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Army Craft Activation Code

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About This Game

Someone can think that one man can’t win a war. During the game you will see the opposite.
You have to confront hordes of enemy infantry and military equipment. A 5d3b920ae0

Title: Army Craft
Genre: Action, Indie
Release Date: 19 Jul, 2017


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It's an amazing game. Very beautiful game that will allow you to relax at work on time break.. funny simple fast paced defense game where you need to shoot at enemies - however, its just impossible to kill them all, even though you have different upgrades as you kill the enemies - faster shooting, faster bullets, more damage, etc.. It's an amazing game. Very beautiful game that will allow you to relax at work on time break.. Youtube music, flash game environment,pure laziness.Also oyu payed for this ! Developer *cough* lazy idiot, get your game better!. I know it's a cheap game, but i would really like some better AI.. I know it's a cheap game, but i would really like some better AI.. A tiny game where you shoot bullets. Meh.

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