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Lily C.A.T. Download Movies ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: Lily C.A.T.

Genge: Animation,Action,Horror,Sci-Fi































A captain and his crew travel across the universe in a ship that can travel for 20 years while the crew will age only 1 year. Soon the crew realizes that a criminal is onboard who is hoping to escape civilization. The crew must find who the criminal is, and find the source of a deadly virus that is destroying them one by one.
The expendable crew of a corporate space vessel must stop a murderous shape-shifting alien organism that somehow got on board. However, the alien monster is not the only trouble on board.
"Lily C.A.T." is a Science Fiction/Horror anime OVA from 1987, directed by Hisayuki Toriumi.

Basic plot: The year is 2264, and captain Mike Hamilton and his crew (including a cat) are sent on a mission to explore a newfound planet, 20 years away from home. And so they find out something is wrong, two of the members are impostors in the spaceship. And suddenly members of the crew begin to die, one by one, by a deadly virus.

This anime has to be one of the classic Science Fiction anime I've seen. The animation itself is pretty typical, but great for an Sci-Fi-Anime being made in the late 80s. The character development was a little bit unoriginal but passable. Like some of the users here on IMDb said before me, several of the elements put into this anime somehow reminded me about "Alien", and even "The Thing" (1982). Also, several of the killings taken place throughout this OVA are bloody as well. By the way, I have to admit that the blonde Nancy Stroustrup is the most attractive character in this anime, just my opinion.

However, the scene in which Nancy's cat is getting killed might disturb any animal lovers. For this, as well as the bloody violence in general, this anime is not to be watched by children, just to have that said.

Also just to have it said, the cat scream which appears after the end credits was kinda creepy.

Do you like any mature oriented anime being set in outer space, I suggest you to try to look for this one at least once. My overall rating: 8/10.

Several other notable anime set in space include: "Cosmo Police Justy" (1985), "They Were Eleven" (1986) and "Hell Target" (1987). Lily C.A.T. is a science fiction/horror anime OVA from the ripe age of horrible anime like this one. The film follows the spaceship on a 40-year mission. Under the instructions of an unknown force (that remains unknown and is never address again throughput the entire anime) the ship's A.I. computer system accidentally introduces an alien bacterium into the ship while its human crew is in cryostasis. Naturally, both the ship and the unknown force want to eradicate the bacterium from the ship but also to cover up for this blunder. And that's what sets the plot into disarray.

You have a misfit crew that doesn't get along at all and only wants to look out for their own selfish goals and they are attacked by man-killing bacteria that took over a cat. You can already see it coming. The story is typical horror; the mysterious, scary, evil pursuer picks off the crew one by one. The alien wants the humans dead. But that's not too bad, it's mundane, but typical horror, but so can still keep watching.

But when you look at the characters, things start to get much, much worse. My main gripe with the characters is that not one of them, except the obvious couple, Hiro and Nancy, get along. Not one of these idiots. It's as if the writers made them forget that a dangerous, life-erasing bacterium is gunning for them, and they need to work together to survive. Then there's Hamilton, who defines the meaning of determination so hard, it has to be seen to be believed. It's very... BAD! None of the characters were in their right mind. In my eyes, characters as simple-minded as the ones in Lily C.A.T. deserve to be food for bacteria. Hamilton chases Hiro for pride, Hiro comes out of the blue as a murderer without any evidence that he was beforehand, and a complete lack of any back-story to boot, Nancy acts like a schoolgirl for almost the entire anime, Hiro comes off as a bad stereotypical stoic, Carolyn is awful, and for one member of the crew, it's so obvious he's not gonna make it, you consider him dead meat right after his first speaking line. It's all pathetic. One more thing, Guy is the only black male in this crew. His position like other characters that weren't the cop, the heroine or the lead males Hamilton and Hiro was debatable, and that says enough on its own.

If it isn't a secret by now, Lily C.A.T. delivers a crushing, gut-wrenching, horrible experience for the viewer. It contains your fan service girl and an action girl, and the blood and guts that defined those ovas of the time, complete with a sub-par, rushed, but passable plot that is ruined by unsettled characters and holes that pop up in pivotal scenes (Pay attention to the background check interviews and Hamilton himself-- Believe me). To top it off, in order to screw with the viewer more there are two things from an actually good horror movie, Alien, that Lily C.A.T. adapts. Not going to spoil it or the "ending" as some might call it, but these elements that Lily C.A.T. graciously and proudly copies only complicate the story even more. It's almost a guaranteed re-watch to understand what is what and which is which, but this anime is not even worth the first time you see it-- it's a mediocre, gory, bloody, confusing mess. Its enjoyment factor is destroyed by its horridness and I'm dead serious. When Lily C.A.T. isn't boring me in the opening, or disgusting me through the "jump scares" (they suck, really), it's killing me throughout because it's a painful, confusing and pointless mess. The characters even lampshade how pointless it is in the anime. I apologize for this drawn out review, but it's better than wasting an hour watching the anime itself. Friends of mine have praised this series and call it a great horror anime. Some even claim it is an obscure buried treasure. The only place I want Lily C.A.T. buried is in the bottom of my crappy anime basket pile, never to see the light of day again.

Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/3258/Lily_C.A.T#xIVlgC5qtoFWPYtZ.99

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