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Close Range Full Movie Hd Download ->>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Close Range

Genge: Action,Crime












































After unwittingly making off with a mysterious flash drive during the rescue of his young niece from a powerful drug cartel, Colton MacReady is thrust into a relentless fight to save his family as the cartel descends upon his sister's home in search of it and their own brand of south-of-the-border justice. In tow is a corrupt local sheriff and his crew of deputies, ensuring that help won't be coming any time soon. What ensues is a non-stop assault, a blow-by-blow survival marathon for Colton to protect his loved ones and save his own life while keeping the drive from falling back into the wrong hands.
A rogue soldier turned outlaw is thrust into a relentless fight with a corrupt sheriff, his obedient deputies, and a dangerous drug cartel in order to protect his sister and her young daughter.
"Close Range" boasts excellent martial arts choreography. The hand-to-hand fights earn solid A grades, while the knife fights earn middling Bs. Production values are adequate for the budget and genre, although far too much reliance is placed on jiggly-cam shots. Make-up effects are of uneven quality. The script is a mishmash of overused tropes with just enough clever one-liners to consider a clemency plea when they go to lynch the writer. A climatic paean to Sergio Leone is fairly good – until they inexplicably shift POV from third-person to first with a memory flash. With no character arcs, moral or coherent theme, the actors don't have much to do except try to kill one another. Several characters are dispatched for no particular reason other than dramatic effect. Scott Adkins does an adequate job as the taciturn loner antihero and handles the action scenes admirably, but deserves a better script.

Where the movie fails is in the gunfights, which comprise a large portion of the running time. We should establish some basic rules for gunfight choreographers and movie characters who find themselves in gunfights.

1. If you have a limited amount of ammunition, you might not want to use it all laying down suppressive fire. Save your bullets until you have a target in sight.

2. If you've taken cover in a dimly lit house and the heavily armed bad guys are outside in the bright sunlight, you have a huge tactical advantage because you can see them much more easily than they can see you. However, you sacrifice that advantage if you stand by the window and stick the barrel of your weapon outside, because now they can see you and you may also have the sun in your eyes. A better strategy is to stand back away from the window and fire. If the bad guy is fifty yards away, you don't gain much advantage by moving to where he's only forty-nine yards away, but you sacrifice a considerable advantage.

3. If your weapon fires really big bullets that are the length of a man's finger and have tapered casings, they probably pack a bit of a punch and go through things like walls and the sheet metal used in automobile bodies. You're probably better off trying to fire through whatever the bad guy is hiding behind than firing overhead and hoping the bullet changes course directly above him.

4. Those little metal things over the barrel and above the breech are called sights. You stand a much better chance of hitting your target if you use them.

5. If you've seen "Zombieland," you know the advantage to a double-tap, but the incremental advantage drops dramatically. When you have a limited amount of ammunition, there isn't much advantage to putting five high-power rifle rounds through somebody's chest, as opposed to only one or two.

Other than the climatic scene, the gunfight choreography was painfully amateurish and largely nonsensical. The only purpose seemed to be to empty the weapons so the characters would need to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Initially, the characters seemed oblivious to the notion that bullets can go through things, even after a character is hit. Later, they did little except fire through walls, floors and protective gear.

The movie is a series of well choreographed fight scenes admirably executed by Scott Adkins and his opponents, linked together by a flimsy excuse for a plot. Fortunately, the fight scenes are worth the price of admission. I'll start by saying that my 6 rating is not for anything lackluster in this movie. I just don't dole out high ratings for anything that isn't stellar, and action movies such as this rarely have all the pieces in place that would leave a person (me) emotionally blown away. An 8 would have me thinking about it for days and wanting to talk about it with everyone I know. A 9 would put me on my knees and deprive of me of sleep as it invaded my dreams. But this movie had me engaged and entertained from beginning to end. The opening is directed finely and trapped me right in. The rest isn't quite as artistic, but who cares, its action action action.

This movie is precisely what you would expect and is a cut above your average action movie, on par with Jason Stratham films and comparable to his best.

It is non-stop action and the hero is pretty good. As some others have commented, the acting is questionable, but I say it is good enough and my disbelief was thoroughly suspended throughout the movie (except maybe once for a second). Truth be told, there isn't time to think about it because the action is non stop. The Jujitsu, or whatever they use in the hand-to-hand fight scenes is pretty darn cool. The fight choreographers and stunt men put on a wicked show! Several times, I was thinking, "wow, that was a cool sequence." Mind you I watch MMA, not WWF or whatever they are calling All-Star Wrestling these days (and not to discredit myself, but I have been impressed by sequences on WWF where I have to wonder how many hours they practiced together to pull those moves off.) (Mickey Rourke - that was a 7 in my book, but not because of the "fighting" - never mind) Sorry for the multi-level digression. Yes, the fights are great. Dare I say Vikings and Game of Thrones might like these guys on their team.

On the gun nerd front, I was elated that not everyone walked around holding their gun with their finger on the trigger (one of the sacred three gun safety rules). You see, there is plenty of time to put your finger on the trigger when the target is in sight. Next time watch where the soldiers have their fingers on CNN coverage (not that I watch that channel). Triple thumbs up on that. I should change my rating to 7 just because of that. On the other hand, our hero expends ammo unwisely. He is just blasting away. More of a pro would not pop off a round without a reasonable chance of connecting.

I didn't hate the score like some others did. It wasn't Mozart or Eric Clapton (I still can't believe he said Prince was better than he), but I thought appropriate and not in any way distracting.

If you like Jason Stratham movies, you will like this like I did.

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