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Die Hard - Vivere O Morire Full Movie In Italian Free Download Hd 720p

Die Hard - Vivere O Morire Full Movie In Italian Free Download Hd 720p ->>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Live Free Or Die Hard

Genge: Action,Adventure,Thriller















































NYPD Detective John McClane lives in Brooklyn, and he's now divorced from Holly Gennero, who lives in San Francisco. John has faced some brutal terrorists in his career, but now, he's about to face what may be his most dangerous enemy yet. John, who occasionally does jobs for the United States Department of Homeland Security, receives a call to bring in a hacker named Matt Farrell, because there has been a breach in an FBI computer system. Farrell is one of the many hackers who are suspected in the attack, and all known hackers are to be questioned. But after John gets to Matt's apartment, a group of men show up and try to kill John and Matt, who barely escape with their lives. As it turns out, a group of terrorists led by Thomas Gabriel are systematically shutting down the United States computer infrastructure. They crash the stock market, crippling America's economy. It turns out that Matt knows enough about hacking to know exactly how Gabriel is shutting down the USA. Gabriel, a disgraced former Department of Defense employee, plans to bring the country to its knees, but he doesn't count on John and Matt figuring out what's going on. Gabriel wants John and Matt out of the way, and for John, the situation becomes personal when an enraged Gabriel kidnaps John's daughter Lucy, who is a student at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Gabriel may think he now has the upper hand on John, but he has no idea how far John is willing to go to rescue Lucy.
John McClane and a young hacker join forces to take down master cyber-terrorist Thomas Gabriel in Washington D.C.
Bruce Willis reprises his 19-year-old role as super-cop John McClane in what is easily the best sequel this year. The film has been high on itself for staying away from CGI stunts in favor of old fashioned stunt men and women. Willis continues to prove that he is one of the biggest badasses in movie history by delivering another incredibly strong performance in Live Free or Die Hard, directed by Len Wiseman(director of the Underworld movies).

The series is now fully accessible to any audience with this modernizing chapter of the epic set of movies. The story takes place in modern time, where computers run everything, and the villain in this movie, Thomas Gabriel(Timothy Olyphant from HBO's Deadwood) is a computer guru hellbent on revenge against the government that shunned him. His main mission in the movie is to show how vulnerable the United States' security system is by systematically taking down major parts of the system. Enter John McClane, who is called in to do a "favor" by picking up a college student who happens to be a computer hacker. When the student, Matt Farrell(Justin Long, Accepted) becomes a target for the terrorist group under Gabriel, McClane is drawn into the same old same old once again. McClane and Farrell have to work together to stop Gabriel from basically "resetting" the entire country. Add in McClane's daughter being kidnapped by Gabriel to keep John in line, and the conflict gets much more personal.

The movie may come as a bit tamer with the PG-13 rating, but make no mistake-this is a Die Hard movie through and through, and in my opinion, it's the best one yet. The film is the most spread out of the series, taking place across the entire eastern coast, as opposed to a building(Die Hard), an airport(Die Harder), or a single city(Die Hard: With A Vengeance). The movie trades in the claustrophobic environment of the original to make the entire eastern coast John McClane's personal playground, and it does a great job at that. The movie has some of the greatest action scenes of any movie, the pot, while a bit complicated, is still easy to follow and comprehend, and the dialogue is excellent, giving McClane a deluge of one-liners in his back pocket, per usual. The cheesiness of the original movies has also been traded in for a more serious, straight-to-the-point action flick that is on par with any great ones that have been released as of late, and surpassing many of those.

Looking at the Die Hard checklist, this movie has all the essentials. John McClane beats up on supposedly superior-armed terrorists: check. Sidekick that adds comic relief and keeps the story going: check. Well-played "bad guy" that pushes McClane to his limits: check. John McClane soaked in blood by the end of the movie: check. Tons of explosions, deaths, and "yippie kay aye motherf***er": check, check and check.

If you're a fan of the Die Hard movies, this movie will blow you away. It is excellently done and easily the best action movie thus far this year. A great modern-day entry into the classic franchise. Live Free or Die Hard is a good film but seems different from the original three movies. It lacks in what made the first one great and the other two good! I was impressed with solid acting and a very interesting story! It has intensity but not as much as the other three Die Hards in my opinion.

Len Wiseman directs this fourth installment. The film is rated PG-13 and not R. That already told me it would not be as good as the other ones. Violence and vulgarity are toned down way low (very disappointed). Violence especially, there is not as many cool, intense, and dramatic killings in this film that the originals had. The film brings back some of the original Die Hard music which really got me excited! I loved the original film's music and too hear them return to that got me excited, not to forget where the film has come from. The action sequences are bigger and better. One with a jet, That is pretty crazy. I dislike the way the film was shot! At times, the camera seems to be all over the place and changing shots way too often! Especially when it is completely unnecessary!

The story is both good and interesting! An interesting concept to put behind a Die Hard film. I liked it. And we spend absolutely no time with McClane's past which is good! Focus on the future story! No need to try and remind the viewer of McClane's past, we focus on his current situation which I like.

Bruce Willis, as usual, fulfills his role of John McClane. Ten years can not change the way he portrays that character. He is as great as ever! His character is just as funny and serious as the originals. Timothy Olyphant does a good job as the villain, Thomas Gabriel. He is no Hans Gruber, but he does come off as being a dangerous threat! Maybe not to McClane, but to the nation! Justing Long does good as his computer-hacker character. I really do not like him and did not approve of him being in the movie but he did a good job. He did not give me something to criticize him for. Mary Elizabeth Winstead plays Lucy McClane and she does a great job. Her character is played just like her father and she does a good job of doing it. She even has her fathers mentality (beyond what you may think of McClane being just a cop). Especially when she is with Thomas Gabriel. Wonderful casting and wonderful characters.

Overall, it is a good film! I do consider it high enough caliber to be a Die Hard movie but it feels different than the other ones. The acting and story is good but I think it lacks in intensity, language, and violence. People do not watch Die Hard for a purpose or meaning. They watch to be entertained! And I feel the entertainment of this "Die Hard" movie was not as good as it could have been! A very good movie though! Director Len Wiseman, confidently stepping up from the smallish budget "Underworld" films to mega-budget Hollywood mainstream.
When the FBI's computer system is breached over the Fourth of July holiday, NYPD detective John McClane (Bruce Willis) is asked to pick up and transport computer hacker Matt Farrell (Justin Long) to FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. for questioning. It doesn't take long for Farrell to recognize the breach as a terrorist-initiated "firesale" in which all of the nation's computer-controlled systems—transportation, telecommunication, financial structure, and power utilities—are systematically shut down, totally crippling America's economy. While FBI Deputy Director Miguel Bowman (Cliff Curtis) tries to handle the breach from FBI headquarters, McClane and Farrell attempt to stop the terrorists, reverse the shutdowns, and rescue McClane's daughter Lucy (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), who has been taken hostage. The film was based on a magazine article about a cyber-warfare "firesale" by British journalist and author John Carlin. Titled "A Farewell to Arms", the article was published in the May 1997 edition of Wired magazine. It was originally made into a screenplay by American screenwriter David Marconi for an earlier movie to be called WW3.com. When that project stalled, however, the script was reworked for Live Free or Die Hard by American screenwriter Mark Bomback. The character of John McClane was introduced in the novel Nothing Lasts Forever (1979), by American writer Roderick Thorp. Live Free or Die Hard is the fourth movie in the Die Hard series, preceded by Die Hard (1988) (1988), Die Hard 2 (1990) (1990) and Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) (1995) and followed by A Good Day to Die Hard (2013) (2013). No exact time span is given in the movie. However, it was mentioned in this film that John McClane had been a cop for 30 years. He said he had been doing that for 11 years in Die Hard. This movie would have been exactly 19 years later, so it is happening 12 years after Die Hard with a Vengeance. "Firesale", as the term is used in this movie, refers to a a three-stage attack on a country's Internet infrastructure, either as a form of jihad or as a preliminary step prior to actual physical attack. One-by-one, each of a nation's various computer systems are selectively shut down. First to go is the transportation system, shutting down traffic signals, aircraft, and trains, resulting in general public chaos. Second to go are systems involving telecommunications (phones, satellites, etc.), financial information, law enforcement, and government agencies. The third step is to shut down all utilities (electricity, gas, water, nuclear and solar energy plants, etc.). The term "firesale" is used because of its previous reference to the sale of goods at extremely discounted prices, usually due to a fire, and to the commercial catchphrase: "Everything must go!" Yes. The article can be read on Wired Magazine's archives here. The mastermind of the firesale operation is Thomas Gabriel (Timothy Olyphant), an ex-employee of the Department of Defense (DOD) who was "crucified" by the department after he pointed out the vulnerability of the U.S. to cyber-attack. He is aided by his girlfriend Mai Linh (Maggie Q) and several other "bad guys", but their aim is never made clear. Some viewers claim they planned to download all of the nation's financial data from stock markets, corporations and government agencies in order to effectively control the nation's wealth. Others claim that they are after the money in the Social Security programs. There's two possible reasons. On the DVD commentary, Wiseman reveals that, in scenes that show McClane conversing two-way with Gabriel, no dialogue was written. Willis was instructed to speak gibberish so that he looks like he's talking to Gabriel, and the dialogue was filled in later. Another possibility is that the film was originally rated R, and they just toned it down by changing the lines so the film could be viewed by a wider audience. It's mentioned by Gabriel, as he is searching online for McClane's personal information, that John and Holly (Bonnie Bedelia) are divorced. An up-to-date photograph of the actress is briefly shown.Gabriel forces Matt to reverse the encryption codes by threatening to shoot Lucy in the head at the count of 10. Meanwhile, Gabriel's few remaining henchmen begin to load up the plane for their escape. Suddenly, McClane enters the hangar and is immediately shot in the right shoulder. As McClane lies on the floor, Gabriel walks toward him. Lucy fights with the thug holding her, shoots him in the foot, and tries to kick a gun to her father, but Gabriel catches it with his foot. He hoists McClane to his feet, telling him to hold on until Matt has finished, after which he is going to kill Lucy and Matt before his eyes. He then digs his gun into McClane's already wounded shoulder. "On your tombstone," Gabriel says, "it should read, 'Always in the wrong place at the wrong time'." "How about 'Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker'?", McClane replies and pulls Gabriel's trigger, shooting himself through his own shoulder again and killing Gabriel. Matt then shoots the guy holding Lucy. The FBI finally arrive. In the final scene, before the ambulances leave, McClane thanks Matt for saving his daughter but warns him not to have eyes for her. As McClaine's ambulance prepares to leave, Lucy asks whether Matt said anything about her. McClane replies, "I'm in enough pain already," and the ambulance carries him off to the the hospital. Live Free or Die Hard is a reference to New Hampshire's state motto "Live Free or Die". Since people outside the USA are unlikely to know anything about that motto or about New Hampshire, Die Hard 4.0 has been used for the international title. Die Hard 4.0 was actually the working and planned title for this movie until it was changed during post-production. According to Soundtrack.net, the trailer music is as follows (note that some of the music comes from licensed trailer music producers only and may not be commercially available): "Goth (Remix)" - 615 Music / Craig Sharmat, "Cycler" - RipTide Music, "War Zone" - audiomachine, "Rankle" - X-Ray Dog, "Adrenaline Surge" - Future World Music, "Suicide Mission" - Wild Whirled, "Ode to Joy" - Sorman Nystrom, "Full Throttle Part #2" - Static, "Hits, Swooshes and Rises" - Distortion Music. "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival. It is also played in an earlier scene (where McClane and Farrell are driving). McClane even mentions the name of the band. The previous "Die Hard" films were rated "R" while this one was edited down to a "PG-13" rating which came as a surprise and shock to most people. Fox especially have had a record of re-releasing titles as unrated or "R"-rated cut DVD editions such as Alien vs. Predator, Daredevil and Mr & Mrs Smith. Also, Justin Long has said in interviews that alternate takes were filmed in some scenes that would be held back for future use in a possible "R"-rated or unrated version of the film. Further evidence for the possibility of an unrated Die Hard 4 DVD was the numerous moments when character's mouths moved but they didn't say anything, or they said something that doesn't match their mouth movements. An unrated DVD became available on November 20th, 2007, either by itself or with a second disc of bonus features. The Blu-ray releases of Live Free or Die Hard and the "Die Hard Collection" do not include the unrated version, as these discs were authored before work on the unrated cut was finalised. The unrated cut features more explicit violence and much more foul language that was cut to make the film PG-13.



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