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Card Battle Spirit Link Full Crack [Password]

Card Battle Spirit Link Full Crack [Password]

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About This Game

Card Battle Spirit Link is a digital card game that uses a revolutionary Spell Book system! Instead of traditional decks, players place their cards in a Spell Book where each card is one page of the book. At the start of each turn, players turn a page making the next 2 cards ready to play. Card Battle Spirit Link has no micro-transactions and no card packs.

  • Over 280 cards!
  • 14 Leader cards with unique effects!
  • Online Multiplayer
  • Arena Mode
  • Single Player Arcade Mode
  • Story Mode

The Story of Ceres
On planet Ceres, peace had not been known for centuries. The many Nations of sentient beings had been at war for almost as long as anyone could remember. The countless conflicts and clashes of weapons and spells of mass destruction threatened to tear the very planet apart.
Therefore, the planetary council of magic intervened. The representatives from every nation joined forces to cast a powerful and terrible spell on the entire world. From then forth, all wars, and the fate of the planet itself, became connected to Card Battles carried out on another world.
This other world, is Earth. In order to resolve conflicts on Ceres, Leaders must seek out their other self on Earth and join forces with them in Card Battles. Go Now! Find your other self, form a Spirit Link, and claim victory! This is Card Battle Spirit Link! 7aa9394dea

Title: Card Battle Spirit Link
Genre: Indie, Strategy, Early Access
Speedrobo Games
Speedrobo Games
Release Date: 9 Sep, 2018


card battle spirit link. card battle spirit link

Version 0.5.7 Update:
Version 0.5.7 Change Log:
*Changed starting life to 20 for the first player, and 23 for the second player.
*Fixed a glitch with "Elder Warlock, Crinsceptus" Leader Power. Previously, the leader power would only activate if there was another Dinosaur in the drop zone after Banishing a card. This has been fixed.
*"President's Determination" now grants +0/+8/+0
*New artwork and visual changes.

More on changes to starting life:
The new starting life amounts (20 and 23) have been implemented in a trial period. This change was made to slightly alter the pace of the game. The goal is to still have fast paced gameplay, yet enable all players to play the game the way they want. Ideally this new life total will let players have more consistent access to their desired combos.
. Version 0.5.8 Update:
Version 0.5.8 Change Log:
*Fixed a drop zone display glitch.
*Added a Turn and Energy counters to the deck builder.
*Changed Eternal Idol, Livvy.
*Changed Song of Tranquility.
*Fixed a glitch that would cause endless book burn damage.
*It is no longer possible to turn an extra page after triggering a [Use] skill.
. Version 0.5.6 Update:
Version 0.5.6 Change Log:
*Changed "Battery Fairy" effect
*Major fixes and upgrades to A.I.
*While hovering over a card in the enemy backrow, it's details will no longer be off screen.
*The attribute <Sealed Fairy> has been changed to <Sealed Faerie>. This change was to prevent confusion between the <Sealed Fairy> attribute and the <Fairy> attribute.
*Added an enemy energy counter.
*New artwork and visual changes.. Version 0.5.9 Update:
Version 0.5.9 Change Log:
*Re-organized the Gallery and Deck Builder card list by Attribute
*Added new card art
*Added an Early Access Exclusive Spell Book skin, Ancient Scroll
*Added Attribute Search function to the Book Builder

More on the Ancient Scroll Skin:
As a thank you to Early Access supporters, we added a new skin! The Ancient Scroll skin will only be available to Early Access members and will no longer be available when the game officially launches. Thank you for playing Card Battle Spirit Link.
. April Update:
There will not be an official update to Card Battle Spirit Link for the month of April. We have been hard at work getting Chapter 2 of the story mode prepared, but sadly it did not get finished in time for the April Update. Thank you for your understanding.. Version 0.5.5 Change Log:
*Added Gold cards system
*Set turn timer to 999 during single player
*New card art
*Added Spell Book color customization
*Improved A.I.
*Various glitch fixes

More on new cosmetic features:
Gold cards are cards with a special golden card border. Cards can gain the golden border in 2 ways. Firstly, play at least 5 games in Ranked Play and be at Rank 1 (have a win % of at least 75). At that point, if you go into the Options menu and reset your Ranked Play stats, you will obtain one random Gold card. The second way to obtain Gold cards is in the Arena. If you win 3 games in the Arena without losing 3 games, you will obtain 1 random Gold card.
You can now change the color of your spell book. This is done in the Options menu.
. Version 0.5.4 Update:
Version 0.5.4 Change Log:
*New card art
*Changed the skills of "Maid Leader, Kathryn"
*Fixed the sorting button in the book builder
*Audio improvements
*Reduced the chance of getting duplicate Leaders in Arena Mode
*Added card previews for all cards in the player Drop Zone
*New card border layout
*Increased base stats by 2 for all non-0 cost Units(Explanation below)
*Rewrote card text for consistency and clarity
*Small visual improvements

More on stat changes:
CBSL has a cost/stat relationship as follows: 1 Energy = 4 in ATK/DEF = 2 Damage/Crit. Previously, 0 cost units had a vanilla base line of 1/1/2 and 1 cost units had a vanilla base line of 2/2/2. As such, players were paying 1 energy for a +1/+1 stat increase. This was not consistent with the cost/stat relationship and caused 0 drops to be overvalued. My apologies for this oversight. The issue has been resolved by adding an additional 2 stat points to all non-0 cost Units.
. Version 0.5.3 Update:
Here's what's new in Version 0.5.3
*Added a "News" section.
*Added a "Turn Another Page" option during the start phase of each turn in a Card Battle.
*Small visual improvements

More on Turning Additional Pages. At the start of your turn, before you take any other actions ("While the End Turn button says "Turn Another Page" instead of "End Turn"), you may press the End Turn button. Instead of ending your turn, you will turn a page of your spell book. This feature was added to increase the number of options players have in a Card Battle. This feature should allow battles to be more exciting and varied while still maintaining a high level of planning and skill.. 0.5.2 Patch Notes:
Hey there Card Battlers, this update is a big one.

Here's what we added:
*Story Mode
*Tips Section
*Added displayable Keyword List during Card Battles
*New UI elements and Images

Here's what we changed and fixed:
*Crinceptus' Leader Power fixed
*Tutorial made easier
*Changed some UI elements and images

Thanks for supporting and enjoying Card Battle Spirit Link. We plan to continue to release at least one new update every month.

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