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Tasks of instructional supervision

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Instructional Supervision Articles. 1. RESEARCH. AREA &. SOURCE. DESCRIPTION & MAIN FINDINGS/ARGUMENTS. Teacher. Quality. /. Action. Research. Dec 23, 2013 In recent years, instructional supervision has been given a great deal of attention in instructional leadership as a blend of several tasks, such. As your supervisor, I am providing these technical tasks in my efforts to assist with your instructional improvement.These tasks include the following: Direct Assistance - I will work one-on-one to provide or facilitate feedback for teachers to improve instruction. tions of how instructional supervision is actually practiced in schools and how teachers are .. Glickman (1985) defined the five tasks of supervision that have.Through the effective supervision of instruction, administrators can reinforce and enhance . A task analysis of each of the sub-objectives enables the teacher to activity that exists to help teachers do a better job," ' while John A. Bartky con fines supervision to the task of improving instruction through in-service education.-. between instructional supervisory practice of checking of teachers' lesson notes and To carry out these tasks, the school head must have supervisory capacity Instructional leadership is one of the most important roles of supervisors. Supervisors lead other teachers in instruction to make them as effective as possible. Feb 24, 2015 DEFINITION OF INSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISION ”All efforts of designated Whether the duties of the supervisor involve class scheduling or

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