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❤ : Dating your mentor

Have you ever met someone who has mastered the dating scene? This is your Holy Grail question.

dating your mentor

I should have written that I have a so called mentor — that is how she sees mentoring. If I was 20 or 30 yrs younger I could go back to school and learn how to write perhaps but I am older and really I want to get this out before my memory and writing gets any worse.

dating your mentor
I am also not willing to compromise to be popular either. I've watched most of the people in my life, early and late, simply make excuses for why things haven't gone as they wished. Whether you are a student or headed for the top, you can benefit from finding a mentor or mentors. Dating Mentorship A dedicated dating mentor can give you personalized advice and help you gain clarity on the dating your mentor questions and emotions that come up throughout your dating career. This can easily occur with a colleague or friend who shares similar professional interests. Hutchins recommends looking for opportunities for mentor relationships while working on interdepartmental projects. I have a young woman at work who is in a controlling, abusive marriage.

Winter Dating Ideas by Rachel Russo ⋆ The Teen Mentor™ - I have resisted and hoped others would do it.

dating your mentor

Most people misunderstand mentoring — I certainly did. That is, until someone pulled me aside, invested in me, and taught me what a mentor really was. I see a lot of young people approaching mentoring the wrong way. Common misconceptions of mentoring I have a passion to see that change. There is a lot of misunderstanding about how mentoring works, including how to begin a relationship with a mentor. Face it: Everything you know about mentoring may be wrong. Find someone that is like you, someone with a similar set of strengths and skills you want to emulate. Spend some time finding the right person. In fact, have several candidates before committing to a single mentor. Study the person Follow his blog. Get to know people who know him. Make sure you understand his strengths and weaknesses. Set your expectations realistically. Far too big for the first meeting. Rather, ask for an initial meeting — something informal, over coffee maybe. Keep it less than an hour. When in doubt about when to make the ask, just. Evaluate the fruit After meeting, do you want to spend more time with this person? Did she begin the meeting by encouraging you or telling you what to do? Did she ask questions, or wait to provide answers? Did you leave the meeting feeling better about yourself? Was a connection made? If not, feel free to let the relationship go and seek out someone else, instead. If it went well, then immediately put together a follow-up plan. Follow up after the meeting This is not like dating. If she reciprocates, offer to get something on the calendar. You may need to suggest a time. Make sure that it feels relaxed and not contrived. Let the relationship evolve organically We sometimes place too high of expectations on mentoring. We want to give it a name, because it gives us a sense of status and importance. That will kill a potential mentoring relationship faster than anything. Give it time; it needs to grow. He said the saddest part about what he does is that a lot of guys check out whenever he challenges them. And what you do next is crucial to your growth. Remember: this is what you signed up for. Ask for more of your mentor without demanding it. As your relationship with your mentor progresses, this will be the 1 way you grow. It will be a highlight for the both of you. While asking for feedback may initially feel weird, eventually it will become almost second-nature. You will find yourself thirsting for those words you used to fear. Similarly, a good mentor will treat these times with great care and sensitivity. Mentoring takes real time and real work. In order for it to be a real mentorship, you have to commit to the relationship. Then, you will begin to understand what it means to be a student, a disciple, a protege. Do you have a mentor? How did you find him or her? Share your mentoring experience in the. I love you white folks, when you read great contents on blog, you take a minute of two to drop a comment to encourage the writer, but in my country, the reverse is the case people want to be paid for everything including even things they love. Checkout my blog at may Jeff could help me with some advice on how to move forward. Like you mentioned, reading their blog, studying how they do things, etc. You can learn a lot from just being an intentional learner. I found both of those guys while I was interning at a church in North Carolina. I worked for one, and had frequent coffee times with the other — There was never an official ask, but I was intentional with both relationships and they have developed over time into a mentor, now mento-friend relationship. One of them even offered me a job, which I look and will be starting in September. I have lived a life of faith and sometimes find it hard to find people who challenge me. I have a lot of younger ones who listen to me. In hindsight, I can see what was being given to me. At the time, it just felt natural because I was seeking help and counsel from someone who I admired on specific problems I was facing in my work and life. These steps are super helpful! Also, I would suggest that if you want to be mentored, mentor someone else. We so often assume that the people who speak into our lives have to be more successful than us, or at least older. I think the same could be said of just about anything. She has some great points. Thank you for these concrete tips. Try to overcome the distance by clearly communicating. I have a mentoring relationship with someone in another state, and we email daily and talk on the phone weekly. We also make sure of Skype and other pieces of technology to help make it feel more personal. We live on opposite sides of the country, have met only once in person, and the rest of our relationship and friendship is conducted on the phone and via email. She offered to read part of a manuscript of mine, and was serious in her devotion to it. I continue to improve because of her. She now even calls me with questions about what direction she should take in her current book. It is called Titus 2, I think. Anyway, its where an older woman who is done raising her children and has been married a long time takes a group of women who need help knowing how to cook, clean, be a mom, homeschool, etc and helps them navigate those areas. The thing for me was my Mom was a single parent and she would never cook and she was not a stay at home mom. So for me, being a stay at home mom who wants to serve my family, I find it really difficult because I have no foundation. I think the idea of having a mentor is wonderful. We were just discussing this day before yesterday. This post totally made me stop and smile. I do believe that defines what I would call a blessing. We should all strive not only to be molded by a mentor we respect and want to emulate, but also to mentor others anytime we get the chance. Thanks again, Jeff — for the blessing you poured on my head. I think it is also important to know when your mentoring relationship transitions. God often places a mentor in your life for a particular season. Very grateful for her and the friendship we have. May have to blog about that experience. Thanks for the inspiration. This is actually from sundijjo, not devooliveoil. Forgot I was signed into my work account. However, there have been a people in my life over the years which have changed me. It really is organic. Those relationships are there, right in front of us most of the time. Yes, we can seek them out perhaps we are obligated too. Organic is a good word to describe these relationships. As I read over this post and a lot of the comments and discussions I think there is another side to look at as well. Like a stream of life, wisdom should flow to us, through us and on to another. Furthermore, quite a few of them are not clear in their definition, confusing mentorship with apprenticeship. But I never felt her to be really inspiring. Her mentoring has always consisted in finding my faults in detail and in overall, not encouraging, but criticizing. She has not made me understand the nature and the sense of writing non-fiction, for she herself has never been a great writer. If I have really listened to her, I would have long ago give up writing. But my inner voice does not allow that to me :. Thanks for the post. I like the idea, the reality is little more harsh. Good luck to everyone in the search for the mentor! I should have written that I have a so called mentor — that is how she sees mentoring. However, it is a test for your self-confidence and perseverance. When the mentor is right, the desire to rise up to higher expectations is eagerly met with effort. You are absolutely right that it has to be someone like you. I have been very blessed to find a couple of mentors at different times in my life. They were invariably people who were about 10-20 years further along in the given setting than I was, and they had overcome the same types of weaknesses and struggles I was in. That was key for me. I would add that some people become mentors unofficially. They just are what they are—a guide, a friend, a teacher, a cheerleader, an advocate, a task master. Your 10 thoughts are well worth the read! Someone who could ask the right questions since I am full of answers and info and facts but not sure where to begin. I have started multiple times and just talk myself out of it. I have spent like 1. The irony is I kind of think I am the actual mentor on this topic. I know that sounds boastful but there is a lot of truth to this. That is why I had followers. I am also not willing to compromise to be popular either. I am passionate about this stuff and trying to find that same passion and dedication in others who understand this approach is hard to find at all. There are mostly men in the field who are popular with their approach but certainly not many older women like myself. It is much cooler to hang with the younger guys on this. I have been scouring the net almost daily to find someone I can relate to and where they can relate to me, who also has the skills, time and passion as I do. Sometimes you are the lone wolf out there and maybe that is why in such a short time I had a following with my blog. About a year ago I started a blog and wrote a lot within a 4 month period. I had no idea how to do a blog, I just knew someone, a woman, needed to start the dialog about this. What was shocking is others were stealing my posts word for word and this was double shocking to me since I do not consider myself a writer at all. But I hit a cord with folks and by the end of 4 months I was getting 1K hits a week with this amateur blog. It takes me way more time to write a post than regular folks and I would spend my days devoted to this. I would start in the morning and before I knew it my husband was home from work. I closed down the blog since I had no way to stop the content thieves and felt I was working for them for free since they used my traffic to redirect to their bad products. I struck a nerve out there and that nerve still lives out there. Some followers told me to write a book instead. I have resisted and hoped others would do it. I waited and none have. First I was disappointed and now I am mad researchers are not talking about this. I know many would benefit from what I have learned. I believe now that blogs are better venues for selling a book or services since it is the wild wild west online since content thieving is rampant. My payment will be from what they learn from me. It changed my life and I know it will change others. My best hope would be to do an ebook from what I can tell. Is there a recipe for how to write a good non fiction book? Are there rules on how you begin? How to not go off in 300 different directions with the topic? How to stay focused? How to scale back on the details on what is important and what is me just rattling on too much? What if your ideas are good but you make many simple writing mistakes, and is it reasonable to ask someone to see past the errors and understand what you are offering is worthy? Am I kidding myself to think that I am worthy of a writing mentor? If I was 20 or 30 yrs younger I could go back to school and learn how to write perhaps but I am older and really I want to get this out before my memory and writing gets any worse. I had returned to college for a brief stint at the age of 40 and my English teacher surprised me and said I should submit a paper I wrote for class to the University paper. I was shocked once again but did it. But when I read it in the paper the students had edited it a way that the argument was weak and sterile and just lame. But hey I was taking on the University administration and perhaps they were trying to get my point out in a kinder gentler way. Finding someone who can edit you and still allow your voice to come through I think is another issue to watch out for. Someone who could ask the right questions since I am full of answers and info and facts but not sure where to begin. I have started multiple times and just talk myself out of it. I have spent like 1. The irony is I kind of think I am the actual mentor on this topic. I know that sounds boastful but there is a lot of truth to this. That is why I had followers. I am also not willing to compromise to be popular either. I am passionate about this stuff and trying to find that same passion and dedication in others who understand this approach is hard to find at all. There are mostly men in the field who are popular with their approach but certainly not many older women like myself. It is much cooler to hang with the younger guys on this. I have been scouring the net almost daily to find someone I can relate to on this subject and where they can relate to me, who also has the skills, time and passion as I do. Sometimes you are the lone wolf out there and maybe that is why in such a short time I had a following with my blog. About a year ago I started a blog and wrote a lot within a 4 month period. I had no idea how to do a blog, I just knew someone, a woman, needed to start the dialog about this. What was shocking is others were stealing my posts word for word and this was double shocking to me since I do not consider myself a writer at all. But I hit a cord with folks and by the end of 4 months I was getting 1K hits a week with this amateur blog. It takes me way more time to write a post than regular folks and I would spend my days devoted to this. I would start in the morning and before I knew it my husband was home from work. I closed down the blog since I had no way to stop the content thieves and felt I was working for them for free since they used my traffic to redirect to their bad products. I struck a nerve out there and that nerve still lives out there. Some followers told me to write a book instead. I have resisted and hoped others would do it. I waited and none have. First I was disappointed and now I am mad researchers are not talking about this. I know many would benefit from what I have learned. I believe now that blogs are better venues for selling a book or services since it is the wild wild west online since content thieving is rampant. My payment will be from what they learn from me. It changed my life and I know it will change others. My best hope would be to do an ebook from what I can tell. Is there a recipe for how to write a good non fiction book? Are there rules on how you begin? How to not go off in 300 different directions with the topic? How to stay focused? How to scale back on the details on what is important and what is me just rattling on too much? What if your ideas are good but you make many simple writing mistakes, and is it reasonable to ask someone to see past the errors and understand what you are offering is worthy? Am I kidding myself to think that I am worthy of a writing mentor? If I was 20 or 30 yrs younger I could go back to school and learn how to write perhaps but I am older and really I want to get this out before my memory and writing gets any worse. I had returned to college for a brief stint at the age of 40 and my English teacher surprised me and said I should submit a paper I wrote for class to the University paper. I was shocked once again but did it. But when I read it in the paper the students had edited it a way that the argument was weak and sterile and just lame. But hey I was taking on the University administration and perhaps they were trying to get my point out in a kinder gentler way. Finding someone who can edit you and still allow your voice to come through I think is another issue to watch out for. I found a site that did both group and private mentoring, but the group mentoring really intrigued me in addition to the fact it was online and budget friendly. The results myself, and others have had are nothing short of aw inspiring. I highly recommend for anyone who is still in search of a mentor. Loved the feedback below as well! If asking them to be a mentor is too big to ask in the first meeting, then what do I tell them is the reason for the first meeting? I met him when I was 17, and for 1 year I almost lived in his studio. He was an extraordinary person and our relationship did extend beyond art. For centuries, the myth of the starving artist has dominated our culture, seeping into the minds of creative people and stifling their pursuits. In fact, they capitalized on the power of their creative strength.

The Single Most Important Thing You Can do to Create Love: Dating Advice for Women
I am also not willing to compromise to be popular either. I've watched most of the people in my life, early and late, simply make excuses for why things haven't gone as they wished. Whether you are a student or headed for the top, you can benefit from finding a mentor or mentors. Dating Mentorship A dedicated dating mentor can give you personalized advice and help you gain clarity on the dating your mentor questions and emotions that come up throughout your dating career. This can easily occur with a colleague or friend who shares similar professional interests. Hutchins recommends looking for opportunities for mentor relationships while working on interdepartmental projects. I have a young woman at work who is in a controlling, abusive marriage. Dating website for single dads Forslag til tredje date Free gamer dating review

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