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Arctic Alive Key Serial

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About This Game

Arctic alive - a simulator with elements of survival horror. The action takes place in Siberia on the research station "Arctic". There was something in what is ne 5d3b920ae0

Title: Arctic alive
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Simulation
Dima Kiva
Dima Kiva
Release Date: 29 Jan, 2016


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My first adventure into the Arctic went like this -Escaped -Went downstairs -Ran -Died 10/10 Would die again.. Started in a cage that was locked but the fence so small a child of 10 could have climbed over it. Ate 2 x chicken legs then found page 1 of a diary, couldn't put the page down, no key seems to do that. Exit the game, will try again when I feel the need to vomit over my keyboard. What a cheap pile of crap this is.. this game is soooooooooooooooooo lagy for its graphicks. Excellent game. A very unique, engaging story. One of the reasons I love indie games is that they are almost always unique. If you're a casual you would definitely not like Arctic Alive. It can be a bit difficult. I died over 50 times . The graphics are actually pretty good too, not typical for an indie game. I was really engaged by the main character, despite the lack of information revealed about her. Mysterious. I hope the developer continues to make games, and that they are translated to english so I can play them.. https://youtu.be/sjGJ4uPkzAM This is the sort of game that 'polarises' opinons (see what I did there?) But joking aside, it really does. The game attempts to do many things for its low cost - however at the same time it doesn't quite succeed. There is limited crafting, as well as stealth, combat and survival. however some could accuse the game of being excessive in its attempt. A good example is the survival elements. The basics are there such as eating and drinking - but there is also washing, going to the toilet and even having to clean your clothes. This does lead to the feeling of a lot of busy work that really is not welcome when trying to survive. All of this uses water which needs to be pumped into a tank meaning you have to run back to the pump room to pump even more water. And finally there is the stealth and combat. Both feel somewhat cumbersome as even the slightest movement will have the AI torpedo straight to you, but the AI itself moves in a somewhat random motion, leading to inevitable death. Once you finally have a weapon if you 'kill' the AI it turns into a sort of black puddle - which also will kill you on touch. However often this puddle is now blocking the path you need to take. So you need to wait for it to reform then try and kill it again, just somewhere it does not block your movement. Graphically the game is fairly ugly in all honesty but at least the controls are smooth, and the performance is good. With that all said - I actually like the game, despite the issues. In fact if anything I wish the game went on longer, as it is on the short side. So I applaud the game for trying to do a lot, and also for being a genuine indy game and not the usual asset flip - but be warned the game has a lot of rough edges, and it will test the patience of even the most patient saint.. I don't know if it's the plastic characters or the incomprehensible google translate or the bizarre enemies and incomprehensible mechanics but there's a charm to this game that you can't really describe. There's something about this game that compels me to figure it out and I don't know if I ever will but I want to see it through to completion. If it cost more than $4 I would probably have given up.. Started in a cage that was locked but the fence so small a child of 10 could have climbed over it. Ate 2 x chicken legs then found page 1 of a diary, couldn't put the page down, no key seems to do that. Exit the game, will try again when I feel the need to vomit over my keyboard. What a cheap pile of crap this is.. Wow, does this game have potential! But in its current form, absolutely not worth it. Okay, so the English is a little shaky. But I'm intrigued by this game. You're in an Artic outpost and your task is to survive. And then.came.the bugs. It's a problem that I can't put the diary page down. You find it, you read it.and then you're carrying it in front of your face for the rest of whatever. The problem is, you can't interact with any other objects when you have the diary page in front of your face. And you have to choose -- do you want to read the diary and then doom the rest of your game to nothing? Or not read the diary and therefore miss some probable relevant information? The interface is rusty, I can't figure out how to plant seeds, water them, and grow them. And then there's the enemy -- the black blog that morphs into the form of a human who quickly snaps your neck. But I am compelled to play this game! I don't know what it is -- the environment isn't particularly interesting -- it's like the movie "The Thing" without any supporting cast. And yet, the concept is alluring -- how am I going to survive in the Artic? So here's the deal -- DEVELOPER, fix the bugs and I will return. You have something intriguing here.

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