Atlanta's Elite Fashion and Entertainment Consultants
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG
Bonus Level Entertainment, Independent Arts Software
EuroVideo Medien
Release Date: 17 May, 2018
Look, I'm a fan of retro games, even more games composed of pixel characters and background, but that doesn't means I wont be harsh to this.
The idea of the game is cool, a platformer where you use the power of the seasons to solve puzzles, the problem is that the game attempts to be more like "Dark Souls" than an enjoyable platformer.
The Bayonet Crossbow is a good weapon, but there is no way of alternating between each other than by doing a key combination, if you use the attack button without jumping or holding down, your character shots arrows, if you are jumping or holding down, bayonet attack. That is a problem, even more if you want to shot small enemies, you can't, because your character will use the bayonet instead, the same is also valid for flying enemies, you have to depend on the bayonet attacks to be able to attack them.
If you have played Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, you'll probably remember Lenny when reading Patty messages. And he's as annoying aswell.
The game really wants you to be less greedy too, since to activate check points, you need to spend coins, SPEND COINS, TO NOT RESTART THE ENTIRE STAGE WHEN THE CHARACTER DIES. And the best part is, the stages are big, so if you die without buying a check point, you'll have to do the stage all over again, and lose everything you got during the stage. EVERYTHING.
The keyboard controls are AWFUL! You use WASD to move, and Enter to attack. Why? Would be better to use the number keys or IJKL to do the game actions, and the best part is, Backspace uses items. Most of the time you'll do mistakes in the gameplay, and most of the time is because you get confused by the control schemes. Even though there is an alternative control set you can pick, the situation doesn't turn less awful if you do so.
The game also countains a few enemies in stages, whose respawns way too fast, like, 3 seconds after you killed them, they respawn, that is an annoying thing, even more if that monster shots, or if you are doing some platforming jump.
It also features a upgrading system, where you buy upgrades from one pidgeon shops in the town, the problem, is that when you try to buy the third or fourth ability for Rick, it shows "Coming Soon". Is this game WIP or something? I thought it was a full released game.
Also, if you want to attempt a shot less gameplay of the game, don't try to use your bayonet to attack the first boss, because for some reason, the boss will turn into Thor just to retaliate your attempt of attack, It's like "Don't touch me, you flea bag". How the heck that frog is able release a eletric discharge? Also, the best part is that when you die in the boss fight, the game shows "Game Over" on the screen. Why? The game isn't over! My character died a lot of times and that didn't shown up, also, upon dying on the boss fight, it shows a window asking if you want to restart the boss fight, or get tips. So, If you can't figure out how the boss works on your first attempt probably means you're stupid? Not only to count that the tips are appearing quite... Soon? Maybe during the development of the game the devs couldn't figure out how the boss works, either.
There are also a few cases of bugs in the game, like if your character dies while sliding down a rope, the character dies floating in the air, and some cases where when the character dies when jumping, the jump animation freezes, but the death music plays, and shortly after you respawn. But the most absurd issues surge when you unlock the area 2. Why is that? Because you will meet holes you can't get out, forcing you to quit the stage, so It's not so different from not using a check point, other than the fact you'll lose more time.
And there is the best part to come, I still haven't beaten the game, because my patience also has limits, but during the stage 2-2, you'll discover that the game also has a sidescroller shooter session. I'm not an enemy of adding other game elements on the game, but making the stage be a freaking deathtrap isn't fun, even more since the character has only 1 of health, meaning that touching anything kills your character! At least on that stage the checkpoint is free, I guess.
I tried to complain about several of those issues the game has on the forums, but then I discovered that the developers went Hello Games since 5 months ago, so they are nowhere to be found.
Basically, after launching the game, they freaking abandoned it! What the heck?!
So, do I recommend the game? No! Because not only It's really annoying to play, contains absurd mechanics, but also you have to ALT+F4 or click the X button on your window to close the game. This game isn't good! But isn't that bad either, that's why I'll keep trying to play THIS sometimes, but certainly it could have fixed some of it's problems and removed some of it's annoyances.
If you still want to get this game, buy it when it's on sale, because on the full price you'll feel ripped off.
If you want to see the complaints about the rest of the problems the game has, check out here: https:\/\/\/app\/603400\/discussions\/0\/1741100729961633901\/<\/a>. Green coochie-cutters are never in season, Rick.
I'd like to think that Fox n Forests is the result of Zootopia's economic structure completely collapsing and the idea of electing honey badger Trump didn't work as well as everyone planned causing Nick Wilde to become a thief that dresses like a tramp.
In Fox n Forests, you play as Rick the Fox, not to be confused with Nick the Wilde, as you embark on a journey to save the forest and the Great Season Tree. Although this is a solo journey, you will be accompanied, sort of, by a wise-cracking, Kentucky Fried pigeon named Patty. Aside from being the comic relief, she is also responsible for running the various shops as well as flying you to certain destinations on occasion. Changing the seasons is so much fun and you even get a different music track that plays for each respective season. The character animations are really fluid and enjoyable to watch and I hope you like puns because this game is punny AF. Standard stages and boss battles are challenging and fun to play. Don't you dare ask for a hint when the boss of each respective stage wrecks you! This game is a 16-bit symphony of colorful stages and great music. The game boasts eight stages, four boss battles, and four hidden-ish bonus stages to play. There are collectables in the game like seeds, stone wheels(?), and crystals to collect and with RPG-like mechanics implemented; you'll be at this game for hours trying to level up and find every little Knick-Knack in order to 100% the game. Even though I can't get enough of this game; I don't think that everyone will gravitate to it as I did.
Enemy placement is vigorous and combining this with some of the level designs are downright diabolical. Also, you need to collect a certain amount of seeds in order to plant new trees(progress to different seasons) and that's a bit of a downer. Another pace-breaker happens when you're beaten by a stage boss. For some reason, you're placed back at the map screen and when you play the stage again you're forced to skip the dialogue in order to try again. IT WAS ANNOYING! The biggest sin this game has is Rick himself. If you are not grind happy or if you are not enfatuated with having your balls kicked on a regular basis, you may want to steer clear of this game. Rick's moveset is\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665poor at the start and he feels as stiff as a corpse until you start buying his abilities. So either you grind level one and other stages for a while to make Rick feel more fluid or you recklessly say goodbye to your virginity because this game is pretty \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ing hard. I have NO desire to play a new again because I don't want to deal with stiff as a board, Rick, and that's kinda bad. There could be a new game plus option that allows me to put this guy in a mankini and I'd still's THAT bad. To clarify, just a little, I\u2019d gladly replay on a clear save file as opposed to starting over.
Is it worth $10(I paid $8)? I honestly think that you should grind it out a bit at level one so you can play it because besides that little flub I totally recommend this game. I bought it twice. TWICE! I own it on the Switch and I grind my happy\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665to kill some time. Well that and I'm hoping the extra cash can be put toward a new wardrobe for Rick. I know your "naughty", sir (the game's description not mine) but put some pants on and lower that leg, I can see your cojones..... Would recommend. pretty good platforming (hard but not too hard). I liked the variety of level types, changing seasons and collectables make me want to replay each level.. I picked up this game on a whim because I grew up with some of the classic action\/platform games of the 16-bit era. I was pleasantly surprised.
Right from the start, this game is a delight with the 16-bit visuals and the soundtrack that take you back a few decades. The gameplay, too, harks back to some of those classic games. The best parallel I can come up with is the old Disney games on SNES and Sega Genesis.
It's a very charming game with some neat mechanics. It's pretty standard as far as controls go. You have a jump button (you can also double jump), an attack button and a potion button. Throughout the game you'll be collecting some power-ups to your melee and ranged attacks (most of which consume magic). The biggest mechanic of the game is the season change. Every level has two seasons you can swap between. A default season, and an alternate season that consumes magic to stay in. Without giving anything away, you'll need to swap between seasons to reach places or activate things. It's a lovely game that does have a few issues.
My biggest gripe with the game is the fact that you can't use ranged or melee attacks at will. Instead they're tied to certain conditions like standing still, jumping, etc. The game would have felt a lot more intuitive if they were each tied to a button. Rick, the player character, also can't run or dash, so movement feels a little slow sometimes if you're used to more modern games. Finally, though the season swap is a cool gimmick, it's a little clunky or annoying at times.
That said, if you're looking for a cool retro action platformer that looks, sounds and plays like a 16-bit classic, look no further. It's a polished game that succeeds at what it tries to do. It's not quite Shovel Knight, but I definitely hope to see more from this developer in the future, because their next game very well might be!. I'm not a backer to this game, I just saw it through a group's discord and became interested in the product. Since I'm one of the first to play I might as well give my thoughts so you know what you're getting into
At first glance, it looks like a standard indie-platformer with a furry themed character. However when I looked at it I knew what it was. It's an adventure platformer, a genre that is not common within the current norm. This is not Shantae, this is not Shovel Knight, this is not Freedom Planet which is not a bad thing as it's able to give a reason to add to your library of games with no real alternative currently.
This game is very similar to that of Act Raiser and Demon's Crest back in the SNES days. A small handful of large levels filled with secrets but formulated in a way that gives it the feel where the ultimate goal is reaching the end. Finding these secrets will reward you with currency which you can purchase various tools to help your overall progression of the game. The stages themselves will have various obsticles that feel threatening enough to make them like get from point A to point B games. Though quantity of levels is small, the amount of hidden stash and various paths makes it easy and appealing to replay.
The main gimmick of the gameplay is the ability to change season. Though it sounds unique, the mechanic is ultimatly just switching between two stages. Various hazords get removed and other platforms appear. Nothing too special but it adds a little to the general gameplay which is very solid. The main character has a veriety of melee and projectile based tools to use which works well as the game's desigin is not afraid to throw enemies at you. You'll find various ways to get yourself out of situations and you will feel like you're in constant danger of your enviroment which keeps you as a player in check and on your toes. It's not difficult, but it does offer challenge.
This is a well made game that's fun but that's pretty much it. You're paying for exactly what you see and it won't appeal to everyone. But if it interested you, then go for it.. I'm not a backer to this game, I just saw it through a group's discord and became interested in the product. Since I'm one of the first to play I might as well give my thoughts so you know what you're getting into
At first glance, it looks like a standard indie-platformer with a furry themed character. However when I looked at it I knew what it was. It's an adventure platformer, a genre that is not common within the current norm. This is not Shantae, this is not Shovel Knight, this is not Freedom Planet which is not a bad thing as it's able to give a reason to add to your library of games with no real alternative currently.
This game is very similar to that of Act Raiser and Demon's Crest back in the SNES days. A small handful of large levels filled with secrets but formulated in a way that gives it the feel where the ultimate goal is reaching the end. Finding these secrets will reward you with currency which you can purchase various tools to help your overall progression of the game. The stages themselves will have various obsticles that feel threatening enough to make them like get from point A to point B games. Though quantity of levels is small, the amount of hidden stash and various paths makes it easy and appealing to replay.
The main gimmick of the gameplay is the ability to change season. Though it sounds unique, the mechanic is ultimatly just switching between two stages. Various hazords get removed and other platforms appear. Nothing too special but it adds a little to the general gameplay which is very solid. The main character has a veriety of melee and projectile based tools to use which works well as the game's desigin is not afraid to throw enemies at you. You'll find various ways to get yourself out of situations and you will feel like you're in constant danger of your enviroment which keeps you as a player in check and on your toes. It's not difficult, but it does offer challenge.
This is a well made game that's fun but that's pretty much it. You'...
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