that this game is kinda short for something that is worth 7 euros, but once you start to get into the story that thought starts to become rather of a legend that really a thought. I too at start was kinda hesistating in acquiring it, but since I had played without within and enjoyed it, I decided to give it a try, and 7 euros wouldn't kill me, so onward I went, and I really don't regret it. TLDR: GET IT!!!!!! PS: Sorry for bad english and if it was too repetitive, kinda new to this review thingy.. Shorter VN but still enjoyable, the characters are well thought out and the relationships between them feel natural despite the short length. There's also a nice balance of humor throughout and the character artwork is well drawn if a bit static, backgrounds are well drawn and fit the mood for the scene well although a few are a bit plain. No voice over but the music was very pleasant and fit the scenes flawlessly there are a few spelling and grammatical errors that stand out, and the occasional insert of modern terminology in what is supposed to be an ancient setting feels a bit odd at times but those are my only real gripes.. The art and music are very nice, but the story lacks on its development (not something I really dislike at all). I think it could've been better if the inner think of the characters were more serious at some point of the story, but other than that, I think it's a good VN compared to many other on Steam. PD: I really like the way of thinking of the main characters in the InvertMouse games.

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