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Malayalam Movie Download The Kindred ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: The Kindred

Genge: Action,Crime,Drama,Mystery,Thriller

































A motorcycle gang invades Banshee. They attack Carrie and Sugar at the town Spirit Festival. The killing of one of the bikers by Deputy Kelly during the attack triggers a chain of violent events.
The Kindred, a biker gang, arrives in Banshee during the Annual Spirit Festival. Carrie catches the eye of several of the Kindred. She is forced into an alley and attacked. Sugar comes to her defense. He does well for an old man, but is eventually rendered unconscious when hit from behind with a pipe. They leave Carrie alone with an armed member who is intent on raping her. Deputy Kelly comes to her rescue, killing the perpetrator in the process. That single act will initiate a series of devastating events. The Kindred decide to stay in Banshee until their man Tally is avenged. They start by attacking the festival. They drag people through the city on their bikes. The Sheriff's department is greatly outnumbered, outmatched, and unprepared. Dozens are hurt and injured by the attack. The only person that did any good was Rebecca. She was able to stab one of them with a knife. The Kindred are not finished. They turn their attention to Deputy Kelly. They slash the tired on her vehicle. They lure her out of her house and then burn it to the ground. Lucas trades the last piece of evidence against Proctor to him for the location of the Kindred. Lucas attacks their hide out. They were completely unprepared for the Lucas. In Banshee style, he disable all of them. He renders them unconscious and has Job take them to a major city where they each had major warrants against them.
I just wonder why, in this episode, our renegade cop and his pal, the former prize fighter, tail an armored truck, in the same manner as if they intended to pull an attack on it? I don't know what that means...Maybe there will be more clues about this in further episodes, but in the meanwhile, that makes no sense to me. That's the only thing I wanted to say about this episode, and I persist to resume the seeing of this awesome show. I don't know if JUSTIFIED series is better or not than this one, although both seem to be very similar.

There is maybe too much sex for my taste, but certainly not too much violence. Never. I am a blood thirsty viewer. If you are an action junkie, if you are a fan of Cinemax, if you found the premise of Banshee intriguing (it is), if you like rooting for the underdog production company because you know they will try harder ... if any or all these apply to you, then winner winner chicken dinner, this episode will be very satisfying indeed.

To be honest it feels less like an episode in a TV series and more like someone took a Stallone/Van Damme story and boiled it down to the essence. Which bring up another point. The criticism thrown against STRIKE BACK was too much emphasis on the characters was overshadowing the fact that almost none of the missions ever actually worked.

That was very "TV." Someone was listening. The first year of Banshee has BOTH great character development and, to understate it, stuff does indeed get done. Making the lead character slightly crazy off the top turns out to have been a brilliant move (remember the first Lethal Weapon, before the franchise turned into a comedy?) because in a TV action series, "crazy" delivers.

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