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Lex Mortis Crack

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About This Game

Lex Mortis is an open-world horror game set on a fully ex 5d3b920ae0

Title: Lex Mortis
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Dennis Esie
Dennis Esie
Release Date: 9 Feb, 2015


  • OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-750 or AMD Phenom II X4 955
  • Memory


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Finished playing the game, and overall was more disappointed than happy. The game is in the beginning actually doing its job, in the father's house you feel not comfortable. But after that point several stuff made me really dislike the game. - Everything is scripted. Very poorly scripted. Need fuel for the car? Well, no matter if you know where the fuel is, if you don't enter the car first, so the game can tell you that you require fuel, you won't get fuel. Same with notes. - Multiple times it's the same with the objective: You go to point A, get told you require a object, go to point B, go back to point A. Worst case (Coatown) nothing happens worthwhile, and literally is a time waste, just to artificially extend the gametime. - Pacing of the game is extremely forced. The moment you reach a "key"-destination (aka night points) your character becomes immensely slow, so slow that it's actually annoying than terrifying. - "Open-World". Yes, you can explore the entire game. But (especially villages) you just see houses, over houses - and you can't enter any of them, except the ones YOU MUST enter. Or the "sight-seeing" points (like Train Station) are almost nothing, worst case just a poorly modelled "house". - Enemy behavior is weird. Besides of cringe-worthy movement, they sometimes (often) find you behind cover. - Bugs. Quite honestly, Lex Mortis should've been put into Early-Access, not released. When the game was released it took 2-3 hours until you could actually enter the game (game was broken). Besides of some settings not saving at all, game crashing when you close it and other weird interactions in the game. - With the latest update (1.1) you can skip the intro. You can skip the text part, but you're still forced to watch the sequence afterwards and the character still talking about the text part - even when you get the control. - "Save Game" option, when hitting escape to get into the menu is 2015-most useless feature. It does literally nothing. - Before some updates, when you closed the game, or died (because alien-creatures catched you) you had to re-do everything, including watching the intro, this was another artificial cause of increasing the game time (total clear time was 2 hours). Overall the game was a disappointment. It had just its graphic talking, gameplay-wise, story-wise AND exploration-wise it was terrible, besides of the poorly scripted stuff.. 3/10 - Bad If this game wants to be a full release out of early access than it shall be reviewed as one, criticism and all. I came across this indie horror game when it was released early this febuary, so I never played it in early access. One big selling point for me was the open world concept, along with the graphics, and this game does look nicee(but.) . Weeks went by before I actually sat down and played the game after purchasing it. In that time I read the reviews on steam, and watched some videos and braced myself for the worst. For the first hour or so I was actually really enjoying myself. I didn't mind the grammar errors, or the voice acting, knowing that it was one person that made the game, i'm very forgiving in that part. As time went on though the things that were wrong with this game managed to totally ruin the experience then on, and the enjoyment of the first hour was a faded mamory. This game gets buried under the weight of its own glaring failures, and is not enjoyable in any way for the rest of the game. Too be honest im kind of baffled to see so many positive reviews for this game. Did these reviewers actually play this game? I normally write pros and cons in reviews, LM has more problems than i care to remember, but ill try my best here Pros: Graphics: The game looks nice Soundtrack: Its good, not great, at times it really lays on the atmosphere, especally in the beginning. I was pretty jumpy in the first house. The Cons: - No flashlight. this is unnacceptable. imagine playing alien isolation or outlast without any source of light, youd prolly scream. - You cant run 75% percent of the time. the only time you can run is when your in the open area back tracking, and yeah, thats a problem in itself.backtracking. - No incentive to go exploring other areas. - driving physics are broken , i mean broken asbroken can be, the worst you will come across on the entire planet. - The story takes a nose dive into awfulness towards the end. - Theres literally only 2 times in the game were you have to sneak around a monster, im not kidding, wish i was. and it was like 1 small hallway for each. - everything in the game looks like it has anal lube all over it. - The map sucks - Grammar, im forgiving of this, but by the end i found myself laughing out of my chair. - did i mention running? yeah in any building your in it slows you down to a snails pace, even when your around a monster. Hell there was a glitch in the 1 monster area where there was like super glue on the floor and it was slowing you down for no reason , other than it was a glitch. - This game should still be on early access and not an official release, its reckless. Steam needs some kind of quality control when it comes to this. Im sorry but this is unnacceptable. - boats are so slow you can prolly swim just as fast. - the ending was so bad i was lost for words with my jaw dropped , and proceeding to laugh uncontrollably. - NO Flashlight, yup its that annoying . This game does not feel finished, plain and simple. There is massive potential for lex mortis to be a very good, even a great game, and for it to contribute something new to the first person survival horror genre. but this premature release kind of squandered that opportunity. It's really a waste to see the dev put so much work into this game, only to cut it short and release it in its current state. If any of you are like me and you want to play this, I know this review won't stop you, i'm the same way, but don't be surprised if I told you so.. Lex Mortis is an open-world horror game set on an island. You try to find your father at your birthplace, the island Berdwood, which is located in Northern Europe. Soon you will discover that there are no living people on the whole island. The graphics are pretty good, at least during the daytime. Due to poor lightning effects it is barely possible to see anything at night and the game is mostly played at night. There is also no flashlight or anything else which you could use to light your way somehow. The options does not include a way to increase the gamma settings. There is not much music, probably 2 songs which repeat over and over again. Also the music does mostly not fit to the scenery. Lex Mortis does not have footsteps sounds and a lot of other important sounds, which should be standard in a game, are missing. It is sometimes also not possible to understand what the protagonist says because the music is too loud and the voice is too silent. The game itself is poorly translated. The subtitle includes lots of grammatical errors. A good horror atmosphere is also not included, actually it is completely repetetive. You go to point A, get the information that you need something, so you go to point B and after that you go back to point A. While you are searching, you have to try to avoid to be discovered by some monsters. The behavior of them is weird. Besides of their strange movement, they often find you behind the cover which should normally not happen. The game is a big disappointment and not worth your time and especially not 6u20ac. If you search for a good open world first person exploration game you should take a look at Dear Esther or The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. Sounds 2/10 Graphics 6/10 Gameplay 2/10 Atmosphere 3/10 If you liked my review, please feel free to follow me and/or my curator group: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ov3RT4K3R/myworkshopfiles/?section=guides http://steamcommunity.com/groups/orcollective#curation Also feel free to check out my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC83DYCmrWfl9ttrhX54jmWA. The only problem with the game is that its dark as hell in there! But The gameplay i think is awesome.. This game has series lightning issues. During the night time everything outside a building or cave is visiable BUT everything inside a building is almost invisiable! Currently I am climbing the mountains and exploring the map; However after I entered a cave through a mountain (The walls and mountains are very buggy; you can climb a mountain by jumping around and at some point you can pass through the wall of a mountain and get to a area where you are not suppose to reach) the sun set and I almost can't see nothing! So far I have been walking around in almost pure black for about 15 minutes and still have no clue how to get out. The game experience is just terrible.. If you want to play the game DO NOT BUY THIS VERSION. Buy Reflecting Fate instead. That version is a "slightly" revised version of the same exact game. Lex Mortis was version 1.0 and Reflecting Fate is 1.0a. There's a completely different developer and publisher listed on Steam for Reflecting Fate. They are the same game though. The game is not that great. A lot of empty space to appear "open world" with piles of empty buildings, locations, etc. A lot of bad translations will also be found throughout the game as well. I don't know if they fixed it in Reflecting Fate but in my 35+ years of gaming they win the award for the absolutely worst driving mechanics. I gave up and walked.. Poor map system, tons of typos and gramatical errors, options are a mess (like your mouse is inverted automatically and if you ever go back to game settings after changing it, it will revert.) But is it scary? Well, I opened a door and a skeleton appeared for a second with the screen turning red. So you tell me.. For a one-person dev team, Lex Mortis has a few good things going for it. It succeeds in transitioning between "run around and find things" mode to "crawl through this spooky house" mode. The game has a fun back-and-forth between the serene exterior of the island and the threatening "horror" parts. There were several aspects that ultimately led me to NOT recommend this game. -The lighting is TERRIBLE. Most of the time I was literally stumbling around in the dark. - The "open world" aspect is a lie. Yes, you can basically wander around the island forever, but there is NOTHING to be gained from it. There are empty villages with unfinished-looking houses that are either totally empty or are impossible to enter anyway. Most locations you can't access anyway until the "story" lets you. - Laughable English voice acting, although the dev did their best. - The "creatures", which resemble a bunch of Mothman cosplayers, hardly represented a threat to me as the player. - The dev didn't seem to care about sound design in the non-horror exploratory parts. The soundtrack was uninspired. - As for the "horror" aspect, besides a few cheap jump scares I really did not feel a sense of dread at all. The ONE part that I truly enjoyed was where the main character is lost in this

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