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Crankies Workshop: Grizzbot Assembly Torrent Download [key Serial]

Crankies Workshop: Grizzbot Assembly Torrent Download [key Serial]

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About This Game

Crankies Workshop is a true or false question game with a colorful and friendly atmosphere. Crankie needs help assembling his new order of Grizzbot's and he needs you to answer the knowledge machines questions to keep it assembling the robots. He will show you the ropes and then set you loose on all 30 levels consisting of 10 questions per level. Each question you answer is a stage in the robots assembly and has a dollar value based on the speed you answer correctly. The overall value of each of the 30 completed robots(levels) is tracked and assigned a rating of 1,2,3 by Crankie so you can see yourself progress and try and beat previous scores.

Colorful and Friendly Atmosphere
30 Robots(aka Levels) to complete
300 True or False Challenging Questions
3 Ranks to reach per level b4d347fde0

Title: Crankies Workshop: Grizzbot Assembly
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Crankies Smartworks
VT Publishing
VT Publishing Games
Release Date: 12 Sep, 2017


crankies workshop grizzbot assembly steam. crankies workshop grizzbot assembly


Open game then close game = all achievements.. 3\/10!

Open game then close game = all achievements.. 3\/10!

Open game then close game = all achievements.

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