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Robin Hood And The Sorcerer Tamil Dubbed Movie Download

Robin Hood And The Sorcerer Tamil Dubbed Movie Download ->>> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: Robin Hood And The Sorcerer

Genge: Action,Fantasy,Drama































His family massacred by Norman soldiers, Robin takes on the mantle of the Hooded Man, a champion long prophesied. His first challenge is to free Maid Marion from the clutches of the evil, powerful Baron de Belleme.
Young Robin watches his home village of Loxley being burned to the ground by Norman soldiers, and his father Ailric, who openly has rebelled against the Norman rule in England, is soon after brutally murdered by cavalrymen. Fifteen years later, the adult Robin - having been fostered by the local miller - is caught poaching in Sherwood Forest, together with his young foster brother Much, and brought to the dungeons of Nottingham Castle. After having miraculously escaped imprisonment, together with his foster brother and three fellow prisoners, Robin is chosen by the forest god Herne the Hunter, to help protect the weak and helpless against the Norman tyrants who have taken over rule in England.
This is the first part of the wonderful tv series "Robin of Sherwood", which aired in the early and mid 80's. Although it can often be found in the children's or family sections of video stores, it deserves much more respect than this; it is one of those rare incidences of really good television.

The show mixes magic and paganism into the familiar Sherwood tale, and music by Clannad adds to the mystical atmosphere. But the characters are anything but the swashbuckling cardboard heroes that the Robin Hood stereotype embodies, and we have come to expect. Michael Praed (in my mind, the perfect Robin Hood), plays a fallible, conflicted Robin, who is nonetheless idealistic and strong. All of the Merry Men are fleshed out as full characters, with their own motivations and ideas, and Marion (Judi Trott) is represented particularly well. She avoids many female stereotypes: she is beautiful but not plastic, a fighter but still definitely feminine. The Sheriff of Nottingham (Nicholas Grace) and Guy of Gisburne (Robert Addie) are present as the classic villains, but they both go far beyond the usual limited parameters of these roles. The characters are all comfortable and unselfconscious, as though they don't realize that they are legends. To me, this is their most appealing trait of all.

Even after all this time, the show still has a devoted cult following, who gather for yearly conventions with the stars. Their devotion is understandable; "Robin Hood and the Sorcerer" is the beginning of the best representation of the Robin Hood legend that has ever been created. What can I say about this series... It's just a fantastic portrayal of the Robin Hood legend. For those who watched it the first time in the 80s or for those who would like to revisit it now in the new millennium, it's well worth buying on DVD or video. It's recently been released in the UK (2001).

Whole series still available to buy (present 2004) - not sure about US. Check out various on-line stores. I don't want to blatantly advertise it or infringe the user guidelines. But people should really make a point of watching this, if they can.

I won't talk too much about the plot-lines, so as not to spoil them for anybody. But both leading men, Michael Praed and Jason Connery both excel in the role of the 'Hooded Man'. You just can never get bored with this series. On the DVD versions, it's interesting to see the casts and directors comments about the whole show and to see the out-takes.

They're all just such a band of talented actors, that could teach so many a great deal today.

The fantasy elements to the plot-lines, the scenery and the moving music by Clannad making it a thoroughly enjoyable and watchable set of shows. If you've never watched it, you should.

Moreover, there are countless fansites and fan conventions every year. America seems to have taken the whole show to its heart. Go to a convention if you can and dress like an outlaw.

More about the cast:- Nicholas Grace is excellent as the wicked Sheriff of Nottingham, and the late Robert Addie was great as his evil sidekick, Guy of Gisburne (God Bless). It's just a televisual masterpiece.

Interestingly, Mark Ryan who played the saracen, Nasir in the show and Steve Dent, who was part of the cast/crew, were also responsible for all the action/fight scenes in the recent movie block-buster Arthur (starring Keira Knightly).

Would love to see a new series of Robin of Sherwood come out, with the original cast, if possible. Apparently, a script was written, but it was never filmed. Lets hope the powers that be, make some more TV magic.

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