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Infamous: Second Son Torrent ->->->-> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Infamous: Second Son

Genge: Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Sci-Fi















































Infamous Second Son is the story of young Delsin Rowe who interacts with a " bio terrorist " and gains his powers and is treated like a freak and outcast by society.
Set 7 years after the events of InFamous 2, Conduits (rebranded bio-terrorists) are feared and hunted down by the Department of Unified Protection (D.U.P.). Delsin Rowe, a graffiti artist with no real direction in his life, gains conduit abilities after a bus crash. Travel through a futuristic Seattle where Delsin can channel other conduits abilities. Use his powers for good, and he will be adored by many. Use his powers for evil, and he will be feared.
Infamous Second Son: A PlayStation exclusive that was the first game to show off the power of the PS4 (yay) and all the things the new controller can do (Not as much yay.) A soft reboot of the original Infamous series you play as Delsin Rowe who lives on a Native American reservation north of Seattle. One day a prison transport carrying conduits (basically X-men) crashes and you accidentally absorb the powers of one. Now you have to go to Seattle with your sheriff brother to get a special power to save the nice Native Americans and defeat the evil government forces who have the city under martial law.

The game has you take down districts in a standard open-world fashion. Each takedown ends with a large battle which is usually quite well down. There are also four distinct boss battles related to gaining powers that are a little less successful. They are not as bad as say Deus Ex: Human Revolution but they have the annoying habit of ignoring your progress and skills for a cheap arena battle.

The Good: The game is downright beautiful. The action is often fun and chaotic. You eventually get three powers (smoke, neon, and video) with a fourth power (Concrete) available post game. The powers are different enough to be enjoyable and you will find your favorite. You are restricted to only one power at a time which unfortunately restrict the mix and match on the fly a bit.

The game's main character voiced by Troy Baker is not nearly as irritating as the promo materials would lead you to believe. His relationship with his brother is actually kind of touching. He does have that annoying Niko Bellic habit of not being able to see a plot twist in neon orange with a well lit blinking arrow pointed to it.

You main action loops of fighting the super-powered mooks and destroying their bases are quite fun with a decent mix of strategy and action.

The Bad: Unfortunately to clear the districts there are side activities such as graffiti tagging (complete with annoying motion controls) and Where's Waldo (find the undercover agent.) These start out meh and becoming draining by the third district or so. There is simply no variety.

While your actions on the city of Seattle are permanent (destroyed guard towers stay destroyed), there is never any reason to visit a district once you cleared it. It is a lot of work for no payoff outside of progression.

Sometimes the game will decide it is night and it will continue to be night until you do a mission to advance the game and change the time of day. Side missions, in particular, are often a bear at night (or even dusk another popular choice) so one finds themselves advancing the game through main missions trying to get decent lighting so they can mop up the side missions. This takes one out of the narrative a tad.

Second Son continues the Infamous tradition of two paths one good and one evil. You get different attacks and a different ending depending on which you choose. There is no nuance in the process and it seems to have no effect on any story beats outside of the conclusion. Compared to even Bioware or Fable's attempts at the same it is a crude underutilized tool that never really satisfies and sometimes doesn't make sense.

In Conclusion: Infamous Second Son is a beautiful game with solid mechanics. It is also like playing Saints Row 4 with all the fun bits removed. Everyone is going to take the same path with the same character. There is little creativity outside of some at the moment strategy while taking out bases. Enjoyable overall it seems in a bit of a straight jacket that the gameplay cannot compensate for. I've had a PS4 since day one and have been massively disappointed in terms of games, we had the average killzone and the pitifull knack whilst the xbox had forza titanfall dead rising and ryse. It's taken 5 months to get its first worthwhile exclusive and boy was it worth the wait.

Infamous on the ps3 was a good game, it wasn't ever going to get as much attention as it is by being the debut big title on the ps4. This game is fun, that's the main thing everyone wants, it's fun for 15 minute messing about and it's fun for a 4 hour gaming session.

Graphically it is superb, the detail is awe inspiring and the effects are flawless, occasionally there is a slight texture glitch, bug that's to be expected with the amount of action being done on screen. The voice acting is great and the characters have rarely looked closer to being actual human beings, sometimes in cut scenes it's startling how real they look, from the hair to the mannerisms. Delsin is probably the most detailed but overall most characters are of a high standard.

Here's a tip, if you see a game with the lead character voiced by Troy baker you know its good, the last of us, mgs v , batman and bioshock infinite all had his voice and were all classics.

Story modes good, the standard good vs evil choices exist. The only issue is the story doesn't truly reflect if you've chosen to go down the evil route, you can see an effort has been made to use to cover both bases but his interactions in cut scenes after being so evil don't really add up other than that can't complain. The choices can be a bit unnatural and not really fit in with the fast flowing action. I have completed both modes so there is definitely an ins entice to play through both good and evil.

The gameplay is good solid fun, the only issue could be it's fairly repetitive, although you unlock different powers, the actions you make and things you have to do don't change much, for me it didn't matter, I was constantly blown away by the detail and effects so never got tired of it.

It has intelligent AI, they run for cover, shoot dodge and act well compared to games like killzone where the computer opponents seemed to be blind and act irrationally. Overall it's well made, entertaining and the true first must bug on ps4.

Tonnes of replayability , it's just down right fun, gorgeous graphics mixed with a decent story and amazing effects! What more can you want, easily a must buy and a positive step to the ps4 being the only true next gen console.

It has a steep learning curve and some of the stuff you need to do is not explained that clearly, like any game there are tiny flaws but overall its a breath of fresh air.

Is it the best game out on ps4? Arguably tomb raider, assassins creed 4 are probably the two best, but with ground zeros and infamous things are looking up! Online may have been a good addition but there is none but overall it's the first and best exclusive that'll make the ps4 stand out, solid 1080p smooth graphics means the xbox one would have had a glitch filled unpolished version if it was a cross platform title.


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