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This Is What It's Like to Date As a Young American Muslim

❤ : Dating a muslim girl

Western women like flirting and being playful, because they want to have fun. She belongs to a Coptic family and when things took a serious turn between us, her mother went batshit crazy and threw in every conceivable wrench she could in order to sabotage the relationship. However in the beginning he has said that he wants kids.

dating a muslim girl

It is a low stress solution to the daunting challenges of finding a partner for marriage in countries where few share their faith and in communities where matchmaking is considered a family affair. However the Muslim view is all children are Muslim.

dating a muslim girl
So, I will choose to be silent on it until I do some research on this part. We cant make anything now, TVs,cars,healthy food except for bombs. No one is giving you death threats. But I really like this girl and her lifestyle, what can I do :: If you can see any beauty in this lifestyle Muslim Girls are leading, have a look at Islam first for yourself, if it make sense to you, then you may join the family and choose dating a muslim girl right Muslim wife for yourself, and you will live happily ever after. By the time I was in high school, this taste was fully developed. Man, I am sorry to say, but you really come over as an American dumbass. How about you mate, your country have a problem with migrants. She asked that her last name not be used to protect the identities of her family friends. Listen to Kelly, who married a Turkish Muslim, share her storyon Crescent Project Radio. Therefore she will also have that in mind from an early stage. The same in other countries.

Muslim girl dating a christian guy. - Muslim Dating: Haram or Halal? They want her to marry a Muslim man.

dating a muslim girl

A while ago I wrote an article entitled. All points are generalizations only, based on the personal experiences of the author, who is not a Muslim. As with any other religious group there is a high level of variation between individuals within that group. These points should only be seen as tendencies, not as certainties. Two excellent articles are and. A quick look through both lists will show that most of the points do not apply to most Muslim girls. The alternative is Western girls Face covered, character exposed The quality of girls on offer in Western countries has been dropping badly in recent decades. The future is always hard to predict, but all signs suggest this trend is going to continue. Read for the horrific truth. Polygamy is awesome Interns are just so 1996 Men who can honestly say they like monogamy are in the same position as men who can honestly say they like their day jobs. What they mean is that after considering the full situation, they have concluded that going for more would ultimately lead to getting less. They might be right. Muslim girls offer a realistic chance of pulling off polygamy over the long term. Stable family life and children are desired outcomes A common theme in the manosphere is that family life is now just too difficult and dangerous for a man to manage successfully. Meanwhile, there is a substantial risk of either refusal to have children, neverending demands to delay having children, or of her simply wandering off because of a lack of real commitment. While no family is immune to the risk of being split up, Muslim girls are considerably less likely to take that path. As a rule they genuinely desire family and children and will make a serious effort to build and maintain the family unit. Male leadership is welcomed Male leadership is expected, respected, and even demanded by Muslim girls. A good summary of the issues is. Of people who actually admit that there is a problem many demand that someone else, usually the government, take some kind of action to meet that threat. That is not going to happen. Meanwhile romantic, sexual, and reproductive activity with Muslim girls, while making it clear that Islam has no place in the picture, is effective, realistic, and violates no worthwhile moral principles. Every man should do his bit to make the world a better place. Why not do it in a way which offers to personal pleasure too? Sex is not withheld without valid reason Withholding or losing interest in sex is a modern epidemic among Western girls as they get older and especially in marriage. Many men, particularly older married men, report being reduced to occasional sex doled out Muslim girls do not typically suffer from this problem. They happily have sex any time a man would like, with pleasure. So take the road less traveled More generally there is a perception that dating a Muslim girl is a one way trip to a starring role in some kind of unpleasant snuff movie. This kind of thing has certainly happened, but it is a bit like plane crashes and shark attacks: they are very rare events, at least for men from Western countries, and nothing to keep a rational man awake at night. Meanwhile, back in the real world Muslim girls are a great for the kinds of social intercourse men crave. This is especially true for men who want a more lasting or permanent relationship. Read More: Doktor Jeep If Islam takes over the world, all the men need to do is grow a beard and pray to Mecca. But, as women in general sit back and not care when feminists wreck civilization, then men can sit back and watch Islamists stone feminists and sluts to death. A world takeover of Islam would be a direct result of the feminists wrecking western civilization through the destruction of marriage and the family. So the result of that, their destruction and in ways that may be somewhat gruesome is, unfortunately, the only way people can learn a lesson. From feminist to warmongering neocon, in the end, nothing really gets away from cause and effect. First of all Muslim girls who know their religion will not date a non-Muslims and for others if they are found out they will be disowned by their families and family is something big to these girls so why would they risk it all for a non-believing chump. Point 6 was very bad you will never change a speck of Islaam, the Quran and hadith prophetic tradition with the understanding of the early predecessors will stay in tack like it has always been. There is nothing no liberal,right wing, or anyone for that matter can do to change the original orthodox Islaam which is implemented in Saudi Arabia. I knew I would never commit to her as she betrayed her own father,brothers and God for her own selfish sexual pleasure. Who cares about their eyes anyway? Their culture is incredibly two-faced, hypocritical and based on reputation only. Sometimes, these people will tell the most outrageous lies to the authorities here in Europe saying that Muslim women have three-year pregnancies to avoid admitting that their wife cheated when they were away for a few years, to name a real example because they believe that the unbelievers are totally stupid and will buy anything. I grew up around them. They are different in every country and even within countries. Not a single one of them was from the Middle-East. You are aware of course that there are 100s of millions of Muslims around the the world, especially in Africa and in the Far East. In fact the country with the most Muslims is Indonesia. Indonesia is known for being tolerant and relaxed about religion. You would not have any trouble dating an Indonesian girl once you have dealt with the logistical issues of course. The central government has introduced on a policy called transmigration. This means the excess Javanese Sunni population is encouraged through financial incentives to move to the periphery of Indonesia, where ethnic and religious minorities live. This is meant to create a homogenous Sunni, Javanese nation. Furthermore, religious minorities have had their rights limited in many places, causing hundreds of thousands of Christians from the eastern Moluccas to flee to the Netherlands. Churches are burnt down on a regular basis and Hindu and Buddhist shrines are attacked. Clubs and bars are sometimes targeted by gunmen and car bombs. And several local governments in Indonesia have been introducing extremely strict sharia-based rules, including a rule that forced women in one city to only sit sideways if they were passengers on a moped, because otherwise they might get aroused. Indonesia is turning into a Sunni theocracy. OldBoris This is basically true. It is almost impossible to meet these women in the west. I only saw them walking to and from the parking lot. And as to point 6, if you were to unravel the religion, would they not just turn into a liberated feminist? Why would you want to do that? Honestly, he should go for it. Thats why its a waste of your time movin in on them. Hell even for muslim guys, but its best the family approaches you but be careful its like a garage sale theyll lie hide about every nick an dent in the girl and the girl has more secrets of her own. But usually helps if you are from the same country and ethnic group as well. Like a persian boy will have a hard time getting an arab girl. Or between 2 arab guys for the arab girl theyll pick the foreign born over the american born since being western is a DLV like say india. Jakarta has night clubs that rival any major western city. Muslim women living in western countries often date non-muslim men. Some of them are hotties who run wild like sluts until they get married to a muslim. Probably these types of muslim women are self-selecting, they are going through a wild phase in their life. Culture is more complicated than that. Saudis and other persian gulf nations are wealthy as all hell and they have huge resistance to western feminism. Jesse James YOu take the Muslim outta Islam, but you may not be able to take the Islam outta the girl. Epic fail, or greatest strategical assault on Islam is something my mental jury is still out debating at the moment. Polygamy with Muslim girls, while using their traditional roles against them, at the same time sexing them out of Islam is hilarious. Nice twist of the shiv! Bonafide You cannot role in polygamy and role back Islam at the same time. Think short fat women all covered up and sucking off of welfare they have documentaries about it from Berlin. Nor with polygamy do the girls ever want to bed together. Most practicing polygamists said screw the mainstream LDS church long ago. In fact mainstream mormon prosecutors crack the hardest on their own, enforcing state anti polygamy laws to discourage it. It seems that only to THEM is it an embarasment whereas outsiders tend to be open and tolerant towards polys in their community. Outside the mainstream cult believe it or not polygamy is freer and less subject to persecution. The mainstream Morm government ass kissers suffer from Mormon guilt, overcompensating for past persecutions. Nothing sucks more than a government sanitized church where the congregants think like sheep and goose step like ducks. White polygamists are fine so long as they stay the hell away from the mainstream cathedral. Think about when some mother in law or bitch face gives YOU a prejudicial stink eye. What I do is most likely start cracking peripheral jokes and work my way to HER being the butt of the joke. She then has a lasting impression of me being an ass clown but at least I repelled her. If you know poly families then you know who they really are in conversation etc. Ask any geek how they survived high school. Maybe they put on an amusing booger drama when threatened with being shoved inside their lockers. The home schooled poly boys are some of the brightest and well rounded little prodigies outside of the state educational farms. The fact remains that the poly family structure is strong and resilient to outside influences and forces pushing to dismember it. Geez, that flaky monogamous shit always sounds like a nightmare to the sisters whose role is SET! They have an incredibly high suicide rate, and only their incredible faith and extremely draconian laws keeps their homicide rate from reaching the same levels. Their society is stagnant in the extreme, corrupt and frankly repugnant to anyone with any sort of ambition, common sense, or understanding of human nature. Pair bonding was invented for a REASON, and for that reason it works almost insanely well… Fuck with that, and I guarantee someone will kill you and take your goddamned women away from you, and they would be morally and ethically correct to do so. Monogamy was invented by men, for men, since men create, build, defend, and are the source of EVERYTHING. Why on earth would any sane person give his parasites the right to decide his fate? MCGOO Whoeee it must be a witch hunt atmosphere there in the desert bottom. Fuck the cunt state. No scrap of paper required, marriage is YOU making a covenant with god almighty himself, NOT THE ASS RAPING STATE. That may be a glitch but TWO WIVES WORKS for families with kids and would cure many a flake out western marriage. Is three not a magic number? Three legs minimum supports a geometric plane in itself. The problems with wife hogs and their lost boys stems from the Morm doctrine itself. Still mainstream LDS divorce rates are above national avg. Even in the desert they build mcmansion suburbia as if even after an apocalypse, the cell towers, directv and walmarts WILL COME. It all seems tickle fancy trappings for the mcmansion bitch queens. TWO WOMEN you can whip them in line and operate as a self propelled self sustaining engine in the wilderness, but ONE woman monogamous becomes as always an entitled suburban BITCH QUEEN. Where are you from? That is my background.. I started questioning my religion long time ago and found many issues and problems with it and left it long time ago. Ismaili girls though have a bad reputation. So I spent 4 years with a fair number of Ismailis around, some of whom I was friendly with. Ya, other Muslims basically consider them heretics because they are modernized and reformed and such. No, those quotes are real — real disgusting that is. A boy for pleasure. A melon for ecstasy. You can derive even more messed up stuff in the Bible by trying pick and choose words that fit your imagination, like homosexuality, incestous relationships — , , or you can actually read the Bible and see what it actually says about the subject. Again, hating is fine, but just be accurate. Ryan Taqiyah is practiced by the Shiites, not the Sunnis : , Shias used Taqiyyah under persecution, usually from the Sunnis. Do you have references for the last paragraph? There are fruits mentioned in the Koran, but no melon. Sorry to have hurt that lonely, orphan braincell, dick. Perhaps a lengthy moslem-sponsored vacation in Doobye would enlighten you? We are supporting the Shia in Iraq, and have begun supporting the Iran there as well. That is the complete opposite of what Sunnis believe, and many of them consider Shias not Muslim — thus you have Isis, and Saudi wars against them. They were subjected to severe discipline, being prohibited from growing a beard, taking up a skill other than soldiering, and marrying. As a result, the Janissaries were extremely well-disciplined troops, and became members of the askeri class, the first-class citizens or military class. Most were non-Muslims, because it was not permissible to enslave a Muslim. By mid-1600s, over 50,000 Janissaries lived as homosexuals under absolute military discipline. Nomadic Empires: From Mongolia to the Danube. Some of the Crusaders became cannibals Marraa , yet cannibalism is forbidden in the Bible. Btw, under Shariah law, being celibate is forbidden, and again, so is homosexuality. Ibrahim A Abu MOHD Killing, except for defending yourself, abusing, raping, hating, lying, disrespecting, cheating, drinking, smoking, doing drugs, doing anything that will damage your health like eating pork , or the society, and committing suicide are forbidden in Islam, the greatest religion, the only religion. That is why I am muslim and proud. This is why I will ask you guys to join Islam, because I am a good person, and that is what Islam asks me to be. If you are not muslim, read about Islam, talk to muslim people, try to understand what Islam really asks for. I know that a lot say that Islam is not true but these are non-muslim, hear form muslim people. Find out about what we think about Jesus and Moses peace be upon them. We respect them as much as we respect Mohammad peace be upon him. In fact, we love them and learn from them. In Islam, killing a person is like killing the entire humanity. Please just try to see for yourself. I could go all day saying bad stuff about black people, at the end I would only be three things — a hater, a loser and a racist. Love and be loved. Reason 9: If you need to repave your driveway, lay out some prayer mats and have them bash their heads into it 5x a day with their daily allah-snackbar chants. Reason 10: your offspring may suffer from sudden-jihad syndrome and randomly blow themselves up one day. Reason 11: the women are adverse to showering because cleaning themselves involves rubbing their hands on their own body. It is our duty to express hostility towards it and its teachings. I made my points and you offered a counter assertion with no evidence. Tell me again, who is the little faggot? Are you a Muslime lover or another useful idiot who kowtows to them? Did you know that Muslims wash their hair in camel urine? Who wants a deluded aloof narcisstic in law. With all this trash trashing about western culture we do here, its shouldnt be a shock that migrants dont want to assimilate and have anything to do with us. They dont want our culture influencing their kids in anyway hell Im shit scared of what our us adult millenials kids could be like now that those sjws are infiltraing our school system. I dont blame for not wanting them to get involved with us hell Id encourage my kids to marry foreigners that dont any better like an indian boy or russian girl. Wether we realize it or not the media,social conditioning and feminisation of us has affected us in some way or form. Western culture is like a virus and we are the rats carrying that plague ready to spread to the world. But rember those guys were hunters and gathers. The new city lif that they have to adapt to has its own challenges like being clos to water thus being exposed to malaria. But countries like india, the poorest parts are the ones that were colonized the longest. Think its the left over infrastrue for transport is what kept those parts of africa better then other parts. But for the most part at least they are not in the state of decadence and basically dead gendar relations like here but going that way since they import our media or interact with us. Simillar why europeans settled in other lands, they come for money not the native culture. Plus since feminism killed our fertility rates we need to bring them for the shortage and honestly if a 3rd world villager can see how messed up our sex dynamics our it does say alot. Hell if I had a kid in japan, I would not want him to be those herbivore men. Plus added bonus you are safer from the west if you are in the west. We put money and indulgence over family. These luxarys we see as neccary, to them its a bonus as it should be. We have gotten soft as a people. Its like history repeated itself only difference is we bring em willingly instead of invading like 300yrs ago. Remember alot of what western culture was built on was taking knowledge and inventions of those foreign lands, which they developed just like those other nations have done with each other. When rome fell and was taken over by illiterate head hunting barabrians the isis of old for centurarys, it wouldve stayed that way if islam didnt have the golden age which got destroyed when they went decadent and killed by mongols which influenced the Renascence in Italy. Once again the Mediterranean was the brains of europe…well until recently. But we in the west are falling behind, what are millennials going to invent? All our start ups in Silicon Valley are all foreigners now. We cant make anything now, TVs,cars,healthy food except for bombs. Its inevitable, they are gonna build off of western inventions like the west has since 300yrs ago. Christian Nigeria and Lebanon are a lot wealthier and more stable than the Muslim parts. The Muslim nations of Europe are shit holes. They get masculine leadership right but honestly, I think feminism is starting to infect that world too. Patrick I do not think many dudes that are not Muslim manage to date a Muslim girl. I think they are pretty strict. I lived in France for years where I saw a lot of Muslim guys dating French girls. But only remember one case the other way. And this poor couple had a lot of problems with her family. I think this article is more theoretical than reality. But there are a lot of beautiful Middle Eastern girls. I think often the dudes keep them for themselves for marriage and use Western women for their dalliances. The Western girls are not considered marriage material. I have heard that is changing in a couple of Muslim countries. TyDaMan Then they could eventually get caught by their family and their family might do something and send them back to their home country. Basically, her family found out and sent her back to Egypt. She used to live in the US before she was sent back. If you think a muslim woman is attractive just ask her direct if she ever dates non-muslim guys. Basically, if she finds you attractive she says yes. It has more to do with the surrounding social climate than anything else. Frank Rook Yup, feminists. I know you absolutely must have the last word like the validation thirsty bitch you appear to be you may not be that way in real life, who knows? Jeremy Meanwhile romantic, sexual, and reproductive activity with Muslim girls, while making it clear that Islam has no place in the picture, is effective, realistic, and violates no worthwhile moral principles. Every man should do his bit to make the world a better place. Why not do it in a way which offers to personal pleasure too? Not that I disagree with much else in the article.. I can understand a threesome. And then, think of the demands!!!!!!!! Look at that one guy on the show with sister wives and all that crap! Perhaps, a stronger man than I could handle that choice but not I. One wife bitching too much? She knows you can move over to the other bed where hotter, younger, tighter wife 2 is eager to please. I really enjoyed the show Big Love on HBO. Not sure how realistic it was but it seemed legit. Well that process is pretty similar to a traditional Muslim relationship. Im traditional in that respect, I want my children to at least be blood related to the culture they live in or at least the one that pops up after the current one implodes. Islam came into the picture via Prophet Muhammad pbuh who came in to spread some red-pill truth to the people. Muhammad pbuh revealed that Jesus was a Prophet just like himself, but the Romans changed and manipulated his teachings, and incorporated some elements of their own paganistic rituals to develop the Christian religion. Ever wonder why people go to church on SUN-days? Well, it was a day to worship the SUN God. Prophet Muhammad pbuh further was troubled by how people were idol worshipers. He begged idolaters to stop the madness of bowing down and worshiping stones, statues, and people. The only battles he fought in were the ones where non-Muslims wanted his head and tried to come close to killing him, only to be defended by soldiers who sought to protect the Prophet. Now here are some Red Pill truths quoted from the Quran that this site is always preaching about marry a virgin, find an obedient woman, a girl who cares about family, etc. In Islam, marriage is not restricted to a platonic relationship between husband and wife, nor is it solely for procreation. So why has Islam provided extensive rules and regulation regarding sex? This was because Islam has fully understood that sexual instincts cannot and must not be repressed. They can only be regulated for the well being of human beings in this life and for their success in the hereafter. Islam is clear on the kind of wife you should be seeking. True, beauty and charm is hard to resist, yet beauty does not last forever and does not guarantee you her obedience and religiousness. Financial status is dynamic, and so is worldly status, yet religion strongly establishes a household, and it may be that through your intention of marrying her for her religion, the rest is given to you anyway. Hence, men looking to establish a bond of love and creating a family should pursue women that are chaste. But in reality, how many Jewish people can you find that still follow traditions or are religious. With Christianity, same story. And the only religious girls I know are evangelicals, or Catholics who believe Jesus is their God and savior. The simple reason being that the man is who commands what goes on in the household. And if they are alone in a room, there will always be that sexual tension. Once again, think about all those cheating girlfriends and wives who spent time with their best guy friend alone. One thing led to another. You do not get intimate with someone before marriage. In closing, I know that many of you on here have some negative views about Islam. I have heard them all. Islam just came at a time to spread some red pill truth about God when people were going astray and believing in idols or believing in demi-gods, or a guy that had promised their race a guaranteed passage to Heaven. Do your own research. It should be emphasized that certain cultures have their own views and people misconstrue that as teachings of Islam. In Afghanistan, you have men who torture women by beating and raping them. Many believe that it is Islam that is influencing them. That is their culture. Two separate and very different things. Finally, just because you banged a Palestinian girl, does not make it seem that you can game every Muslim women. There are black sheeps in every sect. I have considered this peculiar fear of Muslims and I think it is a fundamental flaw in primitive humans. Them and us, fear of difference. At some point it was a evolutionary benefit but now it threatens to annihilate us. I am not sure that there are enough modern humans like you and I to prevent this. Hell shall be their home. Deal firmly with them. Jihad is BOTH offensive and defensive. To those who say otherwise, how do explain the Muslim empires that expanded rapidly with such religious zeal? Saudi Arabia seem like wimps to me, a lot of culture is now mixed with Western society. The guy who started the Saudi dynasty was backed by the British, and really ideologically bent Muslims see him as a traitor for accepting aid to fight other Muslims. A earlier article was inaccurate when they stated they consider the vast majority of Muslims unbelievers. Some of their propaganda: Ryan Albeit the comment about Saudi Arabia, you have some real Red Pill stuff there. For the infidels, its talking about in wartime, as you are not supposed be fighting other Muslims. If you want to critisize it, fine, but do it to things it actually says. Yes, it talks about slavery, waging war offensive and defensive etc. What matters is how Al Qaeda understands the quran and hijack planes to fly them into sky scrapers. What matter is how isis understands the quran and throws homosexuals of buildings to their deaths. That is why a large portion of the global population are angry. Having said all of this the muslims that are not extremist are not publicly condemning this brand of islam enough, so it seems like their in support of them which is why they get grouped in with them. Red Knight Yes, as I said, what matters is how Muslims understand the Quran. Muslims, a group which includes but is not limited to the house of Al-Saud, Al-Qaeda and ISIS. That the ends justify the means, since you and your group are the good guys of history, who must prevail. But more personal experiences from anyone out there who has them would be nice. I know a couple of Saudi sisters in college in America raised in America, not sure where they were born. They are extremely slutty and told me within 24 hours of meeting them about banging guys and cheating on their boyfriends because they love the carousel. Politicians know that the majority of people are weak-minded and easily controlled by a depiction of the World as being Black and White, Good and Evil. In this way, politicians can ensure easy acceptance of their goals i. Ironically, while relatively safe people in the West quiver in fear at the thought of a Muslim family moving in next door, it is people in Muslim countries who face the reality of being bombed, by our militaries, every day. Brigadon Yes, there are groups of muslims that are threatening my survival personally, and they are mostly right here, or are coming here. As far as that desert pisshole? They can fucking starve there for all I care. But if they try to cross the border? Reprisals may be cold, but they work, and quickly. No stupid asian land war. Brigadon Ahh, you mistake disgust for fear, I see. I like my culture, it works for me, and i see nothing morally wrong with completely eliminating anyone or anything that seriously threatens that culture. Of course, I recognize that internal threats are currently more severe than external ones, and that american adventurism is enhancing the external threats far out of proportion to what they should be capable of… when we arm one regime to take down another, we are facing a new, vibrant regime… with better weapons. However, logically, reprisals… not adventurism, not policy enforcement, but simply reprisals… are the best, most logical, and in the end, most ethical even if it seems more ruthless at the time, in the end it saves more lives Method of ensuring that a threat is eliminated. Is it impossible for you to see that both anti-adventurism and willingness to utilize reprisal can both be simultaneously employed, and both be utterly logical and merciful? Why do you make freudian-style questions instead of answers? I can understand feeling threatened an aspect of fear by a specific individual or group of individuals. However, you speak vaguely of threats by an ill defined group that you call Muslims. However, there are 1. Surely you cannot believe all of them are out to get you? I am livign to see this come to pass. Thousands of years of history have shown it. Muslim populations generally do not contain the seed of their own destruction, guilt. I am not ready for 250 years of despotic theocratic rule and white genocide. Where brown populations and white populations collide, there will always be war, and I for one aim to be on the winning side…. Guilt, remorse, or sensitivity be damned. Right now, the greatest chance of reaching a new planet and ensuring species survival lies with populations innovative, creative, and intelligent. The Chinese are not innovative, The Japanese are not creative, and most of the rest of the races fall short in the brilliance department. Right now and no I am not German the subspecies that seems to have the greatest measure of all THREE, even thoguh they may be outclassed by others in one of those departments, is Germanic-descended whites. Escaping planet earth is, and always has been, my highest goal for the human species, because in my opinion Earth is too small and fragile a basket to hold the eggs of what, to the best of human knowledge, may be the only sentient species in the entire universe. So, while they are threatening countries that have that potential and no, Jews are too self-centered to ever have that potential… Jews make terrible scientists, thus utter lack of care about the fate of isreal They are indeed, a threat to the entire species. Islamics have MADE themselves the greatest threat to the human race, as well as our collective guilt about the way they choose to live their lives. I want them and their whole damned tribes executed, punished so severely and completely that they will murder any of their number that ever even dares SPEAK of trying again. Pedophilia is basically accepted in Iraq. To them, women are for making babies, little boys are for pleasure. Often times an accusation is enough. Religion is an excuse, not a reason… a healthy religion is an excuse to practice morality, self-sacrifice, courage, and honor. By their works shall you know them. It was done entirely by them, with their full support and Enthusiasm. Generally more akin congressional hearings. Mostly a joke or designed for intimidation by monarchs. Most people get all their information on the Inquisition from Mel Brooks Movies. For example, a christian could not be charged interest by another christian, but a secret jew could borrow from one Christian at no interest, and then lend it through their family at enormous interest, thus making huge profits running what was, in Essence, a Bernie Madoff scheme manipulating Piety. If you saw what Jesus did to the temple moneylenders, there was precedent. It is possible that the financial motive encouraged the inquisition to last longer than it should, although no proof of that allegation has ever been found, but the Inquisition was HUGELY popular among Spanish Citizens, both Christian and Jewish alike. The Inquisition was more or less designed to get to the bottom of some people who were playing both sides of the financial fence. Frankly, I think torturing a few dozen Jews who have been playing both ends against the middle, financially, sounds like a damned good idea. There are three basic understanding of what this means.. The Quran call Jews and Christians people of the book and Muslims are told to respect them useless they attack you. No there is NO such verse. You may be confusing the self defense verses where Allah allows Muslims to fight back when attacked. The word used in them, killing the invaders in battle, is Al Qatil. Jihad does not mean killing although in the Western think tanks it has been construed to mean as such as part of the plethora of memes concocted to dehumanize Muslims. Jihad is an Arabic word that means to struggle. Essentially it means to struggle, to subdue the baser animal instincts present in man. As such Jihad implies the control and discipline of the ego. In other words impulse control: Control of anger, lust, greed, avarice, jealousy, envy, gluttony. Theres a reason why elite soldiers aka janissary and vanguard were europeans. Their wins or conquests were moorish empire,baraby raids and ottomans, thats it. Plus the west primarially usa uk and israel dominate the middle east since ww2 Jeremy Having lived in a Muslim country for a year now Azerbaijan I have to admit… The women have ruined me for western women… All they want is a family to take care of and to make you happy. They are very genuine… The men are a different story… Also yes there is a problem with honor. The girls I have dated were very careful not to have there family see them with me… Being a white Christian. They constantly talk about other women and how they are better than those other women. And they are just a bit too obvious in leaning in when an attractive man walks by. They can actually handle a real man. True story, I had a Muslim female patient who was rather insistent I wash my hands before meeting her. We wear gloves for everything… and I see 30 patients a day so washing each time I put gloves on is rather ridiculous. I was absolutely being a jerk about it. Western women would have absolutely lost their mind, probably would have claimed I psychologically raped her or some other such nonsense. I was so impressed I sent her a letter a few days later stating such. Not as easy as it use to be like in the 80s. Now they perfer their homeborn over the western born, probably cuz more excess men there,country is making money,doesnt need to leave home and the western culture is crap now PurpleHaze Got a few issues with this. I have yet to meet a non-married Muslima virgin. They will smoke, drink, party, just as hard as any other woman. They will act superior, just BECAUSE they are Muslim. They carry a superiority complex with them no matter where they are or who they are with, because to them, we are non-halal pig infidels. They are just as obsessed with money as any other woman. Give me a down home country girl who knows right and wrong any day over these scum. Youll learn quickly why they blow themselves up. They are not docile asian girls. Leave em alone dont get in their face and what not or their business and leave it. Above all dont be like europeans that need to make a big discussion on everything. Be like canada they commit crime or something of their practice comes up just report on news try em and leave it. Shit is easier up here. So, please stop pedestalising Muslim women — they are no different to the rest and they bring Islam into the mix and no one on RoK wants that. Another major reason to date muslim girls is that just like lating women, they are so much more attractive than others. From hour glass body, to thicker lips, bigger more striking eyes, thicker hair, softer voices — physically many of them have so much more to offer than many white girls with no lips, hips and manjaws. Ketsune Dude, what are you talking about? Ever seen the average Middle Eastern woman. Huge noses, thin lips, BAD teeth, no tits, flat asses, or hugely fat, and the hair…. Go jerk off at your Maxim, fatboy. Dislike aspects of Islam all you like, abhor the thought of Islamic religious supremacism all you like, but the fact still stands that Islam is and remains the most powerful ideological basis for patriarchy in the contemporary world. Patriarchy, which a great deal of the Manosphere regards as a necessary prerequisite for the continuance of civilization. Look at Western, liberal-raised women who have converted to Islam and freely embraced its gender paradigm. Could there be a mightier testament to the notion that both men and women are happiest conforming to their traditional, natural gender roles, and that no amount of feminist social engineering can change that fact? However, there are few girls who would date non-Muslims, bear that in mind. Which is a false dichotomy. Will over a thousand years of cultural development magically rewind itself just in an instant simply because the religion is removed? Paul penalty of death??? My dad never coverted but was asked too. I would never forgive him!! If i had a daughter, i will be moving overseas for sure. Penalty of death under Sharia laws. Just send them on a trip to Saudi Arabia or Iran, and you will see how quickly the situation becomes resolved. Ketsune I have worked with people from this particular culture for quite a while and I must say that all Westerners seem to have a very superficial and skewed view of the traditional Muslim woman. My comment is in no way intended to discriminate, be racist or insulting in any manner, it is a collection of observations that I have made over almost 4 years of almost daily interaction. Honor and image are everything for a Muslim family. Because the reputation of her parents is hanging over her head, she will do anything and I mean anything to protect it. In the Muslim culture, the woman does not have to work and if she does, the money she earns does not have to be included in the family budget- she can do as she pleases with her earnings. Expect vast amounts of money to be spent on extensive shopping trips their favorite past time , manicures and pricey accessories phone, her own car, etc. This could be a blow for you as a man, provider for a family, in case of job loss, sickness, accident, etc. Good luck getting back into the market with a 20 year hiatus. That is, if this is an issue. EVERY single person that I worked with had hired help — at least one person. The wife does not cook, clean or care for the children by herself, even if she is a housewife. The women usually consider household tasks to be beneath them, especially if the husband has a job like doctor, lawyer, etc. I shit you not. Couple that with the conservative environment she grew up in, and you can say goodbye to anal, blowjobs, 69 or whatever floats your boat. The main purpose of these women is to convince their husbands that they are good wives, not sluts. They are also master manipulators precisely by withholding sex. Expect constant manipulation and lies women are taught by their mothers that they should never be 100% honest with men, in general , money hiding, even stuff like abortions behind your back, concealed stuff about the children, etc. They know that if they were to go chest to chest with men, like Western women do, and get all loudmouth and combative, men, who are genetically more aggressive and dominant, would neither like nor accept such behavior. Everything while maintaining an image of perfect respect and docility. In this particular culture, women are taught since childhood that the main purpose of a woman is to get married and become a mother. Anything else is irrelevant, and I mean anything. Even if a girl is educated, that is only because her family pushed her into choosing a certain degree, without her having any particular inclination for said subject, only because it looks good on paper. Therefore, even if a woman is theoretically educated, most probably she has only read the respective school books all her life, to make her family happy while awaiting for the suitors to arrive. Interests of any kind- intellectual, sports, etc- simply do not exist. Prepare yourself to have an overweight wife immediately after the birth of the first child ren , or to invest in expensive fitness equipment for home use. Not much going on with these women. Food is a big part of this culture as everything is arranged around it- if you ever attended a particular function wedding ceremony, birthday, funeral, etc. However, there are disadvantages in marrying women from the above-mentioned culture as well. You will get a lazy, very entitled woman who demands a particular lifestyle although not being worthy of it. El Cid I have never seen a Muslim girl marry a non Muslim. But it may happen for one born and bred in the West. I have never seen it happen, though. North Pakistan girls, Iran and Turkey have the most beautiful, feminine and graceful women in the world. They also have the ultimate standard of Hayaa unknown anywhere else in the World. Unfortunately, it may happen that Muslim girls living in Muslim lands, at least their parents, will not consider you marriageable however much the girl personally finds you appealing and attractive as a man for they think that you may have done Harram or eaten Harram in America. So one has to find a Russian, Ukrainian or a Latin girl. American girls are NOT marriageable wife material. Affairs seem to be the only thing that comes natural to them. Infidelity, adultery, slutty slut is their second nature. Having a family and turning a house into a home is not part of their American dream. So that is a triple whammy for one in my position. Except perhaps if one lives in Omaha and lucky enough to find a mid western small town girl. DeepThought If your goal is to have her isolated from her culture and family, go for it. This article borders on the stupid. Obviously he has not dated any long term Muslim woman. If he had, he would know of the emotional trauma he is begging to enter his home as her family and friends dump her. Me and her have recently started talking about sex. She is more experienced than i am like i even think she masturbates regularly. Also she said she received a lot of backlash because she supports gay marriage. She is so different from what i had in mind that it caught me off guard. There was an article on ROK about this not 2 long ago. From memory, 1 year in a westernised country will mean she will need to go back to her country for 5 years to get all the corrupted westernised crap out of her system! I was seeing a Muslim girl earlier this year… she was telling me how her Muslim friends, go out and party and go home with random guys since they moved here. She has only been here for 2 years and I can tell you, she has sucked allot of dick! Due to globalization, in every country in the world since 2000, divorce rates have doubled. Will Rimmer Dating a Saudi girl, smoking hot, she already shared her best friend, and is totally down for polygamy. I work for a 3 letter agency, so I know that for a fact. She is flaky as hell and will rarely follow up on commitments unless there is an obvious incentive for her. Basically female nature at its ugliest. Again, this is just from my personal experience. Tanjeem Mazid This is complete bs. The reasons given here are obviously from someone who is ignorant of the beauty of the religion and is barely educated about it. I am a practicing Muslim girl so I would know. Go ahead and delete this instead of giving people the wrong idea about Islam and Muslim women. They lose their need for s3x a lot earlier than wesyern white women and older muslim men need to go to br0thels to satisfy their needs. Muslim women are biggest prud…. I can say that both Articles are almost completely true for my situation. Also, although she lacks the skill in bed, which can be learnt over time, her enthusiasm and passion is unmatched!

Muslim speed dating - The Feed
So, I will choose to be silent on it until I do some research on this part. We cant make anything now, TVs,cars,healthy food except for bombs. No one is giving you death threats. But I really like this girl and her lifestyle, what can I do :: If you can see any beauty in this lifestyle Muslim Girls are leading, have a look at Islam first for yourself, if it make sense to you, then you may join the family and choose dating a muslim girl right Muslim wife for yourself, and you will live happily ever after. By the time I was in high school, this taste was fully developed. Man, I am sorry to say, but you really come over as an American dumbass. How about you mate, your country have a problem with migrants. She asked that her last name not be used to protect the identities of her family friends. Listen to Kelly, who married a Turkish Muslim, share her storyon Crescent Project Radio. Therefore she will also have that in mind from an early stage. The same in other countries. المدونة Dating apps som tinder Thai friendly dating

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