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I Am Omega Full Movie In Italian 720p Download

I Am Omega Full Movie In Italian 720p Download ->>> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: I Am Omega

Genge: Action,Horror,Sci-Fi,Thriller

































In post apocalyptic LA being rampaged by zombie like cannibals humans that have some kind of genetic infection local man renchard is forced to live a daily struggle as he trys to locate radio signals and find a cure.
***There may be spoilers*** Movies like this just leave me speechless. They start off with so much promise, and then they just blow it. They work hard in their active search for self-destruction. Dacascas is the last man on Earth, well, no he's not. There's others. And Dacascas slowly goes insane he gets a e-mail from the desperate Wiggins looking to get rescued. He turns her down only to be forced by two psycho soldiers to go help her. I wouldn't go to my own execution with these two annoying scuzzballs, but Dacascas has no choice and we're off to the races. Even the novel was low budget with little in the way of FX, so you would think that a good no-budget movie could be made from this. They almost did it. Dacascas does his best, and Wiggins is certainly cute and does her best. The rest don't even try, the zombies emote more, and they look ripped off from a bad Italian zombie flick. The first half or so is a fairly decent modern adaptation of the Matheson novel, but after that it's just awful, and the ending doesn't come close to the novel's, leaving itself open for a possible sequel, as about the halfway mark the "last man" is really "the last woman". One of the problems is that the filmmakers constantly have Dacascas do stupid things. Like turning his back on a pair of killers, using a convertible (?) to plow through a bunch of zombies, etc. The acting is terrible, the pacing jerky, and the movie lacks logic, I mean, we have burrowing zombies (?). As I said the first half has promise, but if you have to go to the bathroom after that, just stay there until the movie ends and you'll be better off. Here's hoping that Matheson at least got royalties for this.
Yet another remake of I AM LEGEND has Mark Dascasvcos as one of very few humans left on our planet after some major catastrophe. Everyone else is now a flesh-eating zombie. Mark D. plays a former military type who is planting bombs around the city to take out as many zombies as possible. He also shoots and beats to death as many as his schedule allows. In the middle of everything, a distress call comes in and he finds a lone survivor in the heart of the city, a young female. He reluctantly embarks on a mission to save her, in the company of two other ex-military guys who show up seemingly out of the blue. Lots of decent fight scenes, as befitting the film's legendary kickboxing star. OMEGA is moody, well photographed and has a great first half that loses some steam in the second. The gore is cartoonish, and the goofy-looking zombies are clearly played by stuntmen in rubber monster suits. No harm done, assuming you can accept the lead in this umpteenth version of the Richard Matheson story being a kickboxing machine.

I Am Omega is based on a 1954 novel, I Am Legend, by American author Richard Matheson. The novel was adapted for the movie by screenwriter Geoff Meed, who also played one of the main characters (Vincent). This version of I Am Legend is one of four movie adaptations of Matheson's novel. I Am Omega was preceded by The Last Man on Earth (1964) (1964) and The Omega Man (1971) (1971) and was released to DVD one month ahead of the big-budget theatrical I Am Legend (2007) (2007) in order to capitalize on it. The title I Am Omega is actually a melding of the original book title I Am Legend with the movie The Omega Man. In Matheson's story, Robert Neville is the last human on Earth; everyone else has become a vampire or become infected with the bacteria that causes the change. Neville has become a legend to the infected because of his active attempts to eliminate the vampires. The title of The Omega Man was chosen for one of the movie remakes because Omega (Ω or ω) is the last letter in the Greek alphabet and is often used to mean last. Hence, I Am Ωmega refers to the fact that the main character in this movie, Renchard (Mark Dacascos), is supposedly the last real human on earth. The vampires from Matheson's story have been changed for this movie into zombies or, better yet, into ghouls because these guys move fast and aren't reanimated corpses. They are made so by the accidental release of a virus created during an attempt to perfect a biological warfare agent with a Streptococcus bacterial strain, better known as necrotizing fasciitis, or flesh-eating bacteria. This fictional bio-weapon then mutated, went airborne, and began causing humans to mutate into these zombie/ghouls. Despite the fact that it causes the victim's organs to function at near full capacity and increases muscle fibers, the victim's epidermal layer (skin) is in a constant state of atrophy. Renchard's wife and son. They are also shown in a photo on Renchard's bedside table and, again, about fifteen minutes into the movie, when Renchard has a flashback of sitting on a swing with his son in his lap. That scene is supposed to give the viewer the idea that Renchard may be fighting for his sanity. When the radio starts to "replay" news reports about how the virus affects the human body, Renchard yells, "There is no radio!" Eventually, the radio goes silent, suggesting that it was a hallucination on his part. According to the screenwriter, it was on purpose that no specific city is named. However, the movie was actually shot in and around Los Angeles, and the name seen on a dumpster indicates that Brianna (Jennifer Lee Wiggins) is in Oxnard (60 miles north of Los Angeles). Brianna refers to it as "the downtown area." Renchard appears to live somewhere on the outskirts of the unnamed city. Depending on how good the power grid is, it could take many months (maybe even a few years) before things like electricity, the internet, satellites, etc., eventually start to shut down due to lack of maintenance. The film's answer is that he already had a tall fence surrounding his house, plus an elaborate alarm and lighting system that would go off should anyone try to enter his yard. The real answer, according to the screenwriter, is that the owners of the house wouldn't let them board up the windows. Because Brianna is a dead-ringer for Renchard's dead wife (both played by Wiggins), and Renchard either fears that he's hallucinating again or that his dead wife is trying to reach him through the computer. Explosives. The poles mark the spots where the gas lines run into the city, where there exists a "large hive" of zombies. It is Renchard's plan to blow up the city in 24 hours. No. Brianna and her family were on the way to Antioch (a community in the mountains where surviving humans have gathered) when their caravan stopped for supplies, was attacked and as the last survivor she was forced to hide out in a fish store in "the downtown area." Using her computer, she sent out messages for help and rescue (it's not explained how), possibly through the GPS unit she has attached to her computer, Renchard's computer picked up on it, and they communicated. Ex-marine "Roughnecks", Vincent (Geoff Meed) and Mike (Ryan Lloyd) picked up on the signals because they were monitoring Renchard's transmissions, thanks to all their "special equipment", and they knew about Renchard's background in special ops and about his plan to blow up the city. They contacted Brianna, because she was known to possess an immunity to the virus, and they approached Renchard, because they needed his help to rescue Brianna. Because Renchard knew how to get around in the sewers under the city. They wanted Renchard to lead them through those sewers so that they could sneak in and out without being seen by the zombies. Once Renchard has rescued Brianna, they meet up again with Vincent and take out some more zombies. Suddenly Vincent turns on Renchard and fires three bullets into him. He reveals that he wasn't really from Antioch and explains that it was never his intention to rescue Brianna because he liked the changed world. Developing an antivirus from Brianna's blood would change everything back to the way things were, and he doesn't want that to happen. Vincent drives off with Brianna and leaves Renchard behind, wounded and alone. Renchard still manages to fight off a bunch more zombies, jumpstart a car, and catch up with Vincent, who is parked along the road and attempting to rape Brianna. Renchard plows his car into Vincent's van, and the two of them fight each other using poles and nunchuks. Just as Vincent is about to get the best of Renchard, Brianna sneaks up behind them and stabs Vincent with a knife. Renchard then knocks Vincent out, and he and Brianna jump into a Corvette with less than a minute left to get as far away from the city as they can. The time begins to count down ...30 seconds ...29 seconds ...etc. When it hits zero, explosions are set off all over the city. They stop at a roadside table where Brianna bandages Renchard's wounds. After sharing a kiss, they get back in the Corvette and continue on to Antioch. In the final scene, a zombie suddenly breaks through a hole in the ground.
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