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Magic Duels FULL

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About This Game

MORE CARDS. MORE STRATEGY. BIGGER STORY. Collect 1,300+ earnable cards, battle in 60+ single-player campaign missions, and emerge victorious in epic online duels.
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Title: Magic Duels
Genre: Free to Play, Strategy
Stainless Games Ltd.
Wizards of the Coast LLC
Release Date: 29 Jul, 2015

English,French,Italian,German,Japanese,Korean,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese

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I recently started getting back into magic after being inactive for around 15 years. However, other than standard tournaments, I don't have many opportunities to play against other players, so I figured I needed an online version of magic to practice. Magic duels is OK to get back into the mechanics and see what other people play, but other than that, it's a HUGE disappointment: - Insane grind. buying boosters as a poor kid in the 90ies (p2w in its pure form) was more fun. - Stupid deck restrictions: rares 2x, uncommons 3x (to keep serious players away or p2w low?) - Strange format: not pure standard, balance seems off ( banned smuggler's copter still being played, too many cheap removal spells.) - Terrible connectivity: connection losses all the time, dropped players get replaced by AI and most of the time, you have to beat the AI in order to not receive a loss, alt+tab is all it takes to get disconnected, possibly lots of room for exploits. Lags are so hard that often you can't hit the stop button to react to your opponent, which defeats the whole purpose of playing magic. - No possibility to interact with other players: no chat, no trade, nothing. Which might be wise, because. - The duels community equals the bottom of the magic community. You won't find many good matches, real magic fans are probablly somewhere else to be found. Often enough, playing a removal spell is all that it takes for your opponent to pull the plug and let the AI take over. which surprisingly often leads to the AI coming back hard and winning a lost match. and then there are these u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665s just waiting everytime as long as the timer allows (playing a land after waiting for 1 minute) to make YOU unpatient and disconnect, giving them a default win. - Always playing against the same decks. Right now: red burn, topters, green ramp, sphinx tutelage. boring. - The campaigns are a joke. The way they try to tell stories is just unworthy of the magic universe. It's nothing but still images and written dialouge, combined with a muted 90ies-style render-cutscene at the end of each campaign. And the stories are just boring. It rather ruins the unvierse for me. - Presentation is rudimentary at best. Graphics are just the cards, a boring table, generic FX like fireballs and lightnings. even tablets could do better. There is only 1 music track playing throughout the whole game and it will drive you insane after the 2nd loop. I honestly can't find a reason to play this other than getting a very blury first impression of what magic the gathering is and that it's probably best to stay away from it lol. Do yourself a favor and play real magic or Xmage. I honestly can't understand the people giving this a thumps up. Probably the kind of people going to McDonalds when they're hungry and liking everyu2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665on facebook.. Likes: Interface is nice Controller enabled Can be semi-creative with my deck builds while still able to win F2P. if you are into strategic card games along with fantasy then nthis game is for you.. I've been playing this game for a little while now and I've been enjoying it very much! It's easy to pick up and play and new sets are being released in conjunction with the tabletop game, and getting cards in-game is not hard, definitely not a pay to win game, but there are perks such as avatars and card backs that are nice to have.. Great, But the shuffling needs major adjustments. Same with chances in boosters, or the revinue will end soon.. A little background, I am both a big fan of the 'free to play' model as well as the Magic The Gathering card game. I've been playing Magic for about four years now. I've owned a few of the other digital game versions as well as having a few competitive decks in real life as well. It's been no secret that many people have found the digital series to be pretty hit or miss. I don't know what Wizard's of The Coast does to miss the boat so hard. But I'll first put this review into a technical and then a business sense: What works about the game: -Bare bones, the game launches, plays, has a GUI and from what I've seen as of February, very little bugs. It's a smooth experience to start and once you get into the interface it's an enjoyable segue into the game. -The music as always is top notch. I have yet to see anyone lodge a complaint against the music -Fair art direction. The cards already have art that they have on file so it's hard to say that they really go out of their way with the art on the cards. However, the 3D cutscenes don't quite match the style of the cards and come off more as a Nickelodeon spinoff of Magic; which, depending on your preference, may be a good thing. -The deck builder that everyone's been asking for is here. People complain about it not featuring a 'search by name' function. But I truly don't care. If you can remember the picture it takes all of about two seconds. And even if you unlock all the cards, it doesn't hurt to give your other options a browse while you flip to the card you want. What doesn't work- Now, before I get into the blemishes, it should be said that I generally enjoy the game but a review in my book is to tell people whether or not the product is worth investing in. -The RNG. The point of the RNG being so poor is obviously an incentive to get you to buy more and more boosters. Hopefully with your own money. An easy way to observe this is to play the story mode decks. The 'challenge' often doesn't come from having a winnable deck and being forced to outthink your opponent's cards. It's redrawing, and restarting the duel over and over and over until you get a really good hand, (Hopefully with good draws afterward) and sometimes even then, some duels I found were almost impossible to win unless the opponent suffered from several bad draws. -The Free To Pay model. Now, as I said, I love Free to Play. That's an awesome step forward with games with a competitive environment. I'll talk more about that in a second. But the problem here is that in the competitive side of the game, there's a huge incentive put on buying better cards than everyone else. Keep buy buy buying and hope your RNG gets you better cards than the other guy. A little RNG isn't bad, it keeps things interesting. However, when the incentive is to force the player to spend money when they would rather play with skill, then it's a waste of development time as you'll be seeing diminishing returns on your usage of those features. What's just in the middle? Well, between good and bad there's a few things that just sort of fall by the wayside. -The free cards you earn are not very competitive. Grinding for better cards can be fun. However, it shouldn't be done in the multiplayer against people with better cards, or at the very least not left to RNG boosters. Not neccessarily saying that the cards offered from the story should be perfectly competitive, but at least enough (if you've completed the whole story) to be able to play against starting level duelists. -Lack of dynamic matchmaking As far as I can tell, there's not really any matchmaking algorithms in place to match you with people at your skill level. You seem to be matched with just whoever happens to be playing. This results often in playing against other players with much better or much worse cards than you rather than someone who offers a challenge and a fun game. -Lack of players I don't know how many people actually play this game. But I'm judging that not a lot do from how long it can take to matchmake. I guess many people would just rather play the hard-format card game. Ways to fix it really simply- 1.) First fix and probably most important: specifically two modes that I think will make the game even worth installing- -Team battle: Basically, five players on each team (5v5) or (4v4) or (3v3) duel it out with premade competitive decks (similar to picking a hero in Dota, each deck has unique themes and abilities and once picked, can't be picked by the enemy team). This is going to be the main draw of the game. Teams can use game chat to speak to eachother, and make tactical decisions. Suddenly there's a team dynamic, and it's even better than just playing 1v1 with a friend. -Free battles: These are the current gametypes but reworked. #2 will talk about how to improve this mode. These are duels using decks that you've assembled yourself using the cards that are in the game. However, there can be certain rules applied: Legacy, Modern, etc. 2.)Observe functioning Free to play systems: perhaps some of the best and most marketably viable free to play models are actually on Steam. Team Fortress and Dota 2 come with their own brand of users and you take them or leave them. Magic is much the same. However to make Magic work as an online game, all the content of the game needs to be free and readily available with balancing patches to control the meta game. The reason why this works: players can spend more time on the game getting better, and more competitive with the game. Switching the content you want to buy to cosmetic, makes the game more worth playing. 3.) By switching the focus to cosmetic, people invest more time into the game. As they invest, they spend more. I hate to say it, but Dota found the magic formula. You spend X amount of hours and as X+fun=Financial investment. Now you may say, but that still applies to this game! However, consider that because it's also pay to win RNG, you've got to face facts and admit that you've also got, X+fun-(loss x loss conditions)=fincancial investment. The greater the amount of losses, the less likely that user is to spend money on anything in the game. Nobody except a very small handful of people with huge egos will buy boosters just to compete in a pay to win game. It's very niche. The rest of the people willing to buy are hardcore magic fans who are already likely to just buy hard copies of cards. Ultimately Wizards is in no financial trouble. However, they are walking away from a lot of money with this particular online game. By tweaking their approach by a bit, their financial rewards could be greater. Players however, if you are a huge Magic fan then you'll love that the game is free to play, but may grow tired of the monotonous grinding for boosters and long loss streaks in attempts to get better cards with less frustrating outcomes. If you're not a fan of Magic, but a fan of card games looking to install one on steam, then try it out. If you're not a fan of Magic and can take or leave a card game, then pass. There are plenty of other, (better) free to play games out there. If the game is updated to a state where it adresses some of its core issues, then I will happily update this review.. For a long time it was a fun game with a lot of little flaws; great for scratching that itch to play MtG when I hadn't for about 10 years. The one thing that finally made me quit was the introduction of daily quests with very specific requirements that only work in PvP. Even with a daily quest refresh, this often ends up requiring you to use decks in PvP that are substandard either because they don't fit the meta or you don't have enough cards unlocked to build them. So, in short, the best way to unlock cards now often depends on already having cards unlocked. In PvP. I understand this was probably an effort to get people to buy boosters. The game does need to make money or it gets shut down, of course. And while there are things I would pay for, boosters are not one of them. I started playing Duels specifically to get away from having to pay for boosters . If Stainless wanted to get money from me there are some things they could charge for: Access to older blocks (i.e. $5-10 for a block that comes with a few boosters, then you have to unlock the rest with earned or purchased coins) Access to alternate game modes like Sealed (where you don't keep the cards), Vanguard, Commander, etc. At any rate, it's still a better game than Hearthstone.

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