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Link Full Crack [portable]

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About This Game


Link is a strategy game with roguelike elements. Take control over group of soldiers trying to survive on the hostile, arctic planet. Can you survive until someone will come for rescue?


Every single ship in our fleet suffered a breakdown almost at the same time. Was it a sabotage? Probably yes, but it doesn't matter right now. Few of us survived, we are trapped on this frozen, hellish planet. With every hour more and more of those alien scums are circling around our shelter. I don't know how long we can hold them back, but we won't go down cheaply.
I never was a religious man, but if any god can hear me on this distant world and for some reasons decides to ignore my prayers, then after this shipwreck turn into my frozen grave, I will spit in his face.

Main features:

- Manage group of survivors, each of them will provide unique bonuses!
- Upgrade your base. Build bedrooms, workshops, grow plants, make sure that all of the rooms are properly heated. Can you turn this shipwreck into full-fledged base?
- Craft items, discover technologies, do everything it takes to survive!
- Scavenge for resources and face swarms of extraterrestrial life forms in deep, turn based combat!
- Unlock new characters for the future playthroughs!

See you in frozen hell! 7aa9394dea

Title: Link
Genre: Indie, RPG, Strategy
Brainwashing Games
Brainwashing Games
Release Date: 22 Apr, 2016


Quick, clever, and exceptionally brutal, this is a roguelike done right.

Its interface is a bit cumbersome, showing its rpgmaker roots, and I'm pretty sure I heard a sound bite straight out of Chrono Trigger in the prologue, but the mechanical crunch is just as good as Endless Dungeon - only on a shoestring budget.

If you're determined to explore the rpgmaker ghetto, this is one of the games that makes it worth the trip.

Be prepared to spend your first few runs not really knowing why you failed. Don't sweat it. The learning curve is deep. Once you've got a handle on it, you'll feel like a genius.

In the meantime, there is rather a lot of frozen tundra to die in and only a single oil drum fire to huddle around, so be prepared for a bit of a bumpy ride.. I like a lot this turn-based strategy game. Each turn, you choose an action for each crew member, you can: create a room in the base or craft something (weapon, armor), or help a character with low stats to stay alive, giving him (her) food, heat or health in the appropriate room, or pick a mission and send one or more characters outside to find resources (there are also other types of missions). During a mission, the characters explore a map and fight enemies in turn-based combat. It's cold, so they can't stay outside for too long.

You have to manage the characters and the scarce resources, with the lurking menace of a base invasion that will happen in a determined number of turns. There are various strategies to try and things to learn, with rooms that can be upgraded and the characters who gain useful skills with experience. I like the retro pixel graphics. The interface reminds in some aspects a board game: in the base, to do an action, you slide a character token on a room and then make a choice in a menu. I appreciate this style and all works well so far. The tutorial teaches well the basics. In normal mode, you pick three goals (with various difficulty levels) and you succeed when you reach them. A successful run gives points to unlock more characters. So far, I played a few runs and I reached the easier goals. I will play more.
. This game surprised me - it plays like a roguelite board game, and the pixel tabletop aesthetic really helps it IMO.

It has a surprising amount of replay value and strategic depth, though it could be improved a lot too. It doesn't work full screen for me unless I press alt-enter, and it crashed a few times before I properly got it working. Some customization of soldiers would also be welcome even if it was just their names.

For the price I'd *definitely* recommend it to fans of strategy or rogue-lite, as you should find plenty of playtime in trying to survive.

For a full review with screenshots :
https:\/\/koolthingsforkoolkids.wordpress.com\/2016\/04\/23\/should-you-play-link\/<\/a>. very good game, with two seperate types of gameplay. The neat thing is though, at the start of each playthrough you get to set your own objectives from a list. The game ends when you meet the objectives, so you can design your own level of difficulty.

In the base-building section you construct buildings. You have to worry about production, adjacency bonuses, and the balance between teching up and using what you have to produce items useful in the short term. Fun and interesting system with a couple little quirks, what gives it replayability is that you pick a crew of 3 people from a list of 20ish, and each has a special bonus. a number of the bonuses give a different room type which changes up optimal layouts, and presents interesting new design choices.

In the exploration\/combat portion of the game you move around and fight hostile aliens. The system uses action points. Moving a square, attacking, and using a skill all simply cost 1 AP (although one or two skills cost 2 AP). The interesting wrinkle here is that you regenerate AP equal to your leftover AP from last turn (minimum 1) For example a starting character has a standard 5 AP. He can use two, and then refill to full. if he has to do something important he can use 3 (down to 2), and then refill back to 4. from there it is easy for him to just take one the next turn, or keep using 2 a turn at 4 instead of 5, so that first extra was just kinda borrowing. if something really bad happens and you need to use all 5, then you end up spending 3 turns recovering before you can do anything. Lord help you if something else attacks you while you recover.

The tutorial doesn't cover enough (you level up by clicking the character's empty skill slot), the game sometimes crashes when loading a mission, I ran out of objectives to complete before I unlocked all the characters, and there are still a couple little typos, but overall I highly recomend this game. It's fun, but the screen is tiny (and unadjustable) and it's just too annoying to play.. This is not a very good game, but only paid a buck so i guess i got my monies worth. Im okay with the graphics, but man the small screen is soooo small. Just not fun to play.. From playing the Tutorial and one playthrough:

Link is a fairly challenging turn-based strategy game. Balancing risk and reward, the game keeps you on a knife's edge. Do you send your tired survivors out to look for food, or rest them up, but risk starvation? Do you spend time sitting in the library gathering research points, or spend precious materials to build a pistol? Do you try for that last cache of supplies on the map, risking frostbite?

Each character in your crew can be used for one action a day. These vary from building new rooms or clearing away supplies, to crafting new tools or exploring outside of the ruined ship. Exploration outside moves you to a combat map were you explore for supplies and either evade or confront the native people who are intent on overwhelming your party. Characters gain experience and learn new skills, so losing a crew member is always a fearful possibility.

The game graphics are mainly static backgrounds and tokens that you drag across the screen. It plays much like a boardgame, and has some depth too the decisions you make. Fairly enjoyable experience for the cost, and the replayability is decent: successfully accomplishing your objectives (which you get to pick at the start of the game), gives you requisition points to unlock new crew members to start new games with.. ok this game i do like however if you dont like games that is unforgiving at first then look at other games becues this is so unforginving untill you kown what your are doing that said..
i do like it sort of remindes me of xcom\/ufo and the gfx style is ok for a 2d game :-)
and i will recomend that you will give it a try ( dont expert that this game is a 100 hour game.. its not )
but it is good for its price :-). This game is quite fun. Early on until you figure things out it can be a bit unforgiving but YOU get to choose what the win conditions are. This makes it FAR more bearable until you can figure out what you are doing. Once you do that there will be ways you want to build and prepare - and that is where it gets interesting.

The different characters you can unlock is what gives the game a lot of depth. One of the best Steam games I've DLed in quite some time and I really reccomend it!. So this is not a polished, deeply involved game. The dialogue in the tutorial is rough. The resolution isn't good. (Though the Alt-Enter trick to make it full screen helps considerably). The graphics are serviceable.

It's a fun little survival roguelike, however. You pick three characters to start and pick three goals from among a list of easy and difficult tasks that comprise your winning condition. You then give your characters tasks each day to build up your base, gather resources, sleep, explore, etc. Win or lose, you get some points that you can use to unlock new characters to choose from in your next play through.

There is quite a lot of variety in characters, skill upgrades, and equipment. Combat is straightforward and brutally fair. There's a real risk of dying all of the time, which keeps you engaged.

Would I have wanted to pay $25 for this? No. Was it worth my five b...

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