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The Deadly Reactor Full Movie In Italian Free Download Hd

The Deadly Reactor Full Movie In Italian Free Download Hd ->>> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: Deadly Reactor

Genge: Action,Sci-Fi,Western



















































In a post-apocalypse world inhabited by the Amish, a roving gang led by the corpulent Hog is making life miserable for the peaceful townspeople. Only one lone gunfighter dares to stand in their way. He never draws first - he's the reactor!
Ah, Deadly Reactor. I spotted this beauty whilst shopping in the well known supermarket of Morrisons, on offer at 99p. ( For those of you who live in the south of England, Morrisons is an affordable supermarket offering quality produce.) I was drawn to it in the bargain bucket, not only because of the 99p sale sticker, but for the name. the word "Reactor" conjures up so many fond memories for me, see my review of "Reactor" or "Guerra dei robot". And so, I decided to purchase it, and it proved a fruitful decision. It was terrible, in a good way. It starts off with the narrative intro.. "No-one thought there could be a nuclear holocaust, but there was." And no more is said about it. Take it as given, this film will be full of "but why?" questions, all of which can be answered with, "because of the nuclear holocaust". Typically, the "evil motorcycle / automobile" gang go round raping/murdering any locals they see fit to slaughter. Regrettably for them, they murder / rape & murder the only remaining family of "Cody" an ex police officer come Amish preacher, who for some reason had never fired a gun whilst he was a cop. not even in basic training ? Arf! The plot is ignorable, if one exists at all. Just admire the gaffs. Note the two hilarious bits of dialogue trying to drum up some bizarre reason why we should actually call Cody the "Reactor". Also, the final "showdown" is hilarious. In the pre-showdown pep talk, Cody, (played by actor, writer and director, David Heavener) the villagers are warned, "we haven't got many guns or ammunition so make every bullet count". Not only do they then proceed to waste every single bullet they have, missing by yards at a time, but the "badies" are just stood out in the open, standing still, laughing at the pathetic shooting of the villagers, even the two guys who we are told used to be in the army cant shoot for toffee. As for the ending, Cody seems to find two shotguns lying around in a field, when supposedly there had previously been a shortage of guns ?! As the film draws to a close, its hugs and handshakes all round, before one last moment of absurdity. A new gang drives in asking, "before we take this town apart, where can we get something to eat?" Cody, now on crutches and still bleeding, kindly gives them directions to the café. as they enter, he utters the hilariously pathetic line, "Bang Bang, You're Dead", before turning on his heels, and walking away, with the aid of both crutches and his new woman. ( with whom he previously shared the worst sex scene in cinema history.) no explosion, no sound of pistol fire, nothing. how does he contend that this new gang will die ? the villagers wasted all the ammo with their pathetic shooting, and he is in need of medical care. Maybe they'll die of radiation poisoning, but then, according to one character, that only affects the water, not the air, or land or food ?!

Definitely worth a watch.

For further expert analysis, see the review of Kaluninja, which raises many valid points, but perhaps the best of all, "where did all the doors go?" answer ? - the nuclear holocaust. The tv station I work for recently showed this movie. The shootout at the end has to be one of the most poorly put together scenes I have ever seen in a movie. While watching you may be laughing to much at it to care though. Great movie to watch late at night with friends.



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